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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Just arrived home from going to the Lea Salonga concert... we left at the interval

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18 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:


  Do i go in town on the pull or invite one of my new lady neighbours round to entertain?  Suggestions welcome,,

Thanks for all your suggestions for last night,, in the end fell asleep mulling them over,,  so did nowt. Lol

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With great trepidation I decided to venture into my conservatory this morning, haven’t been in since my confrontation with my “beast”, it has been securely locked since then. I armed myself with my hoover and my trusty brush. Felt a bit like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti movies when he confronts the bad guy, throwing his poncho over his shoulder so he can get to his gun or perhaps Dirty Harry might have been better with his big gun! 

Had a good look through the patio doors before venturing in, very carefully opening the door and put my hoover in. Waited a bit and then stepped in protected by my brush. Moved away from the patio doors where he dashed under after last time in case he jumped out and got my leg. Hit the plastic lip a few times with my brush to see if he emerged, nothing happened.

Feeling a bit braver I swept under the blinds and then put hoover on. The air was electric, would he emerge in fighting mode or just skulk in his hiding place?

Finished hoovering, victory I thought. I was adjusting one of the blinds when one of my boys wandered into the room unbeknown to me and touched me on the leg with his nose. After I climbed down from the ceiling I beat a hasty retreat back to the safety of my kitchen.

Perhaps he has moved on having had his fun with me or perhaps he could not stand having to deal with a mad woman hitting him with a brush and screaming?



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SG its getting a bit like our house, lizards then a mouse and now last night 2 dogs were sniffing around and went mad trying to get under a piece of furniture. My husband got a torch and looked underneath after I used a brush to see if anything moved. What he found was a couple of rubber bones and a ball. They then settled but my evening was waiting for me with mosquitoes. They eat me alive. Every morning I spray and before I go to bed spray Autan all over me but I still get bitten. It's so stuffy at night even with the window open there's no air at all. Still we are lucky not to have had the disaster like the rest of Italy.

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I have been told to put a saucer of water in the conservatory. Apparently Brock (called him after a WWE wrestler) should go and sit in it?

Dont know if this is true or not, but what am I going to do with him in it? There is no way I would pick up the saucer with him reposing in it, I just know he would run straight for me (they always seem to do that like a cat goes to someone who doesn’t like cats). He might think he has a jacuzzi and invite his mates. Could end up with a spider party house in my conservatory!

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Cut back on the buffet and spike the water. Sorry to say this but I find where there's one there is it's mate hanging around.

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Peppermint essential oil should get rid of them also fill a bowl with white vinegar and water. I did remember peppermint oil but hadn't heard of vinegar. Just look on internet.

I have citronella everywhere for mosquitoes, bought them all today, hope they work.

My daughter chopped a citronella plant down almost the other day and we divided the leaves and put them on window sills and door steps. Bought a lemongrass and ginger perfume to put in the diffuser lamp, it smells lovely.

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How to kill a spider

Catch in an empty pill vial of appropriate size (or a baby-food-size jar), snap the cap on, and put it in the refrigerator freezer overnight. Getting cold is a normal experience of all spiders during winter, so it doesn’t seem cruel to knock them out by lowering their body temperature. The next day, pour enough rubbing alcohol in the container to submerge the frozen spider to insure that it will not recover from being frozen. The now dead spider and alcohol can then be poured into the toilet and flushed away.

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I just gently pick (any size) spiders up and carry them in my closed cupped hands outside.  They tickle a bit but I don't mind.   They aren't pests and I can't understand arachnophobia.   I know I'm probably in the minority on here, though!   

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33 minutes ago, MargieH said:

I just gently pick (any size) spiders up and carry them in my closed cupped hands outside.

You would not try that here Margie. Until around the late 70's we did not have an antivenin and the bite from a funnel web spider invariably resulted in death. The White Tip Spider can often cause severe damage to the skin and flesh and not to forget the good old Redback in the outdoor dunny. On this photo of the Funnel Web you can quite clearly see the fangs and they can be aggressive little bu**ers.


Image result for funnel web spider


Here is the song to remind you of the Redback Spider Many a bloke was traumatised


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I don’t kill spiders unless really necessary, much prefer to catch them and let them go outside, they do more good than harm. Killing them is easy, catching is the problem.


I take my hat off to you Margie you are far braver than me. Picking them up would be one of my worst nightmares:Shock:

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Just had my first proper venture into Kirkby,,its all changed since my days here,,definitely no signs of a Jewish population,, or any other ethnics so far as i could see,,

Found the Wetherspoons used to be a picture house,,nice big place,,i had ham n eggs with my espresso,,i started training the staff,,Barman gave me huge great mug for my espresso,,got nowt smaller says he,,pointed out a small glass would be nice,,so first step in Kirkby going quite Continental,,could see a couple of locals eyeing this stranger in town and having a mumble,, got me Espresso and told them "cheers" they'll get used to me,, 

Also saw the Cricketing statues,,Larwood,,Voce and Bradman,,erected in 2002,,nice touch i thought,, each had a plaque adjacent with a quote,,

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1 minute ago, denshaw said:

Have they got electricity yet in Kirkby?


Yeah but the locals still only put the lights on so they can find the matches for the candles...

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Loppy and Oz...

I appreciate that your spiders are a bit of a different case from the ones here in the U.K.  But seeing as I'm extremely unlikely now to visit either of your two countries *  I'm not too worried....


*. Our passports expired last year


I liked the little song about the spider on the toilet seat btw


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