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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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All you need is a caff' with an old jukebox.


One of my memories is late 50s with Paul Anka singing 'Dianna'.


I'm so young and you're so old

This my darlin' I've been told

I don't care just what they say...........    Where's the choir?


All from my remarkable memory.  Ooh needs Google?:biggrin:

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10 hours ago, oldphil said:

The cycle way has been opened up all the way to Sandilands. Lovely run, only real hazards are all the new cyclists on the hire bikes. 

Well we set of for Mablethorpe, but afraid we didn't get far. We stopped at the new Observatory at Chapel and the sign told us to stay on the beach for 900 mtres , but it was impossible to push our cycles through the sand. We decided to get off and onto the roads, trying again further down the road at Chapel Six Marshes. Still no clear path, just more sand, so we decided to about turn, as the road was too dangerous for us to continue. A couple of close encounters put us off. We had a lovely day though riding around the lanes of Skegness. Tea and toasted Teacake outside a cafe at the back of Chapel. After a nice rest at the caravan, we went out on the bikes again at about 5pm, along the front for a couple of miles and then back to the 'Linga Longer' for guess what? Minnie Fish and Chips, sitting outside in the sunshine. Back in the caravan now, Nightie on, feet on the pouffe. Chocolate time.........and relax.:)

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My cycle is a Raleigh Transcend. I love it.  It is rather knocked about now and they don't make them anymore so I can't have a new one.:( I asked Chris what his bike was, he said a green one? No, he is being cheeky. I will swat him if he doesn't behave. His bike is a Claud Butler.

I will take some piccies tomorrow. Hope I don't forget! :rolleyes: I'm a big gel now Beekay, I can balance without my stabilisers.


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Last time i had fish n chips from the Linga Longa was about 1977. Theyy tasted like they'd  been cooked in lifebouy toilet soap. Never went back. Don't  get saddle sore !;)

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We went to Milton Keynes today to see our 6 year old granddaughter, oh and our son and his wife too.  We’ve had no chance of seeing the little one for a few weeks as she’s been staying in Czech Republic with her other granny but while over there she was bitten by a German Shepherd dog belonging to a friend of the family.  She had terrible lacerations on her head, thankfully not on her face but in her hair.  She was an ambulance case and spent 5 days in hospital with her head heavily bandaged and on IV antibiotics.  Czech Granny stayed with her 24/7 for the whole hospital stay.  Anyway this all happened right at the end of the school holidays and just a few days before my birthday so by the time she flew home we were in Venice.  That dear little girl was so brave throughout and she now needs educating that she needs to be wary of dogs, even their own.  Today we walked to their local park and coming the other way along the footpath was a chap with 2 German Shepherds off the lead, our little un showed no fear.  It’s a worry. 

Whilst at the park she got me sitting on a thing like a rodeo horse that spins round. She swung it round and I fell off, landed on my back and hurt my wrist!  I daren’t look at it for ages as it hurt that much I thought it was broken. Thankfully all I have is a nasty bruise and I can still move wrist and fingers.  I’ll be there again in a few weeks and will have another go, I refuse to grow old! 

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Glad she was no worse, Lizzie.  I've never trusted Alsation / Shepherds sine one got me when I was about two.  I ended up with two or three stitches in the lip.  Still Got a scar there.  I was lucky he didn't grab me by the throat.

Glad you survived your rodeo ride.  Hope things heal quickly for you.

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I've been attacked and bitten twice by Alsations, one of them really, really, regretted it...


Glad the little one wasn't traumatised too much... can we see the bruises Lizzie?   smile2

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So sorry about your little granddaughter, Lizzie.   It's a fine line teaching children to understand that dogs can bite, while not wanting them to panic whenever they see one.   I suppose they have to be taught to respect them (and cats!) and not think of them as cuddly toys.   Anyway, I'm pleased that she doesn't seem too traumatised by the experience....

Also, sorry about your wrist.   Did anyone else see you fall off?   (I always think that's the worst bit!!). I suppose the playground had the usual soft surface which would have lessened the impact and prevented grazing your skin?    Anyway, all the best xx

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Phil,  'never been attacked by a cat'    Although they possibly don't plan on hurting you, they can cause nasty scratches when they don't want the flea treatment on their neck!

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