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About my spelling mistake. I thought it wasn't right but never went back to it. Muscles? Don't think so, mussels yes.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Good evening/morning all. 


I seem to be getting less and less time on the PC at the moment.. though I can't figure out why...


Things are probably quieter than ever in the DJ Col and Mrs Col household at present... but my slow re-laying of the 'patio' ( It's Ancient Greek for 'pile of old concrete') progressing very slowly..

All decorating is on hold until daylight returns and I don't think I can face the mess that constitutes the 'Garage' until after Boxing Day.. at the earliest. 

At least I'm keeping up some semblance of exercise through walking. I plan to get back into doing weights too after New Year.  Apparently it is recommended by the WHO if you are old.. to prevent muscle wasting which is difficult to reverse.


Anyway.  I'd like to wish all Nottstalgians a very Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.  Stay safe people!



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8 hours ago, MargieH said:

@nonnaB After reading your post I feel hungry - must go and make something on toast ... scrambled eggs, beans, chocolate spread?  Not all together I might add!


Margie, I love Poached Eggs on toast.. but I find it increasingly difficult to find eggs that don't just dissolve into the poaching water. I don't know what they do with eggs now.. but it's the same with fried eggs.. supposed 'fresh eggs' with long sell by dates still spread across a frying pan like milk..instead of sitting up  and asking to be fried.. as they should.

So.. I found these things in my local Co-op.. They are called 'Poachies' and are basically paper bags in which you can poach eggs.  They aren't perfect... but produce a fairly coonsistent and acceptable poached egg.

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Talking of eggs many years ago before this virus. The master and myself arrived at an airport early morning (can't remember where) having to walt 2 hours for a plane to bring us back to the UK. We went to get breakfast master wanted a boiled egg, told the young girl what we wanted, than sat to wait for breckfast. Well it was good to watch, the girl first bolied water, then put the water into a mug, thus breaking the egg into the mug, she then got out another mug put hot water into that one, then she tipped the egg out of the other mug, into the one she was holding. This was done about 10 times, egg tipped from one mug to the other. When we finaly got our breakfast neither of us felt hungery, so we left. But!!! we had ask for a boiled egg, and toast? Never did get any toast.

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Just had letter from QMC for a long awaited appointment booked now for March 2021. 


Just had another letter in same post  sorry we have to cancel app March 2021 will get in touch later for next app.


Is It Me?

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The wife had an appointment at QMC last week she was told to arrive no more than 5 minutes before time, preferably by her self. When she arrived  she had to wait outside before being allowed into  the waiting room which was empty and she was seen dead on time, whilst waiting another woman arrived 30 mins early, she was not allowed in the building and told to come back at the right time as every effort is made to keep the numbers in the building to a minimum . This together with no visitors means that there are only the minimum people at the hospital, to help prevent spreading of the virus. The bonus with this is there is no driving around looking for some where to park.

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DJ poached eggs. I agree a lot of eggs do go across the pan like milk. I find they are the eggs I've had for a while ( maybe a week) but if you crack the eggs into boiling water they stay where they are like fried eggs being cracked into hot oil. Must say that lately our eggs have been very good. A friend of mine gives me eggs WHEN we meet and so does my next door neighbour but I do buy them too and I repay eggs by baking cakes or biscuits. 

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Wife just gave me haircut ..well ..head shave..shes took me Eyebrows off as well......i look a bugger.......shes crying with laughter  and said...'''good job you not going out'''  cheeky Git..

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30 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

Wife just gave me haircut ..well ..head shave..shes took me Eyebrows off as well......i look a bugger.......shes crying with laughter  and said...'''good job you not going out'''  cheeky Git..

That made me laugh, too!  The eyebrows will soon grow but you’ll need to put Vaseline or similar on to smooth them, as they’ll grow a bit stubbly.... 

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Ben,   I was reminded of a certain song.... (altered a bit)


I had a girl ....... was her name;

since she cut my brows I’ve never been the same .....

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I've taken to cutting my hair with my Wahl Beard Trimmer.  After a shakey start I'm getting better at it.  My hairdresser offered to do my eyebrows a few times... but I refused.  I'd found that I had two types of eyebrow hair.. thin ones of reasonable length.. punctuated with much thicker darker ones which went where they liked. I used to pluck all of those and take ten years off my already young and virile looks...;)

But.. last time I was cutting my hair I tried the same technique on my eyebrows and found that I couldn't see thethick long hairs any more..  So.. a bit of experimentation and the Wahl did them too..

It's a pity the Wahl won't shift belly fat.... :(

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Nice surprise this morning.  My youngest turned up with her ickle doggy 'Pika'..and also bearing gifts.  Since she lost her job due to Covid we told her not to buy prezzies, but she put together an individualised hamper for each of us.  She always wraps things beautifully too.  Just as she was leaving, with the gifts we had for her and her partner...our oldest turned up.  Absolutely fab to see them and the Grandkids.. even if it was for a short while in the freezing cold. Again.. gifts swapped...


This evening we all gathered in the street for a few minutes to jingle bells.  I'm not sure why.. but I went along with it.


And I think it's now safe to reveal that my youngest is due to present us with Grandchild No.3. on June 17th. :)


Merry Christmas all.

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I was looking forward to telephoning my American penfriend of 63 yrs today . I tried various times with no answer. Eventually through messaging she told me it was the explosion in Tennessee that had brought down the phone lines. She lives in Kentucky. So will try again tomorrow. 

Hope everyone's had a good day with their families and are ready to go into lockdown again. :angry2:

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It's is a fine 30 deg here and just sat down for a coffee to watch the traditional Boxing Day test match from the MCG. It is on commercial free to air TV. The game is only six overs old and already I have ad nauseum. They show the same ad on consecutive breaks and why does almost every advert these days have to have someone singing and dancing in it. They are dong a great job of turning me off their products. Is it the same in the UK?

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Yesterday we had a long walk, it was a good walking day. Went up past the covered reservoir, past Strelley Church and then went down to the woods. Kai had a great time going through every puddle and patch of mud, at one time he was virtually up to his knees in mud, he was only groomed a week ago but hey ho he was enjoying himself. He had a run on the meadow, good to see him stretching his legs, I could see Wolf running with him. Then we went past the alpaca (spelling?) field, although there was no sign of them, under the motorway bridge (more mud for Kai to splash through) and then past the reservoir again and back home.

It took us about 2 hours and I must admit we were all a bit muddy but had all enjoyed it. Kai met a couple of new friends although there weren’t that many people about as it was about dinner time when we went out.

Back home Kai had a drink of water and settled down on his bed, nap time calling, we had a cup of tea, then pjs on and watching box sets. A good day.

Today we haven’t been out, Kai is a bit stiff this morning and to be honest so am I, so a lazy day today after cleaning up to get rid of dirty paw prints on the floor. Kai is spread out on his bed gently snoring after demolishing an extra large pigs ear and I am curled up on my recliner listening to podcasts and having the occasional(?) chocolate. 

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16 hours ago, nonnaB said:

I was looking forward to telephoning my American penfriend of 63 yrs today . 

Nonna, is your penfriend on Facebook? You can do a video chat with her if she is. I did one with my brother yesterday.

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Yes she is Kath, I've been trying to video chat with her but it's not available. Suggesting to d/l google chrome which I already have but installed the newer version . Still doesn't work.

Much later. Tried and tried vc but didn't even work locally. Then tried face time and it worked first time. Great talking to her after all these years.

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So.. we all met out in the street.  Mrs Neighbour had her usual 'Poinsettia' cocktail to hand.. but I just stuck with the singly brandy and too much water that I took out. Mrs Col surprised me by 'necking' a decent sized glass of Merlot.


I was very gratified to be almost mobbed with congratulations from many as my daughter Stef and her partner Nashon had chosen Christmas morning to announce on F'book they 'they' were pregnant.  I suspect that Stef may 'own' more of that as time passes and make Nash suffer.. ;)

Still fab news though..and I've struggled to keep it quiet for weeks.


When we came back inside, I set to trimming sprouts.  We were only having a small chicken with 'all the trimmings'. Next I knew Mrs Col was peeling spuds, carrots etc.  When I started organising the Paxo stuffing.. she accused me of interfering.... She seems to have forgotten that I usually do Christmas Dinner and that she has never made the stuffing or peeled the sprouts...


Whatever...  I smiled to myself and sat in front of the telly and mused on the remarkable effect a single brandy can have in the middle of the day..


We thoroughly enjoyed a pretty simple and uncomplicated dinner.  Mrs Col had a second glass of Merlot..  I was quite shocked..and reminded of the scene in 'Airplane' where a woman audibly thinks 'Jim never has a second cup of coffee after dinner :Shock:'


Phone calls to friends and family ensued...and I finished up quietly drinking beer.  Seemed like a lot.. but my total for the day was three pints and a Brandy. I'm proud of myself.


Today was traditional 'Bubble and Squeak' with Bacon for lunch.  It went down well.


Later in the afternoon I decided to go for a walk.  Straight down off the estate and across the main road.. down through the 'Eddleston Charity Fields'..past the footie pitches and allotments, through the woods and past the pond down to the track... by which time it as dark.  I followed the extremely muddy track in the direction of the main road from Rainford to Billinge ..past the 'Twelve Yarder' pond. (Allegedly twelve yards across and the same deep... but if it is the same as most of the local's lies it won't be true..;).  Old Billingers can exaggerate for England and 'Whisper Across Three Fields') Anyway.. survived the ordeal and followed the main road back up and then retraced my steps back home. Knackering but worth it.


This evening we had cold chicken...bits of salad etc.  We have far too much calorie rich..fattening stuff which needs eating...  It's going to be hell...


And now.. after another repeat of Montalbano...with Mrs Col snoring on the couch. I'm here at the PC listening to 'Dreamboats and Petticoats' via headphones from my Tablet and typing rubbish..

Yer can't whack it....  :laugh:





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