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I’ve been outside washing two cars. Gosh it’s cold out there but it had to be done! Our country roads are very muddy and the cars were filthy. I’m glowing now and eating a sardine bun. Perhaps the interiors this afternoon if I can tear myself away from the warm house.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Successful night spent in tent followed by a bike ride at 0615hrs this morning. Arm stopped bleeding; hip and knee now swelling nicely - black ice on downhill No permanent damage to bike so had breakfast (Beans on toast), then hopped into car and went for a walk in Sibster wood before doing a bit of tree pruning in the sleet and wind. Relaxed with a railway magazine in polytunnel, well wrapped up; now about to enjoy a Baileys by the open fire and watch Steve McQueen's "The ̷S̷l̷o̷b̷ Blob" (Recorded earlier) ...might have a slice of toast and home-made jam, done in front of the fire like we did in "Olden days". Happy New Year to fellow nutcases

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Didn't leave the house yesterday. Just couldn't be bothered.. though I scaled the forbidding heights of Billinge Hill the day before and am going out for a stroll among the snow showers in a bit..                                                                                                                                                        are a few recent pics taken in the snowy gloom of New Year'sEve.                          Winter Sun                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Road to nowhere:                                                                                                                                                                                                                Moonrise:                                                                                                                                                                                                

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Serious issues with the return key and others at the moment.. but the lnks above do work for me.  I'd love to claim credit for this next shot..but sadly it wasn't one of mine and all credit goes to local lad Ian Bonnell, whose sister I used to work with.

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How is it you get such good shots? Use of telephoto/zoom lens.

Whenever I try, I just get a bright burned out image that not even worth enlarging. B.


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Last shot above not mine Beek.

I also have the issue with the Moon 'burning out' shots and I stil haven't figured it.  But I have a few more to post later where it sort of worked.

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For Beekay.. above and this one both taken using my Canon 450D with a Sigma 70-300 lens at full reach.   I then cropped in as much as I could without losing to much resolution..and tweaked the exposure etc. a bit.                                                                                                                                             50793403011_a9e3050f9a_c.jpgIMG_1288[1] by                                                                  

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Neither of the above are much good IMHO.  To get the moon looking nice, you either need it referenced against a couple above.. or you need to be using a VERY  long lens.. or a camera attached to a telescope.

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No worries BK. It doesn't take long for me to teach you all I know about taking pics because I know bugger all. :biggrin:                                                                                                                                               Here's a shot of a crescent moon taken on 16th Dec. I was queuing to get into the pharmacy to pick up my prescription so I was surrounded by buildings. I just happened to have my Panasonic Lumix TZ200 with me and spotted the crescent moon.  I've cropped it to my fave square format and tweaked it very slightly in the Flickr Editor but that's all.                                                                         50795573577_fc76c954d1_c.jpgP1001269 by                     

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This photo was taken by my neighbour from her balcony across the road. The house on the left is our next door neighbour. The snow is still around but it's quickly thawing and very wet.





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Just ventured outside for first time since Hospital   ........down the Garden then to end of Avenue about 100 yards felt good.........


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Marlene across the road.......and a new Lady just moved in who was waving to me........its a very friendly Avenue............

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2 hours ago, Alpha said:

A beautiful picture post card image of your home environment NonnaB.

I can understand perfectly to your endearment to living there.


Good food and wine into the bargain. It'll be good to get out and about soon I hope.

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On 12/31/2020 at 7:52 AM, nonnaB said:

RR Have you got your head in the sand?


Well I've been out there & not missed a day since the virus arrived, no stay at home & feet up for us foot soldiers, no masks, no washing or toilet facility's out on the street, I probably get a wider view of the situation, weeks before Christmas Eve Mrs Red was taking & returning the elderly to & from the day centers & then the government tell us not to mix with your families over Christmas? Yeah right, do one. 

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I suspect you've been fortunate and I hope it continues.

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Meanwhile..  Whilst moving assorted containers about in the garden.. I noticed that I have some Tulips and some Anemone De Caen beginning to appear.. despite the cold.  Oddly, the containers with daffs in are showing nothing.. and the biggest container.. which has about 100 new Tulip bulbs also isn't showing anything yet.


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Col, perhaps the ‘old’ tulip and anemone bulbs have somehow worked their way up nearer to the surface?

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