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nonnaB  you did your training about same time as me and we were good at customer services as we were real apprentices, but I think our trade as gone down hill .since we trained. I know that we could not call our stylist by there first names we had to call them mrs smith miss lythel and our salon had cubicles. One stylist one junior one customer. 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Odd day today.  I woke much earlier than usual after a few weird dreams I couldn't settle so I got up and it dawned on me I was in the middle of an anxiety attack. Not usual to wake up like that. It's a curse which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.. but I decided to try and work through it.


From the bedroom window, the road up the the Hill is right on the I could see that it was very busy up there with an endless stream of 'Lockdown Loonies'.  Where do they come from? What do they normally do to annoy people? I walk up there a few times a week and often don't see a soul.... until Covid.


So.. I decided to check out my car..  Battery was flat as a fluke and not for the first time since lockdown.  So.. it's probably buggered now as batteries don't like being left flat for long.  Still it fired up after a few minutes on charge, so we'll see how it goes.


Once up and running I decided to do a quick tour of the local area.. for a change of scene and to charge the battery. I basically did a circuit around the hill... and at all points where there is access to the footpaths up the hill.... there were dozens of parked cars...  Anyone who lives in the village doesn't need to drive to access the hill.. so the cars were almost certainly owned by folk from 'out of area'.  Everywhere I drove... the streets were crowded with walkers and as I passed the hill itself it was clearly like a football crowd up there. Even Shaley Brow.. the only vehicular road which goes close to the top of the Hill.. was crowded with walkers. Something I've never seen before. It's not a very suitable road for walking as it is very steep, very bendy and has no 'sidewalks.'


I drove the couple of miles over to Rainford and it was the same. People everywhere and cars blocking every access to footpaths. The only place I didn't see walkers was on a quick run down the M58 to Jn1 and back.


So.. home....  Forced myself to do a set on the weights.  Two sets of each move this time..  Then shower and a meal.


After all that.. I sat and tried to use my relaxation techniques to get shot of the anxiety... It didn't work.  Mostly it does.. but not this time.  So.. a few Mgs of Valium... I try not to use it except 'in extremis'.. but it's miraculous stuff.  So.. all is well till the next time.

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Just read last few post,  i really do think we all get along well on nottstalgia we have our up's and down's but we allway's try and give each other support and kind words.

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I did a few sessions with a lady instructor (that was flying sessions!) when I did a conversion to Cessnas at Tollerton. She was very competent and went on to become a commercial pilot after she had amassed her instructional hours. She worked at the Frank Spencer School of Flying, a name which always amused me! Funnily enough, Michael Crawford was learning to fly during that time and flew in to Tollerton on a cross country exercise, much to the surprise of the lady in the control tower!

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Speaking of 'dropping in' while flying, many moons ago when we lived in a small town in N. Az, Patrick Swayze was flying somewhere or other and developed engine trouble. He landed at the tiny airport just outside town and he and his friend got a ride into town. They finished up at a friend's restaurant.  The friend was chatting to them and said, I am going to a wedding later today, want to come along? And they did, much to the surprise of the wedding party. Patrick did a dance with the bride.  

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The ATA pilot was born Eleanor D Fish towards the end of 1917 in Nottingham. Her mother's maiden name was Creswell.


Someone on this site may know the family. Anyone with access to the 1939 Register might be able to tell us where she lived.  Married in Nottingham in 1945.

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6 minutes ago, katyjay said:

 Patrick did a dance with the bride.  

Oooh. How lovely!!! That would have been one of my wildest dreams fulfilled.   I still love watching him in Dirty Dancing

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 I thought Patrick was a great Performer Dancer/ claim to fame is sat with Donna at the same table in a Cafe on the Isle of Man......ok it was at a different time even

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At lunchtime, when we were allowed out from Manning, we often used to walk around the area and Pelham Road was one I remember as there were some beautiful houses there. I think at least some part of it has been redeveloped in recent years. Houses are beautiful no more!

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Having read this article about Eleanor Wadsworth I decided to Google possible information about my Sister-in-law’s late Mother-in-law who did the same work in WW2.  All I found out about her was that she was Charles de Gaulle’s chauffeur when she met her future husband who was a Flight Lt  in the RAF, he was also a Barrister and Conservative MP.  No mention of her flying planes but I’ve seen various documents years ago that confirm that she did in fact.  Until just now I never knew any of the family history and there’s even a Wiki page!  

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3 hours ago, annswabey said:

Eleanor D Fish, born 15/10/17, lived at Hamilton House, Pelham Rd, Nottm, with her parents George F and Dorothy.  Her occupation in 1939 was Architectural Assistant


I wonder if there's an enumerator/transcription error there. I can't find any sign of a Hamilton House on Pelham Road, but there is one on Clinton Avenue which is the next one up.

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20 hours ago, IAN FINN said:

The apprenticeships in the 60s did not pay much but they were good times and you learned lots things you dont really forget today.

True Ian , My boss saw me one day folding towels, she made me undo them and showed me how to fold them so that all the folds could be seen in order in the linen cupboard. To this day I still do it that way.

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22 hours ago, mary1947 said:

nonnaB  you did your training about same time as me and we were good at customer services as we were real apprentices, but I think our trade as gone down hill .since we trained. I know that we could not call our stylist by there first names we had to call them mrs smith miss lythel and our salon had cubicles. One stylist one junior one customer. 

Yes my boss was Miss Godfrey although she was married for business she used her maiden name . It was also her professional name . She came from a hairdressing family. Her father and 3 sisters and a brother plus the brothers 4 children became hairdressers. They were all competition enthusiasts winning cups and trophies galore, La Monde trophy, Clynol cup and many more that I cant think of them at the moment. She was brilliant at Marcel waving and won many competitions for that. so she was eager for me to learn. Our salon was on Noel St right on the corner opposite the swimming baths, it had leaded light windows very pretty. I can remember the names of many customers still after all these years. When I left ( after 11 yrs) I went to be manageress at Park salon at Canning circus. The previous manageress had been sacked so my entrance wasn't welcome. The one girl made my life hell for a while until she left.   I got on well with the others and am still in touch with them now. One of them has visited us here along with her husband and in time with their grown up daughters and their children. Much like we keep in touch with a lot of customers from our restaurants. Incidentally I got the sack just before I got married because I stood up for the staff. The bosses told me they were going to get cleaning staff in once a week. It never came off so when the boss started to bully the girls I stood my ground for them and ended up being sacked. I dont regret it for a minute. I had been happy with my previous employer because I felt like one of the family. I was taken to exhibitions in London and local shows ( hairdressing)

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Flying planes. a few years ago when my daughter was still married , her husband and a few friends bought a plane between them. When it was his turn to use it he used to fly really low at the front of our house so that the Grandchildren could wave and were obviously thrilled to bits to see a plane in flight at such close quarters. The plane was eventually disabled owing to one of the friends crashing it!!!  

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CT  Eleanor's father died in 1940, when he was living at 14 Vivian Avenue.  The 1939 Register definitely says Pelham Road, but the next entry but one in the Register after Hamilton House is  10 Vivian Avenue, followed by 8, 6, 4, so could they have actually  lived in Vivian Avenue?

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1 hour ago, nonnaB said:

Yes my boss was Miss Godfrey although she was married for business she used her maiden name . It was also her professional name . She came from a hairdressing family. Her father and 3 sisters and a brother plus the brothers 4 children became hairdressers. They were all competition enthusiasts winning cups and trophies galore, La Monde trophy, Clynol cup and many more that I cant think of them at the moment. She was brilliant at Marcel waving and won many competitions for that. so she was eager for me to learn. Our salon was on Noel St right on the corner opposite the swimming baths, it had leaded light windows very pretty. I can remember the names of many customers still after all these years. When I left ( after 11 yrs) I went to be manageress at Park salon at Canning circus. The previous manageress had been sacked so my entrance wasn't welcome. The one girl made my life hell for a while until she left.   I got on well with the others and am still in touch with them now. One of them has visited us here along with her husband and in time with their grown up daughters and their children. Much like we keep in touch with a lot of customers from our restaurants. Incidentally I got the sack just before I got married because I stood up for the staff. The bosses told me they were going to get cleaning staff in once a week. It never came off so when the boss started to bully the girls I stood my ground for them and ended up being sacked. I dont regret it for a minute. I had been happy with my previous employer because I felt like one of the family. I was taken to exhibitions in London and local shows ( hairdressing)


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