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Why? Beekay

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Well had my 2nd jab today 1st one never felt a thing this time it was just like a bee sting, but I will put up with that if we get protection.


Phone wet about 5 00pm yes them old fashioned one's you have indoors It was Bob captain of the bowls team Cup match on the 15th May our Team v Polly  get your greys and whites ready your playing. Hope I can remember how to play.

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Suppositories are often used here to lower temperatures and many other things. When my children were small they were given them, easier to treat rather than tablets. At first I thought it was rather strange but after time I realised the need for them other than the obvious.

I always opt for tabletsyada

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I can't  remember who it was that was discussing about Mc Vities digestives but think it might have been OZ. Did some shopping yesterday and spotted these two pkts of McV. Photo is of the whole meal one. In my opinion they are awful but love the normal ones.



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Just evicted yet another large bee from the house. I've lost count of how many I've chucked out, gently of course, this year alone!


I told him, "Bee sensible and stay outside. Now, buzz off!" and he did. :rolleyes:

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3 hours ago, AfferGorritt said:

Dry! Large water main burst on Lambley Lane, so no water....... You got water in lambley???.... Flipping eck you'll be connected to the Electric next:rotfl:


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We have a well but have never used it for drinking although a couple who live nearby said that when they were kids they often use to ask the former owner if they could have a drink from the well. Apparently it was good. We have it connected up to a tap and hose to water the plants. We have used the irrigation point that we put in to water the grass. ( which we pulled up and now have paving blocks) but its still useful for hosing the courtyard down after a windy day and cleaning after the dogs wee.

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Kids in the UK don't have to choose between suppositories and tablets for basic pain/fever relief.  The various Calpol products provide Paracetamol or Ibuprofen etc.. in 'kiddie friendly' form, such as liquid syrups, 'fastmelts' etc.  Surely these are also sold on the Continent?

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A friend of mine bought farmhouse near Sth Wingfield and took great  pride in his well claiming the water to be excellent... until he realised it was only fifty metres from a graveyard, he sort of went off it then..

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Depends where the pain is.... :rolleyes:

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You and I both have painful knee joints... Can't speak for you Col but I'll go with tablets and a glass of water...    ;)

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After I had a fairly big op 25 years ago, I wondered why I wasn’t getting any discomfort straight afterwards and I was told I’d been given pain relief  PR straight after coming out of theatre.

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Jim.. I'm not taking any pain relief for my knee.  It hurts 24/7 and Paracetamol has no impact.  However.. I'm not taking Codeine..or even worse something like Tramadol.. as both are addictive and damaging in other ways and neither would cure the condition..  I had an X-Ray yesterday and I have yet another phone call consult booked for the 18th of May.  Hopefully we can make progress from there.


However.. I've had (mercifully infrequent) bouts of piles and then a pain killer such as Cinchocaine along with an anti inflammatory.. applied directly to the site of the pain can be a blessed relief. :)

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DJ360, a mate of mine had the same problems in the nether regions as you have. After much pain and discomfort and long discussions with his medical advisors he decided to have an ar$e transplant. It rejected him.

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Why.. I oughtta!!.. :aggressive:


How very dare you!!

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Had a nice experience this morning......was going to Bulwell just to get out...but the traffic was solid and hardly moving,,so went back into Kirkby......apart from the wetherspoons (which is closed) not used any other Pub.....but saw lots of people having a Beer outside the 'Nags Head'' so decided to have a Coffee in there. (well, outside) told me to go and sit down and they'd bring it out to me.......which they duly did.. much duck ?

Thats ok..its on us...was the reply.........

Thought how nice...what a friendly place Kirkby is.......

Everyone else sat outside knew each other and were obviously locals........but most engaged me in conversation........made my day.........

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Good for you Ben. Hope you enjoyed your coffee. The last time I went to Kirkby was in 1986, when I  went to obtain a cabbies licence from the  ounces office. Still got it, I wonder if could return it?

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Today I went into town to join the ‘owt fer nowt’ rabble in Debenhams closing down sale.  I’d not even considered going in but a friend rang to tell me she’d just been in the shop and it was worth a trip.  
Even though I’ve never been very keen on Debenhams it sounded interesting.  
I made some brilliant buys ....... 4 100% cashmere sweaters, usual price £170 each and I nabbed them for £70 TOTAL.  2 super-king sheets, reduced from £130 each to £39 each.  Then I bought some Christmas tins of biccies for £3 each, reduced from £14.  Nice useful tins too, when we’ve eaten the biscuits! 
What’s not to like, except that those poor shop assistants are all out of work on Monday.   

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Thrilling day here today.  Got up late..had a bit of lunch..watched the news..then a bit of snooker.


Summoned up the energy for a short walk..  2000 steps..every one of them painful and a throbbing leg was my reward. 


Cut my hair..took a shower..had a ready meal curry and a Magnum fer me dinnoh.


Watched Gardener's World.


Taxed car online.


Mrs Col is house/cat sitting until at least I can play music and watch whatever I want on telly.


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