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Here's another monumental waste of money. My Patients Know Best friend is due for a thyroid medication review. His GP is Derbyshire based.  Friend has just had a full thyroid screen ahead of the hernia operation and the pre op nurse sent him a print out of the results. The hospital that did the tests is in Nottinghamshire.

We've been here before. GP will insist on a thyroid test. He'll be told that my friend has literally just had one and will be given the results. GP will say he wants his own blood test which will be analysed by a Derby hospital.

Why? What purpose is served by paying for another thyroid screen with rapidly diminishing NHS funds?  We have enough medication to last for months, so said GP will very likely be advised to go and explore his orifices. I cannot believe he can waste money and time like that for no good reason.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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It's all a bit of a mess isn't it?


I used 'eConsult' the other day and it failed, though it's worked in the past. As far as I can tell eConsult is an NHS system, which is accessed via a link from the GP Practice website.


I'm registered with 'Patient Access'. this is the second online system offered by my GP surgery..can't recall the name of the other. It is clearly a 'commercial' system, though quite how it makes its money is unclear.


Patient Access allows me to order my repeat meds.  This works well. I can also inspect much of my medical record.


It used to be possible to book appointments online, but that is now limited to booking in for blood tests.


The Practice web site offers a lot of advice, links etc, and has a system for enquiring via email, for stuff like GP letters etc.


It seems that in practice the only way to get an appointment with an actual Doc is to phone the surgery. Getting an 'urgent' or 'same day' appointment is all but impossible, and my GP Surgery is far, far better than the shambles I left a couple of years ago.


I was quite surprised,. and a bit disturbed, to find that my 'Out of Hours' appointment the other day was actually handled by a Nurse Practitioner. In the case of Sinusitis, it's not difficult to diagnose, but I'd be concerned taking some other issues to them. Whilst I've never yet come across a Nurse Practitioner I would describe as incompetent.. the whole system smacks of the de-skilling and routinisation which has afflicted much of Public Service and which was applied to my own profession with particular zeal by those who persist in regarding that which they refuse to understand, as a simple, mechanistic process, which any fool can be quickly trained up to perform.


Slightly off topic.. but I was looking at some facebook job ads by the remnants of what used to be the Careers Service, I worked for.  It is now a 'registered charity', but is essentially a commercial organisation bidding for any and every Govt. contract to deliver 'employment services' etc. It too is now a box ticking and bean counting exercise, employing poorly trained people on poor salaries, to deliver Govt. contracts designed to do nothing more than massage employment figures.  I was shocked, but not surprised, to see a name I recognised from 20 years ago.  A woman who at the time was barely literate, woefully lacking in education and with no discernible academic capability. Even back then she was ridiculously ambitious, to the extent that she was universally regarded as something of a joke. To be blunt, she was too thick to recognise how thick she was.  And yet yesterday I learned that she is not only still working for the organisation, but has actually been nominated for some sort of award.  You couldn't make it up.

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I'm glad when we need the Dr , he answers the phone and we go to see him. As they say simples. Don't think I could cope with all this faffing about on a computer. I know its progress but prefer the real thing.

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On 3/24/2022 at 10:05 AM, DJ360 said:

 I decided to do an 'eConsult' with the Doc's. 


I'd never previously heard of any of these systems, so I decided to try one at random......namely eConsult.


The opening page asked me to search for my GP practice. I put in its name, but the system didn't find it.


End of eConsultation.

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It seems to me those likely to have most need of a doctor, the elderly and infirm, are least likely to have a computer, be tech-savvy, or even have a 'smart' phone.


I appreciate Covid is still a threat, (though we seem to have learned to live with it) and medics need to protect themselves. But to my mind they are more at risk from normal daily activities than they are in a surgery with strict rules on protection and PPE.


Today at an ENT clinic two receptionists, masked and behind a screen, asked for my documents to be held against the  glass. Then sat in a waiting area that could easily hold a hundred or more, but had only three waiting, no problem at all.


I'm happy  they are taking Covid seriously, and I don't mind the rigmarole if it keeps us safe, but all the pantomime with computers, texts and letters to get there is ridiculous.

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Just did a bit of digging on two of the services mentioned.

eConsult Health Ltd is a company, not a part of the NHS.


Patient Access is run by Egton Medical Information Systems Ltd. Again, not a part of the NHS.


But I’m sure your personal and medical details are perfectly safe in their hands.

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12 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

I wouldn't say it was progress, nonna. I remember the days when you just turned up and sat there until you were we always were!


Three or four years ago a GP practice on Mapperley Road, on the edge of Mapperley Park and serving Mapperley Park and St Anns was put into ‘special measures’ (whatever that means) following inspection by the CQC.  I have friends who were patients at this surgery and they loved the care given by the one GP there.  However there wasn’t an appointment system in place, they had to turn up then sit and wait until the GP could see them.    Thankfully the surgery we’re registered with is brilliant, we’ve never ever had reason to complain, even during the past two years we’ve been able to see our GP (one of two) or a practice nurse within a couple of days if concerned about anything.   This, coupled with the best Pharmacy in the Nottingham area, we’re very fortunate.  

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Things just get better ....

Mrs Col returned with 'a cold' Friday from a couple of days helping out at No. 2 daughter's. Daughter had a cold, but was Covid negative.
Still I suggested Mrs Col do a test today and it is very positive. She's OK. Just like a cold.
Triple vaxxed Daughter now positive but her unvaccinated partner negative.
I'm still battling Sinusitis and improving in that regard but today been a bit headachy and with a very slight sore throat....
Not wasting a test unless/until I get more significant symptoms.
Timing stinks as I have yet another knee surgery pre-op on 6th April which could now easily be toast...
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Why are we still testing for what is now no more than a cold? 

I’ve have observed (from a working point of view) it seems the triple jabbed are always moaning, always feeling ill, always tired, no get up & go in them? 

Boots on. 

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Don't forget me Diabetic Candy Floss Catfan. Wouldn't object to a stick of sugar free rock either. Enjoy your break. Cheers.

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

Don't forget me Diabetic Candy Floss Catfan. Wouldn't object to a stick of sugar free rock either. Enjoy your break. Cheers.

Sold out youth. Off to Eastbourne in a month, will try there.

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Catfan, Sorry to hear your eldest sister has died, also Mrs C’s stepmum. 
Meanwhile, enjoy Your time in Skeg x

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May I add my condolences to you Catfan and your wife. We had a funeral today, a lady who a few days ago was given 2 months to live. Sad when you hear this news.

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My condolennces too Mike. To both of you.

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