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I’ve been briefly  trying to find the meet up thread but it didn’t work for me.  Could somebody else find it please and then I’ll confirm all the details…. TIA

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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The cricket ground is leased to the Carrington and Cavalier Cricket Club and as such it’s them and not the city council who need to move them on.  Lots of local residents (including me) have written to the local councillors.  As it’s local elections in a couple of weeks they might try a bit harder to help, it won’t alter my mind about where I put my X though.  Our Polling Station is in THAT cricket pavilion, so a good reason to get the travellers moving on.  One local resident has found something on a Facebook page that they’ve turned up for a wedding, bet that’ll be a riotous event.  

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The Travellers vacated the cricket ground late last evening, en masse and in convoy and with horns blaring, much to the relief and delight of the neighbourhood.   Now the willing, fit and able members of our community and cricket team members will set about cleaning up the field and sorting out a cricket pitch for the Asian cricket team that leases it.  

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At least they'll be in someone else's back yard now so you could call that a result (of sorts)



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The ocean is 250 metres away at the end of the street and we normally have a view of it from the patio at the back of our house. Not today, a thick sea mist has descended and muffled all the usual noises of a Saturday morning. A very unusual start to the day, it will burn off as the sun gets higher in the sky, I hope!

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Nice walk around Newark town and market this morning, called in a small cafe for a coffee, I noticed another shop is closing down, the old sweet shop on Carter gate, soon be no shops left in Newark apart from mobile phone shops, charity shops and nail bars, six nail bars at the moment in the town center wow, the local council are asking why people don't visit Newark much these days, well perhaps it's something to do with out of town retail parks that the council have encouraged local shops to vacate to plus the free parking at the retail parks as opposed to parking charges in the town, doesn't take a genius to work that one out does it? , anyway back home, quick coffee then a walk around the farm yard with the gun for an hour, quite productive so the farmer will be happy, time now for some lunch and gun cleaning, hope you all have a great day



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A big mistake was to allow the building of an Asda store on the Lombard St. open car park which was very convenient for the market place and the town centre. I only go to the retail parks now. I haven’t been in Newark town centre for ages. A new B&Q is opening next week on Northgate next to the new M&S food store. The M&S car park is always full and regularly spills over onto the soon to be B&Q car park. I think the parking provision will be totally inadequate. More and more I use Amazon. Why should I make a 20 mile round trip to spend a few pounds?

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Very true Phil, I go most Saturday mornings for the fruit market, there's nothing else there that interests me, I don't need a new mobile phone every week and I don't need my nails doing, as for the charity shops well they are nearly as expensive as retail shops now and they have nothing to buy to stock their shelves as it's all donated stuff, Lincoln is no better with about the same mix of shops the only difference there is the large student population but as long as you go before mid afternoon you should miss those because they don't bother getting out of bed (who evers that might be) until then, Newark and Lincoln are the same distance from our village being ten miles either way but because Newark is part of Nottinghamshire and not Lincolnshire it's obvious where my loyalties lie



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When our children were younger we regularly used to go into Lincoln on a Saturday afternoon in preference to Nottingham.That was before the university was built and you could park on old railway land near the Brayford Pool. We often went up Steep Hill. I could run up it in those days!. Sometimes we parked at the Lawns uphill. My daughter, who took her driving test as a ‘mature’ driver last year did so in Lincoln as she lives north of Newark and it was the closest test centre. I spent many hours accompanying her around the streets of Lincoln so I’m very familiar with the place! I like Lincolnshire. When I was once a Morgan owner I belonged to Linmog, the drivers’ club so we attended many meet ups in remote parts of the county. I went to a Linmog meet up in Laxton last summer, out of curiosity, to see if there were still any of the old members around. Instead of being in their 40’s as they were back then I met up with a bunch of old farts. I fitted in perfectly!

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Phil, the carpark that you recommended to us, the one with the slide up shutter, was ok and plenty of parking even on market day. Maybe a lot of non Newark folks assumed it was shut with the shutter down and just drove past.

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My ‘alert’ didn‘t go off today.  Did your’s?  I ‘ve just read that some people got it early - before 3 pm  - and others didn’t get it at all!


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I knew it was coming so I disabled it on my iPhone so as not to disturb my Sunday peace! When I see people running around like headless chickens I’ll take that as a warning of imminent disaster. If it was nuclear there’s not much I could do about it and if it’s a flood I’ve got a Boston Whaler parked next to the garage.

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Mine went off and I heard it, but I wasn't in the same room as the phone at the time. It took me a couple of seconds to realise what I was hearing; I first thought it was just a noise outside. By the time I'd realised what it was, it had stopped. Less dramatic than I'd expected.

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You poor bu**ers the government has said you have got to be "Lerts" again.

We have mobile phone lerts for bushfire information. They seem to work OK as if you drive into an area that may be affected by a bushfire you do receive a lert message.

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We get Amber Alerts for missing children, and Silver Alerts for missing oldies. As well as these going to every cell phone in the area, the alert lights up on electronic road signs.

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Good frost this morning so did a bit more cleaning/restoring of the old cycle lamp before doing any outdoors work, when the sun did come out it was nice and warm so out with the petrol mower with the scarifier blade on, problems with moss in the grass that is permanently in the shadow of the building, anyway checked the oil level and put in a drop of my ethanol-free unleaded petrol in the tank, gave the primer bulb a few presses pulled the starter cord and away it went, made short work of getting the moss out of the grass, took Mrs P down to the doctors in the next village to give a blood sample then back home for a spot of evening dinner, showered had a coffee and settled down to catch up on emails and messages, nice one, hope you've all enjoyed your day



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Cycle ride this morning down to Stapleford wood to the A17 crossed over then turned left at Coddington Plough pub then left again at the bottom of the hill and headed towards Barnby in the Willows and back to the A17 towards Beckingham, there's a small lane there that takes you past the shooting ranges and the back lanes to Stapleford village and back home, probably around the twelve to fourteen mile round trip, back home for a coffee and change of clothing and out again this time to the farmyard with the gun, three ferals down and back home to get dinner ready for when Mrs P gets back from the gym, time to chill now after a shower and a sit down, hope you all had a great day



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 Are the rhododendrons in bloom in the woods yet Rog? I remember seeing a magnificent display last year. Also is the Black Swan in Beckingham still there? We’ve not been for over 30 years but it used to have a rather posh restaurant where the serving staff wore white gloves and served the meals in total silence!

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Rhododendrons not out yet Phil, forestry people went down them with a flail earlier this year so might not be such a good display but fingers crossed, no pubs in Beckingham now, suppose the best place would be to head towards Stubton or Fenton, You could head towards Brant Broughton for the Generous Britain but have no feed back about that one,even the White Hart in our village only opens when he feels like it, Bassingham has two pubs and both doing a great trade, Five Bells is supposed to be good for a meal and the Bugle Horn has speciality nights steak or curry's that type of thing



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About the same with the White Hart in our village, landlord only interested in serving food not really interested in the drinking side of things, is there more money to be had serving food? I don't know can't remember last time I went in a pub



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I only go in my village pub once a week to meet up with old friends. The landlord opens to suit his convenience, not his customers. He’s closed lunchtimes except Fri, Sat, Sun. He told me he’d got 50 in for bingo on Thursday evening. I knew there were a few halfwits in the village - but 50!!

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At the ASDA this morning 06.00 for the weekly shop home and time for a coffee before gathering together some rubbish from the sheds and garden to be burned in the garden bin, got out the smaller of the two petrol strimmers and cut the grass just inside the field at the back of my garden a patch of about eight yards by three yards, strimmer cleaned down and put away, a bit more restoration work on the cycle lamp before the new sofa was delivered, had to take down the pendant ceiling light that is in the hallway so the delivery people could get the sofa into the living room, all looking good now, nipped to the petrol station to fill up the car and put some E10 in my fuel can for the garden equipment, back home and started the process of de-ethanol the petrol so I am just left with unleaded fuel, the good lord has now seen fit to chuck it down with rain so back indoors for the rest of the day, enjoy you day everyone



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