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3 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


That's the seediest thing I've seen on Nottstalgia for a long time. Only a former Marsden's manager could be turned on by things I've never dreamed of ;)

and clif ton your comment,after ithought about was one the funniest ive ever seen on nottstalgia,  LO very L

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Thanks Jill..........shes Russian and giggles when i'm in pain, it really does hurt when she digs in, she goes in Hysterics when i shout Vlodi..f..... vostok, always gives me a cuddle after saying ''you very ,how you say in Bulwell Mardy bogger''.....told her if i was 50 years younger your ''Votankonk'' would'nt touch the ground.........she then slaps me and says ''see you next time''.......lovely woman,

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They're the worst kind... ;)



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Tomorrow is my daughter's 40th birthday & tonight she is having a disco / bunfight at a pub on Porchester Road, although invited I had to decline on account of my ex being there !

Talk about chucking petrol on a fire :tony:

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After three days of rain and cold the weather today is looking quite good out here in the land of the loonies so I am taking Roy (the old fella who's got a broken leg) out today,he said he would like to go to the Asda so I will shove him round in the wheelchair that I borrowed from the RAOB,I visit him a few times throughout the day for an hour at a time,wash the pots for him,do a bit of polishing and hoover round and make his dinner and tea  and cups of coffee,still no one else has been to see him, The woman who lives a couple of doors away from him,the one who phoned him up last week when I took him out to ask him to pick up a newspaper for her phoned him up yesterday when I was there said to him " when you get the plaster off your leg you'll be able to have a walk round to my house to see me" cheeky cow,I know he can be a pain in the butt at times but we all can,anyway I'll bundle him in the car and take off to the Asda if thats what he wants,he has the plaster off on the tenth of this month at the Northern General hospital in Sheffield,said he prefers Sheffield because thats where he had his heart transplant some years ago and he doesn't trust Lincoln hospital (funny old bugger) so I could be driving him to Sheffield in a couple of weeks. After we've been to the Asda and got him sorted out I might get chance to do a bit of work in the greenhouse,thats about my day so far,

Have a great day everyone



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He must be on considerable medication if he's had a heart transplant... are you sure it wasn't just a bypass?

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Heart transplant for sure,loads of tablets a day plus more needles than you can wave a stick at,not allowed to eat shellfish and some other foods,don't go to crowded places such as cinema,football matches etc in case he picks up a virus,cold,cough,he's not a bad old sort though,he comes from Yorkshire and can be a bit abrupt for the hayseeds that live out here (they have no sense of humour) and they sometimes take offence at some of his tongue in cheek comments but thats their problem,they are the same with me (coming from Nottingham and have a Nottingham sense of humour),don't bother me I just laugh at em.

Back from the Asda now,he enjoyed going round there,got a bit of shopping in for him,all put away and made him a coffee, new spuds,slice of meat pie,carrots, peas and gravy for his dinner,might do him a poached egg on toast for his tea,all is well in the close and still no one as asked about him,miserable sods



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Renewed my SIA Securiy licence today £220, it lasts for 3 years so God willing i'll still be operating at the age of 76,, ooer' ............haircut in 'Geezers'' Bulwell,thought about having a ''Tony Curtis'' or a ''Sting Ponytail'' but the girls talked me out of it,  

Then Wethers for breakfast and a smoke after in the area out back,,where Chulla used to join me for a 'Vape' ,......was joined by a couple of others who have the'Tremor' and had a nice little laugh at our sens, 

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Today is achey and tired.

Yesterday I set off to walk by road to the new Doc's surgery I've signed up to.  Just dropping a form off and checking out how long the walk takes.  Almost 40 minutes, so I won't be walking there if I'm really under the weather.. but for routine stuff I will consider it.


Decided to walk back via fields and footpaths.  All going well enough until a friend called on my mobile. Concentrating on speaking to him rather than the state of the paths, I did a full left footed side slip and went down like a sack of spuds..   A proper 'banana skin' moment.  I ended up lying in liquid mud.  Every single thing I was wearing.. boots, socks, pants, underpants, shirt, fleece, hat.. was covered and soaked through down my left side, in this thin liquid crud.  It was also all over one hand and my phone.  Mercifully, my shiny new camera and its case were on my right side....


Finally got home in a pretty soggy state and chucked everything in the washing machine and then remembered that I was also supposed to pick up my repeat prescription from the pharmacy..  It was close to closing and I was out of Beta Blockers etc., so had to chuck some clean clothes on and rush out again.. :angry:


Home, hot bath, tea.. just settling down when a friend reminded me I'd promised to go round and help him with some hi-fi stuff.  So.. out again.  Left knee killing me, left shoulder and ribs starting to ache...


Mission accomplished at 10:30 but my friend lives next door to my local....  I'd been planning a night off the booze, but considering all the trauma.....  ;)


3 pints of Guinness and a swift Brandy had me ready for bed..


Today I feel like I've been run over by a bus.. or maybe two....


But on the upside, I pushed my daily steps total way beyond my normal 6000 step target to a record of 12000 plus!!  


Every cloud etc...  :)






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So sorry, Col, but I must admit I nearly had an 'accident' when I read your second paragraph!  I'm still chuckling...

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I couldn't hit like for all your trials, Col, but I guess I'm like Margie I did have to put my coffee down.  Think of it this way.  At least you didn't leave your phone in a pocket of your clothes and put it through the washer.  Hopefully there was no doggy doo in the mud.


Always look on the bright side I always say.  :)

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Went to see my old fella patient yesterday as usual,rained all day so couldn't take him out in the wheel chair but hoovered round for him and dusted,washed the pots and made him a coffee, as I was talking to him I noticed he answered me about a completely different subject,this went on until I finished the cleaning when I realised he hadn't put his hearing aids in,anyway we managed a decent conversation after that, later on I took the gun for a walk around the farm buildings where I do a bit of pest control and met up with the farmer,he was tinkering with his steam cleaner,told me every so often he gets a bit of a "tingle" when he touches the frame of the thing,I asked him to unplug it and take off the cover plate on the motor where the wires go in,on inspection I found one of the main wires had come unsoldered and was shorting across the frame,problem solved,he thought it was just because it was damp,anyroad we got talking about old engines and tractors and he showed me an old engine that was on a beet cleaner,I said I made a engine trolley for an engine like that to which he replied "well you can have this one if you want,I'll get it over to the farmyard so you can work on it" nice result there,so it looks like I have another engine project, Back to my old fella patient again when I got home to do him a bit of dinner,same sort of conversation again,he'd took his bloody hearing aids out again, I think I'll start writing things down on cards and show him them,never mind,he has his plaster off next week, could be interesting,he thinks he will be able to run around like a spring chicken,and still no one has asked about him



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Ian, you're obviously needed where you are..... I don't think you'll be able to move yet!

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Granny  flat?   Are you going transgender, then?    


Whatever, I don't think a spritely young person like you is anywhere near that yet!   

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Good to see you posting again,Gem.  We've been thinking about  you...

Is the doll your's or your mum's?     


It's too big to fit in a dolls house... or is it a close up of inside a dolls house?

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It's mine Margie, i had commented on a similar doll seen on a visit to Whitby, so they decided i must like them. I find her very creepy her eyes follow you !!!!!!!! When i found that another was on the way i just had to say how much i liked it unfortunately knowing them as i do more will follow.  Hopefully i can put a limit on how much they can spend....... I have popped in a few times but never felt it was the right time, will now catch up on what i have missed.

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