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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Talking of hearts...When I had my heart attack in Covid year, after having a couple of stents fitted and in recovery, I asked, 'Why is it that the cardiac unit is always on the top floor of most hospitals'?

It was explained to me that, in the event of an emergency ie, fire etc., cardiac patients would be least likely to survive an emergency. Really filled me with encouragement.

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Went for the usual medical checkup a few years ago and the "rotund" practice nurse told me I should consider going on a diet, I said If she let me have the details I could go on the same diet as she was on, didn't go down too well to be honest, Lincolnshire folk don't have the same sense of humour as us Notts folk



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My practice nurse once told me that it would help my diabetese if I could lose some weight and so she referred me to a dietician. I gave it a try for a couple times but jacked it in. My nurse asked why I'd stopped and I explained that the last thing I needed was anorexic matchstick telling me I was overweight..

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Update on brother. Weak down left side, mind has 'fuzziness' at times but is improving.

He had to sit almost 9 hours in the discharge suite waiting for medicines but home now. Not allowed to drive for at least six weeks and then assessed to see what progress he's made. 

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@BrewAt least they think your bro is well enough to be discharged.  Have they said whether it was a clot or a bleed which caused his stroke?  
I really wish him well and hope he’ll continue to improve at home

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Will be thinking of you Brew and your brother. I know how you must be feeling. I lost my older brother to a stroke and I was led to believe that a stroke was contributing factor to my son passing away when he was only 23 years old.

My sincere regards to you both mate.


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When asked about his results it seems they did tell him ....... but he's forgotten what they said, I don't want to push him and stress him...

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Wish you and  brother good wishers Brew Look after your selves.

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11 hours ago, Brew said:

He had to sit almost 9 hours in the discharge suite waiting for medicines but home now. Not allowed to drive for at least six weeks and then assessed to see what progress he's made. 


Glad he seems to be on the mend Jim.


As for 'waiting for meds'.


Mrs Col was discharged and 'Waiting for Meds', after a Gall Bladder op.  After waiting from 08:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for her to call me and ask to be brought home, I drove to the hospital where she was still sitting patiently in bed. I went to the nurses station a few yards away and when somebody finally appeared, I enquired about the Meds.  After a little rummage under the counter "Oh.. They're here.." God only knows how long they'd been there, but we were home 30 minutes later. :angry:

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@brew.....nice to have a brother that cares........hope all goes well mate...........

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Its all go this week...........yesterday......blood taken..........then today Kings Mill to give my throat its regular going over.......ah yes nearly forgot...Tomorrow down the clinic to get me feet done.........

                This getting older is loads of fun in i was treated by my lovely 'Speech Therapist'' Bridie........we always have a laugh...especially when i tell her about another little problem ive realised.........IE..ive just realised i cant whisper......playing a game with my 5 yr old called for me to do a whisper......and it came out at the same volume as my ordinary much laughter from all..........including my self........:Shock:

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What a day I’ve had. Tracking down a haggis for our Burn’s night supper tomorrow. The obvious choice was Waitrose in Newark. I got the raspberries and cream for the cranachan and a fine malt whisky but there was not a haggis to be found on the usual haggis shelf. Nobody could explain why there were none on Burn’s night eve. I shot off down the Fosse to ‘posh Morrisons’ at Gamston (not to be confused with ‘shitty Morrisons at Netherfield) and trudged around the meat section where I chanced upon a whole load of them. 908gms, serves 4 to 6! Special offer price £2.15! We can dine out for days on that. Lang may your lum reek!

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Phil, this may be of interest to you being a past user of Tollerton aerodrome.

The development looks huge and will more or less link up Tollerton with WB.


Residents’ upset over plans for thousands of new homes between Gamston and Tollerton
There are concerns the development would 'swamp' the area

Read in Nottinghamshire Live:

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Yes, it’s a subject I’ve been discussing recently with fellow old flying club members. The main shareholder, Brian Wells, is known to us and is already a wealthy man having sold a lot of land around Edwalton for house building. It appears the runways would remain intact. The hangars are relatively new, the old ones having been dismantled for the construction of the Spire hospital. There are still a number of company and privately owned aircraft kept there plus a few club aircraft and helicopters. The proposed housing estate would be in close proximity to the runways and it will probably lead to complaints about aircraft noise. The nearby disused RAF Newton airfield is already being developed for housing and commercial use and nearby Bingham has been engulfed with new housing and an influx of Hong Kong Chinese. Things are certainly not what they used to be and not necessarily for the better. I see the fields around the road into Radcliffe from the A52 are already designated for building as well.

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It were all fields when I lived there. Grrrrrr

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I remember going to Tollerton Hall many times when they were my company’s insurance brokers. The Weston’s made a magnificent job of the refurbishment and always provided a good lunch after our meetings! There was a stream and a trout lake in their extensive grounds. It had previously been St. Hugh’s College, a catholic boarding school. I believe it’s in private ownership now. I used to meet with friends at the Air Hostess pub on a Saturday lunchtime when the landlord was Peter Wright, a friend from primary school days in Woodthorpe. The last time I was in the area was in December at Harker’s farm shop at Clipston on the Wolds.

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4 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I remember going to Tollerton Hall many times when they were my company’s insurance brokers. The Weston’s made a magnificent job of the refurbishment and always provided a good lunch after our meetings! There was a stream and a trout lake in their extensive grounds. It had previously been St. Hugh’s College, a catholic boarding school. I believe it’s in private ownership now. I used to meet with friends at the Air Hostess pub on a Saturday lunchtime when the landlord was Peter Wright, a friend from primary school days in Woodthorpe. The last time I was in the area was in December at Harker’s farm shop at Clipston on the Wolds.

Phil, didn’t one of the scholars of St. Hughes college throw himself off a turret back in the day ? I can remember walking past it with Mum down to the farm past St. Peters church to feed the pigs and going on a guide camp in the grounds of Tollerton Hall. I was in the choir at the church and can remember doing maypole dancing at the church fete behind the old rectory. Tollerton will always be home to me, funny how you think about the places that mean so much to you in later life eh.

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