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This is why I would suggest separate sections for the various subjects but it would appear that without a drastic change of format the site is not able to compartmentalise, so you have to wade through the dross to get to the interesting or mildly humorous comments.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

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Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I think these recent posts show the problem, and sum up everything about the two subjects. 


Regardless of the political or religious opinions which are expressed, there's no agreement on whether the opinions should be expressed at all.


So you're never going to keep all the people happy all the time.

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I think there have been posts in the past on free speech. It is legal requirement not to inculcate violence, hatred or discrimination. There is even a criminal charge of 'behaviour likely to' that covers anything and everything else.


So where is free speech? Where do ordinary folk go to express their thoughts and ideas. Where do we discuss, ask and get answers to topical questions? There is no public forum 'ala the old market square, speakers corner etc. it's not allowed. Go to a rally or organised meeting and it's nothing more than a carefully orchestrated mutual admiration society. Student unions, once a hotbed of radical ideas, are now silencing anyone not considered PC.


The simple answer is we can't. We are our own sorry version of the1984 thought police.


The governments of this world fear the internet and seek to control it purely to prevent the great unwashed exchanging idea and information. They needn't worry, we're doing it for them.

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Exactly Brew, and some folks are so entrenched in their views, that normal discussion is pointless. They never see reason, despise being questioned and their views being opposed. I've seen it all my working life, and also since !

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3 hours ago, philmayfield said:

They are indeed Margie and I would like to be able to have an open discussion on this site. I think it would be best to have a separate section rather than in the open forum. It’s bad enough having word gamers and ‘song association’ clogging up the site, in addition to our prolific poster of nonsense. All of these are on my ignore list so I don’t read them but I still have to wade through them.


Phil, you don't need to wade through the word games etc if you go straightaway to 'unread content' or set that as your default when you open up NS.  In that way, there is only the one display of topics (including the word games etc) so you just don't open them up at all if you're not interested.  I think it's a much 'tidier' way of managing things.  Also, I always click on 'mark site read' when I've seen all I want to.  

It would really annoy me if I had to wade through 'all activity' 

I just like this easier way of doing things.   

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Open favourites, click unread, skip that bit, skip that bit, a quick read, a bit of a mutter, click mark site read. Simples...

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I knew a should a kept me mouth shut!  I do not disagree with most of the previous posts here.  In fact prior to last nights post I had told Col I would leave it there.  Rather than religious discourse or preaching I saw the discussion more in the light of ancient manuscripts, codes of conduct and how some understand them.  Same way we might discuss the Magna Carta or ancient documents.  I will avoid all such in future.

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Having just read the last 14 posts on this thread and here I am again ! Back in the wilderness, in the middle of the desert of "I haven't got a clue". Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this threads and posting lark, I'm back where I started. I realise I've only been on NS since October, but have progressed  to advanced Nottstalgian. Here's me thinking it was a light hearted forum where you make new 'pen friends' and then wallop !! Too heavy for me. B.

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Beekay,  it's a public forum and as such is never going to be 'pretty in pink' all the time. It is ostensibly about 'olden times'  that's true but it is also about life and living in and around Nottingham, that includes subjects that are up to the minute, relevant to those who post and totally irrelevant to others.


Looking at your list of interests you are not one of the hard of thinking class so you'll soon get the hang of it mate. All part of life's rich tapestry as they say....

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I'm your friend BK .  I like your posts.  Sorry if I've posted anything that's upset you x. 

Btw, I'm one of the resident 'snowflakes' on the forum, as I always try to understand  all sides of an argument and disapprove of sweeping statements made about any groups within society.... 

(I like being a snowflake - although it sounds a bit delicate, which I am definitely not!)

Please keep on posting...

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I don't consider you a snowflake, Margie.  I enjoy your commonsense posts.  You sure haven't posted anything that has offended me. Us old hound dogs are pretty thick skinned anyway.


I would not even be opposed to religion or politics sections.  Just as there are sections for various schools.  Kindness and politeness should be a basic requirement for all of them.  Even when we don't agree.


Don't need any Capt Morgans I've already lost enough brain cells.

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Don’t give up BK, I joined in October, have had a couple of wobbles about the site but have found most on here are good people. I tend not to get involved if it starts to get too heavy (religion and politics) but it would be very boring if we were all the same. I must say I have enjoyed a lot of your posts so please keep it up.

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1 hour ago, Brew said:

Beekay,  it's a public forum and as such is never going to be 'pretty in pink' all the time. It is ostensibly about 'olden times'  that's true but it is also about life and living in and around Nottingham, that includes subjects that are up to the minute, relevant to those who post and totally irrelevant to others.


Looking at your list of interests you are not one of the hard of thinking class so you'll soon get the hang of it mate. All part of life's rich tapestry as they say....

Well that's me told ! Wots 'pretty in pink' and hard of thinking' mean?

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Don't worry about it BK.  I'm on a forum about Organs.  I've seen it get pretty heated on there at times when somebody comes on strong about their favorite make or that one style of music is better than another.

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1 hour ago, MargieH said:

I'm your friend BK .  I like your posts.  Sorry if I've posted anything that's upset you x. 

Btw, I'm one of the resident 'snowflakes' on the forum, as I always try to understand  all sides of an argument and disapprove of sweeping statements made about any groups within society.... 

(I like being a snowflake - although it sounds a bit delicate, which I am definitely not!)

Please keep on posting...

Margie, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't say anything that might offend me. I very much appreciate your replies to my meagre attempts at " tongue in cheek" posts. I do know I would certainly not type anything that could cause offence to anyone, l would crack one of my terrible jokes or indulge in "All our yesterdays", but my past is fairly boring.. Happy Christmas M.  Barrie xx

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Gem,  How do I know when and if anyone is laughing at my posts?? ( don't have any sound effects on this tablet. I'm using a paracetamol tablet).

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I wouldnt waste your time worrying about people laughing at your posts or understanding the follow up of posts. It is difficult sometimes when someones answer comes in late and youve forgotten what it was all about. The posts dont always follow what they should, we tend to drift and one comment in answer can easily start on a new drift, sometimes very difficult to understand. Sometimes the answer to a post is er.....what does that mean or thats not what I intended. Just go along with it and you'll perhaps understand eventually.. Or if like me theres a lot I dont understand so I just ignore it. You will find after a while that you like some topics and not others , it depends what your interests are. Manys the time I think " oh thats it I dont think I'll carry on or its getting a bit boring" and I dont post for a while I have a rest and then cant resist I go back. I enjoy seeing what everyone is doing in the city where I lived and other parts of the UK and beyond. 

Carry on posting Beekay you'll get there and it doesnt matter if you lose the plot it happens to us all.

Happy Christmas to you.




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4 hours ago, Beekay said:

Having just read the last 14 posts on this thread and here I am again ! Back in the wilderness, in the middle of the desert of "I haven't got a clue". Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this threads and posting lark, I'm back where I started. I realise I've only been on NS since October, but have progressed  to advanced Nottstalgian. Here's me thinking it was a light hearted forum where you make new 'pen friends' and then wallop !! Too heavy for me. B.


Simple rule of thumb to operate by........ If you see/read something you don't like, just ignore it. Move on to the next thread and you'll find something you do like, and you can respond to it.


It's not worth getting into heavy arguments; they never have a happy ending.

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2 hours ago, Beekay said:

Gem,  How do I know when and if anyone is laughing at my posts?? ( don't have any sound effects on this tablet. I'm using a paracetamol tablet).

Up will pop some smart a..e reply to your post usually followed by a smiley face and the words "sorry just couldn't resist it" . Then in my case i read back on my comment and think "how thick can anyone be".

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Now now don't take it the wrong way mate. If I came across as disrespecting you I apologise, it wasn't meant that way. I'm just saying it takes all sorts and you will soon get used to it.

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Watching the National News on our ABC this morning when they covered a story on the Sausage Roll Song by LadBaby sung by a bloke in a Santa hat that said Forest on the headband. West Bridgford born Mark Hoyle. The Song is now No1 in the UK and supports a great cause.

I wonder how long before Greggs use it in their adverts.

Day slightly spoiled by the Reds losing 1-0 to Dark Strangers at the City Ground






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14 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I heartily agree with that John. Another forum I use does have a specific section for religion and politics which you can choose to read or ignore. Unfortunately the format of this site doesn’t seem to offer the scope for that.


I think ( without really bothering to look), that there is  (used to be?) a section called 'Have Your Say', or similar.  It doesn't tend to get used.  I'm also aware of some pretty 'heavy' reasons why this site in particular is managed with a 'no politics' rule. But it didn't prevent the site from carrying a lot of political stuff pre the Brexit vote.


I'm pretty sure that my position on this hasn't changed.  I try not to start political or religious discussions, but if someone posts something religious or political then there's a judgement call to make.  Do I engage.. or do I allow the comment (which I may or may not agree with.. ) to stand without comment?  That depends on my view of the poster and the comment, and how 'intrigued' I a by the comment.  We're all supposed to be 'grown ups' here and we all have our views. I know that a number of members here who I have a lot of respect for, are religiously committed.  They in turn know that I'm not. ( It doesn't make me a bad person... honest..)   We don't come to blows, but I don't see why we can't have an adult discussion about it all if we wish to. 


We've proven recently that we can have some fairly intense political discussions without coming to blows.  I'm sure that Brew for e.g., won't mind me saying that we have to 'agree to disagree' on a few things... but on the other hand 'It's good to talk..' and we get on well socially.  :)


Just a word on 'opinion'.  We are all entitled to hold our own opinion.  However, we are not entitled to invent our own facts.  Therefore stating something which is demonstrably factually incorrect but claiming it's OK because it's 'Just my opinion', is a 'No no'.


Just my opinion... :dry:


Peace, Love and Happiness to All at Christmas.  And the rest of the year...







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10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I knew a should a kept me mouth shut!  I do not disagree with most of the previous posts here.  In fact prior to last nights post I had told Col I would leave it there.  Rather than religious discourse or preaching I saw the discussion more in the light of ancient manuscripts, codes of conduct and how some understand them.  Same way we might discuss the Magna Carta or ancient documents.  I will avoid all such in future.


Not at all Dave.  You are a respected, polite and 'gentlemanly' member of this forum.


You are entitled to express your view.  You are entitled to your Faith too.  I'm entitled to express my differing view on God, the Universe and Everything..


So long as we both do so with respect for the other.. there shouldn't be a problem. Faith, or the lack of... is an intensely personal issue.  In fact I'd argue that faith can't be imposed, and can only have any validity at a personal level.





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11 hours ago, MargieH said:


Phil, you don't need to wade through the word games etc if you go straightaway to 'unread content' or set that as your default when you open up NS.  In that way, there is only the one display of topics (including the word games etc) so you just don't open them up at all if you're not interested.  I think it's a much 'tidier' way of managing things.  Also, I always click on 'mark site read' when I've seen all I want to.  

It would really annoy me if I had to wade through 'all activity' 

I just like this easier way of doing things.   


I simply log on then look at the forums and scrooll down to ''Owt Abaaht Nowt', whichis the space I normally inhabit.  From there I select 'How's Your Day?..


I also go to 'Browse'. then scroll down to 'Nick Palmer's Music.. etc.. and then 'What Are You Listening to..'


I'm just off there now....  :)


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