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Just returned from the tip where I dumped a fridge. It was my garage 'bait and cider' fridge. Kept a dozen bottles of vintage cider and a large box of red maggots in it. Catastrophe! The fridge conked out and the warming bottles caused condensation. A thousand or two maggots crawled out of the box and completely lined the fridge and bottles :Shock:

When loading the old fridge at the tip I told a bloke, who was waiting to dump his fridge, about the maggots. He said "this fridge still works"' So it ended up in my trailer :biggrin: I'll put a lid on the maggot box next time.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Just arrived from seeing Grandson it's his Birthday he's 20 gosh!!!  it doe's not feel like 20 years since he arrived, makes you feel old. Sorry makes you feel a lot more mature, just like a good wine we all get better with  age.


Now come on if you believe that then you will believe anything.

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28 minutes ago, carni said:

Ian, Thirty seconds in the mic. No Contest. :biggrin:

Now carni  you know that they go soggy in the mico better to put them in the oven, makes them nice and crisp.

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Always wise to let the refrigerant settle down past the compressor valves or they may break when switched on.

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Alone again'' (song there, carni !) today,,so went to Bulwell for breakfast,, a few ''ey-ups'' but nobody i have much to do with,,so took my Espresso out to the smoking area,,,what a difference lots of 'ey-ups' and great banter,,all offering me a Fag,,lol  ,,(could still kill one,,can't even smell em now,,but tried to)

                                All made me feel good,,especially using my voice button,,which i'm getting better at,,but my highlight of the visit was the regular Barman who seeing the new Barmaid struggle to understand me came over and told her what i wanted,,even down to which size glass i take my Espresso in............great lad with brilliant sense of humour............

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Forgot to mention while in the 'smoking area' one chap iv'e known many years,,took his casual coat off and said ''try this on Ben'' nice short jacket fitted perfect..........he's coming in next week and giving it to me,,.............,,think he felt sorry for me, or just wanted me to be more casual ?.....either way liked the coat so will accept graciously,,, after all iv'e recently donated a lot of clothes to Charity's in Bulwell.................aren't people nice......

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Check this out!!






Had my 70th Party last night (Saturday) in Beautiful Billinge.   I'm not quite 70 yet..  About 90 people turned up which is not bad for a bloke with few surviving relatives and no mates.!! Nine relatives plus a few friends from Nottm, most of my neighbours, about a dozen or so former colleagues and assorted relatives from Mrs Col's side plus a few 'hanger's on'.


The fab cake was down to Vicki, my oldest.  It also tastes fab and I'm not really much of cake eater..


Youngest..Steph, organised decorations and the usual embarrassing photos of my progress from callow youth to ageing Grumpy Old Sod.


I organised the best of local Billinge Cuisine...  the famous Cottam's Hot Pot, delivered hot to the venue and accompanied by pickled Red Cabbage, lots of cakes, cheese cakes, Liquorice Allsorts, Jelly Babies and loads of Crisps.  None of 'yer poncy'  'Boofays' for these tough North Westerners.  Ex colleague, boozing mate and local DJ did the 'Sounds'... man.

I was worn out with stressing etc., before we started, but it all went pretty well except......


Mrs Col was ferrying people and leftovers etc., up to our house while I was tidying up and trying to get out of the venue.. As usual. when they've had your money they can't wait to sweep all traces of you out of the door... Which is the point at which Mrs Col realised she'd lost her car keys.  After 45 minutes of searching the venue, the waste bags, her car, the dark walkway from venue to car etc., it was finally an embarrassingly helpful young lady from the bar staff who found the keys hiding under a serviette in Mrs Col's car..  By now we were all drownded by the heavy rain.

Drove the mile or so back home and as I lifted a huge, seemingly harmless and virtually untouched Carrot Cake out of the car.. it deliberately performed a back somersault amd landed 'topping down' on my feet.. smearing my nice cords with cream as it descended... .. I left if where it was and went out this morning (Sun) to clear it up... with my jet washer..


House stinks of Hot Pot but we've managed to dole out the remaining couple of dozen portions to neighbours who all swear it's even better after a few weeks frozen solid then re-heated..


Oh.. and one of my few remaining teeth disintegrated Saturday Morning..  It's an Omen I tell you!  An Omen!!  We're doomed!!  :laugh:



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Oh congratulations DJ, nobody on here knew evidently.  Assume you’ve posted  a photo but all I see is a load of letters and numbers.   Glad you had a good turnout, nice when all your friends and family get together to help you celebrate.  Got mine later in the year, think I’ll just crawl into a hole and try to forget about it, but my kids are thinking differently I reckon. 

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Hi all.  Can you see my photo now?


My actual Birthday isn't until next Sunday. .. 3rd Feb.  Sadly, it's also the 60th aniversary of the death of Buddy Holly..

40 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

Oh congratulations DJ, nobody on here knew evidently.  Assume you’ve posted  a photo but all I see is a load of letters and numbers.   Glad you had a good turnout, nice when all your friends and family get together to help you celebrate.  Got mine later in the year, think I’ll just crawl into a hole and try to forget about it, but my kids are thinking differently I reckon. 


I share your misgivings Lizzie.  Having never had a party for just little  old me in my whole life.. I decided it was about time. Mostly, I just wanted my friends and relatives to share in a celebration.  But by the time I was well 'into' the arrangements I was getting pretty stressed.  For one I convinced myself that even though I'd checked the dates.. several times.. I was going to turn up at the venue only to find someone else had booked it too and it was full of strangers..  I said to the venue manager that if I'd known there was so much hassle involved, I'd have bullied Mrs Col into organising a Surprise Party for me....  :laugh:


Hope yours goes well Lizzie!!



And Oz!!

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I thought a load of 60's stuff  ( Motown, Soul, 'Northern', 'Beat Groups' etc on playlists would work and to be fair to him my DJ mate rolled with it... but it didn't really come off.  Decent music for background early on.. but when the 'chips were down' later in the evening.. the only thing which got them up and dancing was the old 'cheese'. Very difficult to inspire an audience ranging from 4 yrs to 80 plu. Even I succumbed  to 'New York New York', despite being  a confirmrd non dancer.


My playlists are all on Deezer.  i can share them if anyone's interested, but I think you can only see them if you're signed up..

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2 minutes ago, IAN123. said:

Did Picko attend Col?


He couldn't make it.

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I was secretly hoping that at least half of the Cavern Club Beatles would miraculously turn up at the venue and give an impromptu performance..  but sadly.....

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More measurements taken for me new gnashers,,,chatted the Receptionist up,,she's a 60s something looker,,told me 'i could take her out when my Teeth have grown again,,,bless her,,always up for a bit of banter,,anyway i left a ''Good impression''

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Belated happy 70th Col.   It's all dahnhill from here.  Bein' sa cheerful keeps me goin'. :biggrin:


I see our Ben's at it again.  Can't keep 'im down can we?   Glad you're getting your new gnoshers Ben.  They'll need a bit of breaking in, but I'm sure you'll do ok.   Be careful who you chat up at dentist's offices.  Remember,  they have control of how yer teeth will fit.


Got some new BP pills last week.  If me BP goes much lower me ears'll droop.  :Shock:

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15 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I was secretly hoping that at least half of the Cavern Club Beatles would miraculously turn up at the venue and give an impromptu performance..  but sadly.....


If I had known in advance I would have sent the Skellingtons along to serenade you.........Happy Birthday

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17 hours ago, LizzieM said:

Oh congratulations DJ, nobody on here knew evidently.  Assume you’ve posted  a photo but all I see is a load of letters and numbers.   Glad you had a good turnout, nice when all your friends and family get together to help you celebrate.  Got mine later in the year, think I’ll just crawl into a hole and try to forget about it, but my kids are thinking differently I reckon. 


Kids and husbands are like that Lizzie. Mine pulled a fast one years ago and told me we were just going to London to see a show. We ended up in Jersey. We did look up old friends though. 

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