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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Maybe he had the wrong century, by 2084 there will be around 11 Billion people which is probably more than the planet can support. The highest growth rate will be/is in areas least able to sustain human beings.


Several authors have predicted a dystopian future, Orwell was not the only one.

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When I was about 10 in 1953, my uncle who was was talking to my dad said: "I'm glad I'm on my way out!"  He was about 60 at the time.  At that time, I thought it was a crazy thing to say but I'm now beginning to understand what he meant...

I wonder what it was that caused him to say that.    I was too young at that time to ask questions like that to my staid, elderly uncle!

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I think the answer to that, Margie is that as kids, life was mostly a breeze and it was good to be alive.  As we age we develop a greater awareness of the world's issues.  As we progress into old age the infirmities of age creep in and there are few real solutions. No medicine can make us 25 again.

In the last couple of years I have become very world weary.  I am ready to go and when the Lord calls I will go with joy.  That is not morbid, just the product of a real hope and trust. 


Edited to add.  Margie, I'd have sent you a p.m.  The last time I tried it said your mailbox was full or blocked or something.  Can't remember which now.

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Well, I certainly wouldn't want to go back to being a teenager and do it all over again!  Most of my relatives have expressed the opinion, as they grew older, that they'd had a good life and didn't like the way the world was going.  I agree. I have one remaining auntie, in her 90s. She has poor mobility but is mentally very sharp. Every time I speak to her, she says she's had enough and doesn't want to be here.  Not a nice situation to be in and I wouldn't like it if it were me.


Even if you still have good health, I can see how life on overpopulated planet earth could get on your nerves.  It gets on mine at times!


Just going to prepare the hedgehogs' supper now.  My Moggies have made a generous donation of their food...what? Cheek! Giving our food away without even asking! :blink:

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I'm not using cash..nor accepting receipts.. on my occasional forays into shops.  Both are just another possible vector for the virus.  On the other hand I do think some provision needs to be made for those who don't have, or use. cards.


I'm really not bothered about being 'tracked' by the govt.  There's little they can find out that they don't know already... so I don't subscribe to the assorted crackpot theories propagated by 'anti-vaxers'/David Eicke/ 'Covid-19 is a Govt Control Conspiracy dumbos' and other fruitloops who see conspiracy everywhere.


Does that mean I trust our present Govt.?  Absolutely not.. but they are just blatant crooks who have proven by their actions since in power, that they have no respect for the Law, Parliament, or the People.  None of what they are doing is secret.. It doesn't need to be because they have no shame, conscience or morals and just shut down any controversy by Boris Johnson declaring 'this matter is closed'.. and move on. Furthermore. they are very aware that the bulk of the population is far more interested watching 'Britain's Got A Strictly Talent Voice On Ice in Essex'. than noticing the erosion of their Democracy and the Sovereignty of Parliament.


Until 'yer average' voter wakes up to what Boris, Cummings and Co are up to..they'll just keep doing it.  I will now take that line of argument to the Politics Thread.


I have my Flu Jab booked for 23rd Sept. On very similar lines to Margie's. They are using a community space next to the Med Centre.  Timed arrival.. no hanging about... masks.. easy access to upper arm/shoulder.  Makes sense to me.

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8 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Overpopulation is rarely mentioned but that is at the root of most of the world's problems - and still people breed like rabbits!



The above is..frankly... simplistic rubbish.  Please define 'breed like rabbits'.  Who are you talking about?  Malthus tried this one on in the 19th C and was roundly mocked by Dickens in 'A Christmas Carol'.  Thing is at the moment the only ones screaming 'overpopulation' are the the developed World... who see their own priveleged position under threat.


Most of the Earth's surface is entirely devoid of humans.  Even in the UK, we have whole swathes of land with very low population densities.


Have a look here:


The issue of population is really about three things:


1. Overcrowding in Urban Centres. Both the poor and the wealthy being attracted to major urban centres.. for slightly different reasons... but creating polluting and high carbon emmission 'hotspots'

2. Less wealthy population centres demanding the priveleges we have in the developed World. You know.. clean water.. sewerage,, gas and leccy.  Cheeky of them to ask I really!!

3. Pressure on natural areas such as rain forests, the oceans, the polar caps.


There are many sub sets of the above.. but really anyone quoting population as the cause of Earth's problems is actually saying.. " Hang on.. I want my place by the Sea.. my Aircon and my Winter heating and my car(s) and my boat and my bike and my gadgets.  And in many cases 'I want my second home,,or at least somewhere in the Pretty Places where I can go and experience 'The Wild'.. so long as I still have my Heating..and my Aircon..and my nice food.. and my motor transport...  Ohh.and I want starving people around the World to grow the nice stuff I want to see on my Supermarket shelves.. rather than the stuff they need to survive..


So yes. unltimately there will be a maximum population the Earth can sustain.. but I'd argue we are well short of that yet.  Our problem at the moment is that a very selfish few.are grabbing all of the planet's resources for themselves.  That same few..are contributing the bulk of the Carbon Emissions which are killing the planet.


We are presently 'pulling the ladder up'.

We need to stop,



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Quite frankly Col all that is outdated socialist clap-trap. A diatribe of far left dogma I don't believe you can support with evidence.

But over in the 'other place' is where we should take it.

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So. Demolish my argument!




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10 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Well, I certainly wouldn't want to go back to being a teenager and do it all over again!

I'd do it all over again in a flash right up to where I am today and beyond I hope.

From the sixties, the best music, no shortage of jobs if you wanted one, reasonably safe out and about and I am not referring to Covid. Cheap package  holidays and always seemed to have a few bob left over after board, petrol and entertainment.

The early seventies were years of uncertainty with the miners strike of 1972 and the three day week of 1974 were elements of my decision to emigrate in 1975 and fortunately I missed the winter of discontent at the end of the decade and the horrendous interest rates.

From 1975 on it was life in Australia, working and playing hard. The birth of our three kids, watching them grow up and creating lives of their own.

We now have grand kids who range from 6 to 18 and are enjoying it all over again.

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I agree that there are large tracts of the earth that are unpopulated but that's because those areas don't have the infrastructure to support human life. People need a climate and conditions where they can live comfortably. In our own country there are vast unpopulated areas of Scotland but people live predominantly in the fertile lowlands. You can't grow enough food in mountains and deserts to support substantial populations.

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In the future there will almost certainly be increasing use of hydroponics to grow fruit and veg, and much less reliance on meat (which seems to already be happening if what I see in the shops is anything to go by).   This must be a good thing as animals use so much land!  I’m not talking about sheep and goats as they can survive happily on land not suitable for beef cattle.  If we all stopped eating beef there would be less need to keep cutting down so much rainforest!

I realise this is overly simplistic but just thought I’d throw in a few thoughts...

So, ‘How’s my day?’  It’s good so far... just getting ready for our Zoom church gathering!

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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I agree that there are large tracts of the earth that are unpopulated but that's because those areas don't have the infrastructure to support human life. People need a climate and conditions where they can live comfortably. In our own country there are vast unpopulated areas of Scotland but people live predominantly in the fertile lowlands. You can't grow enough food in mountains and deserts to support substantial populations.



Not many farms within the M20 Phil. With the massif growth of E commerce we could live anywhere really.


We all want cheap beef and avocado but the real price is just too high.

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My oncologist has just rung me to bring my appointment forward from Friday to this afternoon. I've waited a long time for this appointment from having a scan , blood tests etc. .I haven't usually waited so long between but is probably due to holidays and covid. I can't wait to get it over with as I think it may be the last one. Getting a bit agitated as per usual .

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2 hours ago, MargieH said:

Hope it all goes well this afternoon, nonna x

Thankyou Margie. I always get a bit fidgety a few days before a visit but then once I'm on my way to the hospital it passes.

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Thankyou Carni, have just got back. Everything ok but he had me worried for a few minutes as something didn't seem right so he phoned the radiologist who did the last tac to check on it . Everything fine the only thing now is  I thought it would be my last follow up appointment but he wants me to check when the last colonoscopy was done and I have a file almost 6" thick to wade through. I have appointments in April for blood tests and ecograph and after that he will arrange for this colonoscopy if it's been more than 5 yrs ago. So in a way relief all round.

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Today has been brilliant. My beloved and I had a sedate drive into the peak district and a picnic in Tissington. The sunshine was glorious, the ducks on the pond entertaining us with their  upside down bums in the air display,  a nice salad for lunch and Wolfgangs No 6 playing at just the right level... perfick...

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