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Went camping with the cubs and scouts at Walesby in my later teenage years i slept in a tent at some camp and caravan site at Mablethorpe i dont know if it would be safe doing that today probably wake up and the tent would have disappeared, these days i prefer a nice hotel room but they were great memories.






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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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My parents used to camp when I was a baby. They had a tandem and side car. Guess who for ? Think we must have toured the whole of the lakes.

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We used to camp a lot as kids.. Mostly Derbyshire especially  Edale area. Later as a young married bloke I'd camp when on caving trips in Yorks or Somerset.

I'm  re-living those days right now at home... flippin' freezing and no facilities. Boiler is dead and I'm getting  a new one fitted Monday.

Managed to shave and wash hair on one kettleful of hot water, then took a bath in another kettleful before heroically rinsing off arms and legs under cold shower, but drew the line st the rest of me, especially  with my ticker.. so final rinse in another kettleful. 

Surprising what you can do when you have no choice...:blink:

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I have only been camping in a tent once with a school friend and her parents when I was about 15. West Runton near Cromer, loved it. Can remember whisking up chocolate angel delight with a fork which took forever and listening to Stevie Wonder on Cromer pier (strange what you recall eh!) We did have a small caravan for a short while when hubby was in the army and it was a bit of an adventure. 
Neither of these things would I now do and always look at the reviews for comfy beds whenever I book anywhere new. If you can’t enjoy a good nights sleep it ruins the rest of your time.

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I am pleased to see it is not only me with my opinion of Cleethorpes. I have been there enjoyed the fish and chips , the dog loved the beach but 4 hrs there is more than enough. I have threatened the wife I will book a week there in approximately 60 years time, I am kind to her.

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I was at Cleethorpes some time ago and pleasantly surprised. Though smaller than Skegness it seemed  much cleaner, nowhere near as scruffy

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I’ve never slept under canvas. Didn’t fancy it. I’ve had a caravan holiday though. It must have been around 1947 at Chapel Point. My uncle’s father had some land there where he’d built three bungalows just behind the sand dunes but there was also a site caravan where we stayed. It was an old green wooden structure with giant cart wheels. I recollect the toilet facilities being external and somewhat primitive!

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I've just looked up the site on Google Earth and the three bungalows are still there, just before the entrance to the Chapel Point car park. They're much modified and are now directly on the main road whereas before they used to be in a field. Elijah Burton who built them was a self made man, a former miner. He built a lot of houses in Woodthorpe on Breckhill Rd, Grafton Avenue and Maitland Road. He also had a large coal merchant's business. He lived on Maitland Rd./Greys Rd. in a house which was very Victorian in its furnishings. He had a farm prewar, just off Mapperly Plains, where the new Gedling bypass was recently built. He's buried in a family tomb in Redhill cemetery.

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He probably was. The coal lorries were garaged at the top of Maitland Rd. just around the corner from Woodthorpe Drive. His depot was in the Midland Station yard off Station St. His son Bob, my uncle, who lived on Greys Rd. used to work for him and then set up his own coal delivery business. His office was on Holden St. near Canning Circus.

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Still freezing, and it's a bit of a miserable existence. Gas fire on full and all doors closed is just about maintaining 17 degrees in the living room. Rest of house is Baltic as they say in these parts. Made a bit worse by the fact I'm not really mobile. If I was I'd be out walk8n all day and down the pub for an hour in the evening.

On the other hand ... I can afford to have the gas fire on all day. I can supplement it with an electric fan heater elsewhere if needed  I'm not struggling to buy gas etc., on a pre-:payment card, I own my home and have no debts. I have food to last for weeks. My situation is temporary.

I consider myself fortunate compared to many in this country.

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Well said, Col.  Do you use a cuddly blanket?  I do, but it encourages the cats to snuggle up on my knee as well!

Because they are old (16) I don’t like to disturb them so I have to sit for hours watching TV or scrolling. !!!

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@MargieH I have a couple of fleecy blankets and a dressing gown which are getting a lot of use. I'm plenty warm enough in bed  with just a duvet, but keep getting woken up early by knee pain so might as well get up and take what pain killers I can. got a call in to the follow up team at Wrightington,  because after 3 1/2 weeks the swelling on my knee is not going down and the pain isn't reducing, so I can't bend it as I should. Also, a possible minor infection at bottom end of scar. I'll see what they say.

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Hi Margie and thanks. All good.. kind of... Possible explanation for issue with scar is a bunch of suture knots at the end. Practitioner on phone said possibly  that and they should dissolve eventually. bot to just keep an eye on it. As for geral progress they just seem content with where I'm at.

In other news, I've come out for a warm. Struggling to get living room to stay at 16 degrees. So we came out to do some banking then Mrs Col announced  WE were going food shopping. I soon disabused her of that notion, so am currently sitting in the Tesco Cafe with all the other ''Owds', soaking up the sympathetic smiles from the passing throng who spot my crutches and expression of noble forbearance.

I've just had a 'Pigs in Blanketss Toastie'. An interesting take on a sausage butty, involving sausage, bacon and cranberry sauce on toast and topped with toasted cheese. An experience and quite edible, but one I'm unlikely  to repeat...:mellow:

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The Big Freeze continues. I suppose as well as lower outside temperatures, the gradual loss of heat stored in walls, floors and everything in the home explains why the temperature first thing has fallen by a degree or so each day. It was 14.5 degrees this morning.

Last night I treated myself to a 'four kettle bath', and was planning on a four kettle rinse, but instead decided to rinse off under a cold shower. It was, as you might expect.. the work of seconds . But the result quite amazing  The moment you stop, your skin glows with heat and you get a real 'buzz'.

Can't  wait for Monday though....when the new boiler should be installed.

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This morning I watched the Remembrance  Day parade etc. I thought about family members in both WW1 and WW2. Most survived  Grandad Jack with his Military Medal, my Dad after 5 years as a POW etc.. Some more distant relatives  didn't. 

I watched  the film 1917, which gives a startling view of WW1. See it if you can.

My new knee has been excruciating  all day..

Dimbleby finished with 'Only the dead know the end of war'.  

Makes you think.



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Today I drove into Victoria Centre the first time for many years, only to return 2  bath mats which I ordered online from John Lewis they were much too big. Reminder to me check carefully on what size you order before buying them, you make mistakes too often, read all information first. Even at 10.00hrs traffic was too heavy for me. The centre was busy after JL crowds of people on the walk to M&S ,out of there get me back home I submit.  Into the car park words with other half who has the parking ticket , both of us wrong neither us ,well that just over £16 gone . Quiet ride home in traffic, I hate it.

Well decision is made I will never drive into Nottingham again and  I can see no sane reason for shopping  there if (when) I make a mistake online again return it by post. Sitting quietly at home I will start talking when I am hungry, well it is her role to control what I do.

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8 minutes ago, trogg said:

 I will never drive into Nottingham again and  I can see no sane reason for shopping  there 


I agree, and I've hardly ever driven into the city since I got a bus pass.


And you're right there's no sane reason for shopping there ...........because there are very few shops left to visit.

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The only time we go to Nottingham now is as tourists, Park the car in Newark, bus pass ride from there to Nottingham Friar lane, visit where we want to, lunch in a cafe or restaurant bit of sightseeing and back to Newark and home, that'll do me



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Working boiler!!

First warm shower in 9 days!



The time it's taking to get to its 22 degree target gives some clue as to how cold walls, floors and everything  else have got in the last week.


All good now though..;)

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It is reported that at the AGM of the National Trust it was revealed that the calendar for volunteers shows dates for Eid and Diwali but non for Christian festivals, Christmas and Easter prompting calls that the trust has become too woke. If this is the case I have to concur that this is ridiculous.

We are long time members of the NT and I am aware that they have previously got themselves in a bit of a lather as many of the grand houses they look after have historical connections with slavery. 

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