Homeopathy-Claptrap, Bunkum or What ?

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Do the NS collective have any thoughts on this ? I've had arthritic hips (mild) for a couple of years & just put up with it, just lately been playing up a bit. Mrs C suggested I let her massage my  hips with lavender essential oil, surprisingly now had 2 completely pain free nights ! It worked for me fine.

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Round yours in the morning catfan............ain't got Arthritic Hips........but would enjoy Sue's massage..............:rolleyes:

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Similia similibus curentur (like cures like) is the basic tenet of homeopathy and there will be as many rubbbish the idea as there will be those who swear it works.

An in-law worked for Weleda in Ilkeston so we had all sorts of pills and potions but I can't with hand on heart say any of them did any good (the pills are 99.999% sugar). Lets face it most common ailments clear up without taking anything within a few days so do the pills work? who can tell. I used to tease her that if like cures like and she broke her leg, I'll break the other one and see what happens.


It's basically give a small dose of whatever ails you will cure you. The fly in that particlar ointment is that you already have the cause in your body so how will adding more cure it?

Personally I doubt it works.

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If it works for you then that's great,I don't dismiss things I have no knowledge of but willing to try most,don't want to think anyone is in pain



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2 hours ago, catfan said:

Do the NS collective have any thoughts on this ? I've had arthritic hips (mild) for a couple of years & just put up with it, just lately been playing up a bit. Mrs C suggested I let her massage my  hips with lavender essential oil, surprisingly now had 2 completely pain free nights ! It worked for me fine.

I also use lavender oil mainly on my wrists and thumb joints works for me. I have started to use ginger  fresh sliced in hot water or if that does not appeal eat two pieces of crystalized ginger also good for digestion.

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Homeopathy is different from the use of 'essential oils' like lavender (aromatherapy) which many people find helpful especially when this is accompanied by massage.


In homeopathy, the person is treated with the same substance which has made them ill in the first place..


Homeopathy preparations are made using a process of dilution, in which the chosen substance is repeatedly diluted in alcohol or water until no trace of the original substance can be detected!!  

It is at this point that the preparation is supposed to be the most effective.


I think I'll leave it there...


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What did you buy, NBL?   If it was lavender oil, that will be nice massaged on to your wife's hands.  Smells lovely.  Hope it works...

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I certainly wouldn't knock it.  If it helps a person, great.  Doubt that it would do a lot of harm.  Certainly less harmful than many prescription synthetic drugs.  Don't know a lot about it though so should probably leave it there. 

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A placebo is a word I would use in the context of whether homeopathy works.

If the recipient thinks it's beneficial and is doing them some good, then in their minds, it works, so surely, that's all that matters. 

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As Margie pointed out homeopathic medicine and lavender oils are two different things and as others have said if it works for you then thats all that matters.

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Homeopathic medicine may do serious harm to your wallet.


If anyone thinks that a drop of "active ingredient" in the equivalent of a swimming pool full of water is a stark raving looney.

Claptrap, bunkum or what! my word for it is "ballcocks" or something similar

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I wouldn't be without lavender essential oil. Great for burns as it removes the pain immediately and prevents scarring. I always keep some in the kitchen. Peppermint oil is also wonderful for tired feet. Mixed with a carrier oil, such as almond oil, it rejuvenates aching tootsies.


Many years ago, I did an aromatherapy massage course and a reflexology course and found both to be very useful. I'm with Loppy on the dangers of prescription drugs but, of course, some essential oils can also be hazardous if not used correctly. I think an essential element is relaxation. Life today is so stressful. We all feel better automatically once we relax.

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I haven't much knowledge about essential oils, but have investigated enough to know that being on five different (life dependent) drugs, I have to be careful of interactions with certain foods and possible essential oils, whether taken orally or topically. Warfarin interaction being my main concern. I don't want to put people off, but to anyone who is new to the prospect of using essential oils and taking medication, it is a good idea to seek advice .


 There is plenty of information on the net, or even  the Pharmacist, or Health shop staff would probably know of possible interactions. Essential oils have been used for many years and a godsend for people who suffer pain and other health problem. As with many things new to ourselves, we just have to be careful and know what we are doing.

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Thank you Carni for your post about 'essential oils.'  I forgot to put a warning in my post that one has to be careful about possible interaction with traditional medication.

As for homeopathy, there is so little (if any) substance in the medicine, I suspect it probably won't react to anything.....

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Think its legal in some states of America..........and some parts of Amsterdam,  not sure though.............i know some users who go there often.

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Cannabis oil is legal in Colarado and some other states I think.  They say the oil does not make you high and has proved helpful in helping kids with autism.  It is a complex legal issue.  I personally see nothing wrong with it as a type of medicine.  After all many over the counter medicines are narcotics.

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As a child I ,like most others, had spots on my face but mine were worse than most. Several trips to the doctor proved fruitless so one Friday afternoon my mother dragged me into the local herbalist. I was terrified of this shop and definitely didn't want to go in but lost the battle. The old lady in there looked at my spots and gave me some tablets that looked like bottle green Smarties with the instruction to take one in a morning and one at bedtime. The following Friday I walked into the shop without a single spot on my face! What I had been given I never knew but it did wonders for my belief in alternative and natural remedies. If the old lady had been alive today she would have given the local doctors a run for their money.

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It was probably something that purified the blood. Fennel, perhaps. I've never suffered from spots but I do eat a lot of garlic which, again, is good for purifying the blood. The advantage being that, if I did come out in spots, people wouldn't get near enough to notice! :wacko:

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3 hours ago, loppylugs said:

  I personally see nothing wrong with it as a type of medicine.  After all many over the counter medicines are narcotics.

As I have mentioned before my daughter has a above  the knee amputation and is suffering with phantom pains her medication does not help very much.  There is a forum which offers help to people like her and many members  say cannabis oil works , her problem is will she become addicted she is  on a lot of medication so needs no more problems.  Any advice would be welcome.  Gem 

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