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3 hours ago, radfordred said:

Another desperate attempt from remoaners, I hope if he goes Boris get Fararge in, he’s doing a fantastic job exposing the French boarder force, should have been our PM. englandflag 



We'll let you know.

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True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

The farcical goings-on in UK politics at the moment puts me in mind of the1980s sitcom Yes Minister.


What is going on there in Westminster? Isn't it time that British politicos sorted themselves out and got back to running the (albeit broken) country without the potentially fatal distractions of that execrable snot ball?


The people down here are almost wetting themselves with laughter at the public relations disaster which now seems interminable. Why doesn't the person responsible just go - either voluntarily or by force?

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Dominic Cummings should do the honourable thing and resign if he does not then Boris should do the honourable thing and sack him.

Opps, these two doing the honourable thing, computer says no!

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What did he do that was wrong? He acted within the guidelines. He didn’t look for a loophole, the rules were clearly stated. I think the drive to Barnard Castle was misjudged and he could have been in breach of the Highway Code regarding eyesight but I’m sure we’ve all slightly bent the rules during lockdown out of sheer necessity. The media are just looking for a victim to pursue. Look how they gather round his doorway and not keeping a social distance.

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I keep trying to convince myself that most Tories are ok.........then along comes this 'CRETIN'..

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I repeat.  The country is currently being misgoverned by the dregs of the Tory Party.  These are the ones who were left after the party, already much further right than even in the days of Thatcher, was purged of anyone with any integrity, by Johnson and Cummings.


Johnson, who actually has NO political principles and even fewer ideas and who was previously NOT a Eurosceptic, simply jumped on the Brexit Bandwagon and exploited all the loony Brexiteers simply to get himself into the role he's always wanted...being in charge.  or 'King of the World'.. as he reportedly once said..   By 'loony' Brexiteers, I don't mean all Brexiteers.  Brexiteers IMHO are wrong, but they are entitled to their view.  The Loony ones are those who would vote for  Attilla The Hun if he promised to get then out of the EU.  Maybe they will eventually learn that giving somebody.. anybody..'carte blanch' with the country, just to acieve one thing.. is a very dangerous thing to do.


Johnson needs Cummings because Johnson frankly has no clue what he is doing. So from Johson's point of view Cummings is a 'good thing'.  But the rest of us.. including much of the Tory Party, know that Cummings is a dangerous and very far right individual who must be stopped.

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1 hour ago, benjamin1945 said:

I keep trying to convince myself that most Tories are ok.........then along comes this 'CRETIN'..


It might have been possible to argue that up to 1979 Ben.. but since then they have just got steadily worse.  More self- serving, more corrupt, more theft of National Assets, more attacks on the poor, the weak, the alienated and the disposessed.  And yet, mostly because of a compliant press and a timid BBC, they keep managing to convince the electorate that a sound thrashing will do them good.

It's all very wearing.

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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

What did he do that was wrong?

Er? He could have invalidated his insurance, had his license revoked, be fined £1,000. Did he really have to drive 30 miles to make sure his eyesight was ok? Could he not have just checked by reading a number plate?

I have no axe to grind with Cummings, but he insults our intelligence by expecting us to believe such utter twaddle!!!

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If you read me closely I did allude to the misguided trip to Barnard Castle which was a mistake. I was impressed by the guy’s honesty though. Regarding the child, were they supposed to give him to Social Sevices whilst they isolated?

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When all the hype and hysteria has calmed down maybe we can take a look at what he has actually done to earn this amount of vitriol.


He went for a ride to see his parents, big deal! Yes he broke the rules but it's hardly a hanging offence and there were hundreds doing the same and worse on the beaches and in parks over the weekend but not a line of criticism raised in the press.

He told a stupid lie about his eyesight, why I have no idea and it's a measure of his arrogance that he though people would believe him.


The kids however are a different matter and personally I would break every damn rule in the book for my kids. I once drove flat out along Gregory Blvd on the way to the Children Hospital. Screw the speed limits we can argue about it later.


People are thoroughly fed up with lockdown now and seized on this relatively minor incident to vent their anger and frustration fueled by , as I said before, by vindictive journalist who are desperate for a headline.

The sheeple,  the hang 'em high brigade and the hard of thinking are lapping it up, at last they have someone to vilify and bolster their self righteous indignation.


Why don't we vote to bring back lynching and burning at the stake.


1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

More self- serving, more corrupt, more theft of National Assets, more attacks on the poor, the weak, the alienated and the disposessed. 


I really don't recognise the world you live in Col that warrants such a diatribe. I'm surprised you have taken Cummings misdemeanours to release your pent up anger and expanded it to an attack on the Tories in general and Brexiteers in particular. Your arguments are usually far more pertinent.

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3 hours ago, Brew said:

I really don't recognise the world you live in Col that warrants such a diatribe. I'm surprised you have taken Cummings misdemeanours to release your pent up anger and expanded it to an attack on the Tories in general and Brexiteers in particular. Your arguments are usually far more pertinent.


That particular outburst was a direct response to Ben's observation on the Tories.


As for my other views, ..If I may engage in  bit of Whataboutery of my own.. I didn't see the press being criticised when they fired a constant stream of invective, lies and false allegations against Corbyn, Abbot  Whatever you think of Corbyn's politics he did not deserve such treatment and I for one am pleased to see that some sections of the media aren't entirely sycophantic towards Johnson and his evil Svengali Cummings.  What Cummings did was maybe not a hanging offence, but as you observe, it was stupid and arrogant.  It would have been far better if he had explained his absence at the time and quoted the particular small print in the guidelines which he thought justified his actions.  While he was playing silly games and acting in his customary secretive manner, others were prevented from attendng funerals, or even being with loved ones as they drew their last breath.

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Thanks for that Col..............i find the whole thing about Political stuff too much for me......i can mostly see two sides to any argument........however being bought up similar to yourself,,(ie two streets away,and Parents with upbringings very alike)...i've always found it difficult to betray my basic Socialist background.............Over the last 40 years i have found it increasingly easier though,,but by the same token the Tories have never and never will gain my support............i'm old working class and always will be...and whilst its been all of 40 years since i voted labour my tick will never go Conservative,,,it would be like betraying all my ancestors.....feel like marching now,, against them all........................

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Ben I've always thought of you as one the voices of reason in this forum but voting for a particular party purely because your ancestors did is to say the least a bit weak mate...

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That's not what Ben said Brew.

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5 hours ago, philmayfield said:

The Tories were elected by a democratic vote and have an 80 seat majority. Whatever your opinion it won’t make a scrap of difference. That’s democracy!



Well of course that's true.


But anyone who understands politics, the role of the press/media (almost all Tory and/or Foreign/Absentee owned) the unfair and downright corrupt role of 'Lobbyists' and  corrupt influence of big business in dertermining outcomes...doesn't have much difficulty in understanding that our 'Democracy' is very broken.

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No Brew thats not what i said at all...........i said ''i'm basically a Socialist'''   and nothing would make me vote Tory.....and in the same 'Vein' can't vote labour either.........its changed so to talk to my NUR Secretary of 30 years for Nottingham north Grandad again,,,and i'm sure he would'nt vote for todays Labour party,,,and the Cons would'nt get a second thought............come the revolution

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 I should of course have said NOT voting for... and you're right I find it increasingly difficult to make the effort to vote for any of the clowns we're stuck with at the moment

As siddha hinted, we have a 'version' of democracy and it's really not very good, hardly fit for purpose. 




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Well if we put the Lib Dems in next time we'll get proportional representation which means Parliament will never agree on anything. It won't happen of course because they don't command popular appeal. Better with the system we've got although it can never be perfect. At least Col's got something to moan about for the next four years. Not good for the health though. Better to have a happy and cheerful disposition!

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