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@PeverilPerilYou say ‘market forces’ but the greatest of those is the price. If our wage costs are pushed up by trade union demands then manufacturers will buy from overseas. There are very few consumer goods that don’t have a ‘made in China’ label nowadays. When wages go up in China, as they will, there are plenty of other countries where cheap labour can be exploited.

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True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

I see that Boris the buffoon is going to address the nation at 8pm today. What else can he stop us doing? We got to get food, other than the weekly supermarket deliveries, we need fuel to drive to the shops, we’ve prescriptions to collect plus other essentials. There will probably be nationwide school closures and possibly a ban on sex without a mask.

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52 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

@PeverilPerilYou say ‘market forces’ but the greatest of those is the price. If our wage costs are pushed up by trade union demands then manufacturers will buy from overseas. There are very few consumer goods that don’t have a ‘made in China’ label nowadays. When wages go up in China, as they will, there are plenty of other countries where cheap labour can be exploited.


But..again.. you claim that union demands push up costs.  That is a very debatable point.


For  start.. many unions have been effectively emasculated since the days of Thatcher.


There is no doubt that some unions made 'demands' especially during the 70s. However, you then have to prove that unions were not just reacting to hyperinflation..which was eroding workers spending power to the point where many... me included.. could barely put food on the table after doing  an honest week's work and paying mortgage costs inflated by 15% inflation.


As ever.. it was the ordinary working people who were told to tighten their belts.  Just as with the failed and vicious policy of Austerity 40 years later.


In both cases there are very sound arguments to demonstrate that as ever, the poorest in society were being made to pay for the mistakes of the 'big money'.

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Whatever Johnson does is already too late. He was told by scientists before Christmas that his policies were not working.  He ignored the science.. again.. and we are seeing the result. He was told similar when the new variant emerged.  He ignored that too.  The idiot is a liability.


We need a full lockdown and all schools, colleges and unis I said in the CV thread.


We need more policing of the lockdown.


We need a full on national effort to vaccinate everybody, down to and including the Downing Street Cat.. using the army if necessary.  Johnson's continual waffling and stop/go policy making is killiing people.

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It was obvious that the Christmas ‘festivities’ were going to cause a spike in infections and it was left to people's common sense to do the right thing. Sadly common sense is in short supply and it’s a case of ‘here we go again’.  Policing the situation is nigh on impossible. I wonder how many of the fines for breach have been paid? I bet none of the £10,000 ones have and the offenders are waiting to be brought before the magistrates to plead inability to pay.
I don’t think they realise that failure to pay will have an adverse effect on their future credit ratings so they will be punished ultimately.

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18 hours ago, DJ360 said:

What things? Brexit? Well under a Labour Govt. we wouldn't have had the Referendum so the issue wouldn't arise. Labour haven't been in power for 10 years. The Tories own ALL of our current mess.


That is the reason labour were trounced at the recent elections. The majority of UK citizens wanted Brexit & the Tories fulfilled their promise to deliver.

Let's be honest labour have no credible leader to lead them anywhere.

Early days I know but the FTSE has risen since Brexit, 3% today & the £ is gaining value everyday.

Time will tell just how the country should prosper.

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I'd be interested in Loppy's view of events in both Washington and Georgia.


From my perspective on Washington.. If a lot of mostly black people.. such as a Black Lives Matter crowd, had gathered outside the Capitol and then attempted to storm it.. I doubt they would have got far before being met with overwhelming force.


And yet..when a mob of redneck morons do the same, they actually get into the very seat of power.


And response, and only at the behest of Joe Biden.. the Orange Idiot went on TV to appeal for peace..he still could not stop himself from repeating his idiotic mantra about 'stolen elections'..etc. (I believe the lunatic is even now still tweeting his bile over social media)


I don't know what the next steps can be under American Law and the Constitution.. but surely there must be some way to silence the dangerous idiot Trump until Biden's inauguration. Trump should then be frog marched out of the White House..if he hasn't already gone into hiding... and prevented from leaving the country until he has been made to face up to his criminal behaviour.




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As I was saying.. Gavin Williamson.. so called Education Minister is a child.  His latest is to demonstrate his total lack of understanding of the exam system.

To top that. he offers no resolution, no imagination or any other crumb of comfort to millions of English school kids and students... because he is so far out of his depth he doesn't even understand the question.

This is what you get when you vote for a Government based on one idea.. (Brexit) ...after the 'wannabe' PM has sacked every voice of protest within his own party.  You get dregs like Williamson, Patel, Hancock and the rest.


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So sad to see whats happening in America......almost Civil war.......afraid its all down to Mr Trump.....

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Last nights tv footage was terrible. Trump must go and quickly before he does any more damage. He didn't do a good job of MAGA did he? How can he do anything else without mucking it up.


With reference to Brexit, I won't comment on it as such, but a programme the other night outlined the difficulty. A Scottish farmer who produced his veg etc was interviewed. He showed ALL of the veg he sold including common veg such as potatoes and onions. He was worried that Scotland would ask to leave EU. He went through all his products saying as he went along, we can't grow this here, we have to import them, this comes from ....wherever it came from ( in Europe). It made me think about the veg that Brits see in their supermarkets comes mostly from the EU and when they run out where do they get them from. Can you imagine not being able to get pineapples, oranges, lemons and veg that Brits have come to love that only comes from EU. 


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Have I heard correctly. It is now ILLEGAL to go out of your premises unless you have a very good reason.

Does nipping down to the surgery with a prescription request count as a good reason? I don't think I'll bother going into Lewes to put a bet on though. How are they going to police that one?

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BK. Can’t you order repeat prescriptions online?  We use Systmonline.  Also, many pharmacies will deliver your meds if you ask them.

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We've been to Lowdham where we've dropped off a prescription at the surgery, paid the bill at the newsagents, picked up some rolls for lunch from Spar and been to the farm shop. Life goes on as normal here. I've not hugged anyone or shaken their hand but I rarely do anyway. I did need a new internal door handle and contemplated a drive to Newark to get one but when Amazon can deliver by 1pm tomorrow it wasn't worth a 20 mile round trip. Amazon has been my friend during the lockdowns, I've not caught them short of anything I've wanted. 


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I just knew you would pick me up. I had an idea it would be wrong as soon as I posted it, but thought "Sod it", my Guru will put me right. Don't do the lottery Phil. I've watched the numbers come out and the ones I used to do have never come out together since it started. Stopped doing it 3 weeks after it started.

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1 hour ago, MargieH said:

BK. Can’t you order repeat prescriptions online?  We use Systmonline.  Also, many pharmacies will deliver your meds if you ask them.

My pharmacy will deliver, if I pay £90. for the pair of us, (we're both on medicines). I did try Lloyds Echo, but the stuff was coming in bits through the post, and our postal service is not too reliant. The last one online was short so I still had to go to the pharmacy. The P.O.D. system is virtually useless, that's if you can get through. It's easier to go meself!

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10 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I won £2.40 and a free lucky dip last week. I look on it as my contribution to charity. Plus, if you don't do it you don't even stand a chance.


I've given 54 years to Charity, including 20 years to Nottingham Spastics Society. Figure I've done my bit.

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