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True enough but that was due to the peculiar system we have. Labour actually polled more votes than the Conservatives but did not gain the required number of seats.

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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

In other news....  It seems that the major Brexiteer Wethie's Boss Tim Martin.. is now agitating for more EU immigration because he can't get the staff....  You really could not make this stuff up...



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Given that imported beers etc. are likely to atract a tariff I wonder what advantages he thought Brexit would bring to Wetherspoons?


Recruiting staff from Europe wouldn't be necessary if pubs paid staff a decent wage.

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6 hours ago, Brew said:

I wonder what advantages he thought


Not sure he ever got as far as actually thinking.  He had one good idea... to create pubs where people could meet and socialise over a reasonably priced drink without having to compete with TV, Karaoke..etc.  It was a good idea which he has spent the last few years undermining on his own behalf.

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So. Catfan says that the 'MSM', by which I take him to mean the Mainstream Media, is too biased 'to the left'.


I'm waiting for examples. :)


But in the meantime I'll just say that the vast majority of UK Newspapers are Right wing and Tory supporting.

The BBC Political team is led by a number of people with known Tory associations.

The BBC is absolutely not politically biased to the left.  It is currently so terrified of the Tories that it barely challenges them on anything, instead just parroting the Govt. line, without serious analysis.

This evening, Laura Kuenssberg could barely keep that smirk off her face as she made an overlong report about Starmer trying to drum up support amongst disenchanted Labour voters, while she and the rest of the BBC are totally silent about the anti democratic and gerrymandering legislation Johnson and his band of crooks are forcing through Parliament.

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Laura Kuenssberg smirked! - seriously you're offering that as evidence Col?


The BBC is biased in the opposite direction to the disgruntled and malcontents personal persuasion. Those with a left wing view will cherry pick articles they can twist to show bias towards the right, right wingers do the opposite.


Sometime ago the Centre for Policy Studies (right wing) published a report damning the left wing bias of the BBC. About the same Cardiff University published a report (funded by the BBC) showing a clear right wing tendency. 


It would be a relatively simple exercise to browse the archives and find evidence of bias but a truly neutral and unbiased opinion is almost impossible, we all have views starting out that colour our judgement, researchers and journalists are no different. As humans we are all guilty of closing our eyes or ignoring that which we don't want to see, disagree with or plays against our preconceptions.


"Seek and ye shall find" seems an apt idiom...

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The BBC can't win. I've seen items accusing it of being biased towards left and right.


People who make those accusations are often saying "it expresses an opinion which I don't agree with'.


You'll never hear someone with left-leaning politics saying the BBC is biased to the left. And you'll never hear someone with right-leaning attitudes complaining the BBC is too far to the right.


It's ok to be extreme if you basically agree with it; it's biased if you don't agree with it.

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As far as I can see, the BBC news website rarely contains any article that qualifies as serious news any longer. A shortage of meat for barbecues this weekend? Really? Is that newsworthy.


I watched a video clip about young people's reluctance to take up Covid vaccinations. It came with a warning of 'contains graphic medical images' but I watched it anyway. Graphic medical images? Did I blink?  All I saw was the young reporter getting his first Covid jab at a pop up vaccination centre.  No blood, guts, gore, surgical instruments or prima donna brain surgeon sawing some unfortunate patient's cranium in half.  I'm a self confessed needle phobic but watching film of someone being vaccinated doesn't cause me to require 2 weeks in a psychiatric ward on a hefty dose of Mogadon (Moggodon!! :P) and twice daily counselling sessions. Have we really become such sensitive wusses that we have to be given such warnings?


Last week, it was all Pentagon report on aliens. Forget little green men. I frequently feel as though I'm an alien myself. This isn't the planet I started out on!

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I'm glad somebody understands it all. Me, I ain't got a clue. Brew and DJ leave me miles behind. I just do not understand this "leaning to the left or leaning to the right". I wouldn't know a 'lefties if I  fell over one in vaccination queue. Think I'll continue to read Brew and DJ, then get somebody to decipher for me.

As you can tell, I know bugger all about politics.

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The BBC are biased by the fact of what they don't report on.

Asian grooming gangs in Rochdale ,& Rotherham for one also the thousands of illegal  A immigrants entering the UK via the Chanel crossing. All too convenient not to mention those for example.

Then there is the focus BBC diversity. How many middle aged white hetrosexual men & women have been replaced by name & LGBTQ people recently.?

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Many times I agree with you CF, you talk a lot of sense, but on this occasion I think you're wrong.


A simple google search brings up many BBC reports about the scandal of Asians grooming young girls and there was at the time strong criticism of the term 'Asian gangs'. Sajid Javid (the then Home Secretary) said it was wrong to ignore their ethnicity and defended the use of the phrase used by the BBC.


Immigrants crossing the channel has as many pages of results and there are even Youtube videos on the subject from the BBC.


I have no knowledge of a homosexual invasion...


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4 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

A shortage of meat for barbecues this weekend? Really? Is that newsworthy.


Sorry Ms sparrow but that's a near perfect example of cherry picking to make a point - it was hardly headlines and sounds suspiciously like a strap line from The Sun. There were plenty of 'serious' subjects reported

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14 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

This isn't the planet I started out on!

I agree Jill. Who gave the wokelings the right to re-write and sanitise history to their view of the world. History is history, including all the nasty bits and as much as they object it cannot be re-written. It seems me that every advert/program on free to air television these day has to have a person of colour, ethnic origin and indeterminate sexuality out of all proportion to the populous. Woebetide any advert/program that attempts to offer a real view of the world, the keyboard warriors will vent their spleens and have it made more woke.

Come the revolution,put me down to drive the tumbril.

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With, 'every advert/program on free to air television these day has to have a person of colour, ethnic origin and indeterminate sexuality out of all proportion to the populous', it springs to mind the phrase, 'a chip on their shoulder'. 

The thing that irritates me is these sodding woke's and do-gooders always seem to wheedle their way into the media streams. More often that not with the lip-spittling, hand-wringing and grovelling BBC.

Watching TV these day's I often think which nation I'm actually living in. 

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And I thought it were only me !!! Even the bloody adverts are the same. I'm not prejudiced but come on! Maybe we could labeled as paranoid racists and the pc police come banging on the door.

Another thing, can somebody explain what woke and snowflakes are, cos I ain't got a clue. (Disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells).

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It’s not a question of prejudice in TV advertising. It’s just that the multi race families they show on many of the adverts are not representative of their presence in society at large. We don’t see many Asian or Chinese mixed families. Other lives matter as well. 

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