Things you don't see anymore

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Things you don’t see anymore (times 2) A 1945 photo of my aunt, wearing a turban and scrubbing her front door step on Queens Grove, Meadows. She dug her heels in and refused to move when the

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I had completely missed that Cliff Ton. However, I'm sure that if he can see this from where he is now i reckon he'll appreciate the fact that I finally managed to find some white dog sh*t to photograph :'(

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No it's birds that go "cheep" !

My birds were never cheap! They always chose the most expensive seats at teh flicks and teh most expensive things on the menu at restaurants thumbsdown

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Absolutely! I can't remember the name either, but I got a set for Christmas, probably when I was about six (about 1958). I kept them in the segmented cardboard box and I bet they got thrown away when my mum & dad left Long Eaton in about 1985!

I still see similar things for sale, but they are sold individually, and are larger than the ones I had!

...That kid's game (can't recall the name) which was a series of burnished metal shapes in a small box - triangles, circles, squares and the like.

The objective was to slide one shape into another via metal grooves - not unlike key rings - in order to form a chain.

A somewhat simplistic Rubik's Cube...

Anyone old enough to remember? no1


Robt P.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a gobsmack moment today - one of the kids in my class put his hand up, looked smug and said "Miss, there's a mistake in this story. It says here, 'one pound note', and they don't exist."

It seems that after my generation kids have no concept of past UK currency.

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WHAT!! I used to buy a lucky bag, tuffees and a comic with the threepenny bit my ' Aunty ' Edie used to give us kids when we used to visit our Grandmas on a Saturday! ( Aunty Edie was my Grandmas next door neighbour )

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I took some real money (farthing, halfpenny, penny, threepenny pieces [silver and brass], sixpence, shilling, florin, half crown and a crown) in to work to show 25-30yr olds and they were absolutely enthralled by this strange money. the only one they recognised was the crown but none of them realised that it used to be real money and not just a token of remembrance for some event, such as a jubillee.

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Twas strange the change from £'s shillings & pence to decimal............................good job that we were taught our

'tens and units' at school in the fifties, anyone remember them?

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Compo lad...............what meks yer think I can rememberum.................I just know it was called tens & units, so must have have been useful to know....based around learning how many tens in big numbers ie 95 = 9 tens & 5 units, easier to understand by breaking down the numbers??

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Remember learning/chanting times tables up to twelve times twelve, off by heart? And very useful it remains to this day. Also learnt by heart the number of pence in level shillings, and the value in shillings and pence of multiples of 10d up to ten bob : "12 pence = 1/-, 20 pence = 1/8d; 24 pence = 2/-; 30 pence = 2/6d; 36 pence = 3/-; 40 pence = 3/4d etc.

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I had a gobsmack moment today - one of the kids in my class put his hand up, looked smug and said "Miss, there's a mistake in this story. It says here, 'one pound note', and they don't exist."

I believe that there is still a £1 note used in Scotland, Compo to confirm?

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