Whats Yer New Years Resolution?

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I've had my share of mad drunken NY Parties, both in Town when I was younger and at home as I got more sense.

I know it's hard to believe but it's true :unsure:

As for NY Resolutions I would most likely forget them, or deny I had made them. :huh:

oh Sue,i remember that night in town,i thought you were great. :biggrin:

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Not making any resolutions, apart from growing old disgracefully.

The same one comes up every time..... To live another year.

Not so much a resolution as a goal set for myself this year. I am determined to beat my diabetes and so will continue with my new health regime of diet and fitness.......(half a stone lost so far). I

We are not fortunate, other countries should have got their act together years ago.

We have worked damn hard as a country since the Industrial Revolution. If others can't follow our example , then tough 5hit !!!

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Never make any, then don't have to break any...........Live your life to the full, make the most of everyday as you only come this way once - it is not a dress rehearsal, go out and get it whilst you can......................I am 69 years young and If I had known years ago what I know now, I would have gone out and helped myself to a bit, I mean, a lot more..........HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS......Xxx

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Not making any resolutions, apart from growing old disgracefully.

Well said - me too.....

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So where are you going to pick your nose then ............on the bus?

Still not as bad as scratching your **** in public ;)

You cannot beat a good pick and scratch when you need one.......

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Not so much a resolution as a goal set for myself this year. I am determined to beat my diabetes and so will continue with my new health regime of diet and fitness.......(half a stone lost so far). I have been told that diabetes can be reversed if caught early enough and so I am jolly well going to try to crack it. I'll report back if there have been improvements after my next check up in March.

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Good for you darkazana. We will be watching in anticipation of picking up a few tips from you. Chris was also diagnosed as type 2 last year. He did very well on the losing weight part, but then lapsed and put some back on. He fully expected his blood sugar results to have gone back over the limit. Thankfully it was 6, so he was pleasantly surprised. We are not quite sure of the best way forward and don't fully understand about Diabetes yet, only that it is quite under estimated by a lot of people as to what a nasty illness it is. ( We were two of those people) Keep up the good work darkazana.

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It is tricky Carni, especially when going to friends for meals. I am of the type who eats what is put before them and would never comment on whether I should or should not be eating it, which could be my ultimate downfall. I will start a thread on the blog pages I think and put down what I have learned so far etc etc, then it won't be boring for anyone who doesn't want to know slywink

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New Years Resolution you say?

Here's one you will enjoy keeping. Repeat after me...

"I will attend a Nottstalgia meet up"

Make that...

"I, <your name> will attend a Nottstalgia meet up"

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