Old television programmes

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We do live in a very ‘horsey’ area. Mostly they’re just ridden round the lanes and bridle paths. One neighbour, a former member of the ‘caring profession’, a nurse, used to be the secretary of the Sou

Thank me later     

Magic Roundabout was voiced by Eric Thompson and after his death by Nigel Planer of The Young Ones fame. What I remember most was Zebedee always trying to bonk Florence as every show ended with Z

Yes safe journey Eric see you Saturday night.

Daktari ,with Clarence the cross eyed lion

And one that is surprisingly not in that list Mick ,Does anybody remember FOREST RANGERS?

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Who remembers Hilda Baker and her sidekick, Cynthia, a gormless looking cross dresser? Hilda's catchphrase was 'She knows ya know' They appeared on variety shows, a thing of the past.

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Who remembers Hilda Baker and her sidekick, Cynthia, a gormless looking cross dresser? Hilda's catchphrase was 'She knows ya know' They appeared on variety shows, a thing of the past.

Her side kick was played by various people at times including Matthew Kelly at one point, the most famous was the fellow who played 'Our Eli' in Charlie Drakes' shows I can't for the life of me remember his name now.

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I'm talking waaaaay back, beefy. This sidekick was on the stage with her, not in any comedy show. The man never said a word, just nodded every now and again.

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Well documented on the web how Hylda Baker was highly disliked by members of the profession, said to be quite an unpleasant character.

She also had a voracious sexual appetite, especially for younger men...accounting for the many 'Eli' recruits.


Robt P.

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Catch phrases like, "Has he been?" and "I must get a little hand for this watch" I think that was Hilda Baker anyway


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I'm talking waaaaay back, beefy. This sidekick was on the stage with her, not in any comedy show. The man never said a word, just nodded every now and again.

I am too .The appearance with Matthew Kelly was (I think ) on "The Good Old Days" not long before she retired (To an ex artistes retirement home , other inmates included Jack Douglas. I read an article in one of the Sunday Supplement 15 years or more ago )

Our Eli also used to appear on The Roy Castle Radio Show on early Sunday afternoons in the early 80's, classic sketch (From memory, so it may be wrong) Eli and Castle play kids

Eli ,shouting as if up to a bedroom window.

"Roy.............Roy.........Roy ,Ya comin out T play Roy?"

Roy shouts back down

" No "

" Why Roy, ...why ain'tcha comin out T play Roy"

"I bin a naughty boy"

"Roy, whatcha ,whatcha do that was naughty,....Roy"

" I fed the cat "

" Roy ,thats not naughty, thats not naughty Roy"

"It is , if you feed it to next doors dog"

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Ya sure ya gonna be there (A man wi no dosh I mean)

No - you got it wrong.

Me accountant didn't rob ME - except that I'm 12 months ahead with his fees, he's robbed others (with money) so that leaves me clear.

Just 'aven't got any one currently to continue me fidlin of me tax return !rotfl!

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  • 2 years later...

The speechless one and nodding donkey was Eli Woods, apparently still alive, a cousin of Jimmy James with whom he used to appear as a stooge during his drunk routines, I recall seing them perform at the Theatre Royal many years ago.

Eli was also played by Jimmy Jewell as Hylda Bakers brother in the series 'Nearest and Dearest', remember that!!

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  • 7 years later...
  • 4 years later...

Going off topic abit , i stumbled across the creation of Jackanory on youtube tonight , how many off us sat down to tea and listened to the likes of Bernard cribbins , james robert justice, and hatty Jaques tell us a story , brought back happy memories !

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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Old television programmes

That was when kids were allowed to be kids and enjoy a childhood. These days many are just fashion accessories to be farmed out to anyone who will look after them while the parents live their lives as they did before parenthood.

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Watch With Mother was nowhere near as good as Listen With Mother , in my personal opinion.

Not that I ever listened with my mother: she was in the kitchen washing the lunch pots prior to our going out for a walk in the afternoon.  I loved that programme. The slowly spoken,  gentle, reassuring tones of George Dixon, Julia Lang, Daphne Oxenford and Dorothy Smith were a joy to hear and, with a different piece of classical music each week at the beginning, a good start to music appreciation.

Fifteen minutes of sheer joy, after which it was into the pushchair or on with the reins and off we went.  I vividly recall being wheeled along in my pushchair, a tiny hot water bottle tucked under my blanket (it was winter), singing nursery rhymes from the programme. It broke my heart that starting school meant I couldn't listen to it any more.


Maybe it's me but children's programmes today seem so loud, manic and chaotic by comparison. 

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Yes I remember all the watch with mother programs but which do you like BEST and WHY  


Mind is the Wooden Tops  only because they had the biggest spotty doy you ever did see.

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10 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

The slowly spoken,  gentle, reassuring tones of George Dixon, Julia Lang, Daphne Oxenford and Dorothy Smith were a joy to hear and, with a different piece of classical music each week at the beginning, a good start to music appreciation.


I was also there at that time. My big musical memory of Listen With Mother was the piano piece at the end, which I later discovered is this.




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