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Everything posted by Fynger

  1. http://www.nottinghampost.com/Column-bases-Lenton-Priory-discovered-excavation/story-20942891-detail/story.html At least they've found an old bit
  2. Always knew it as Spanish Gold...used to get it from the Naafi in Chilwell Depot...cos our shop din't sell it.
  3. Both those brothers are still around ( so are the other 3 )...one of em's in spain now...I don't think any of his family are still in Chilwell..he did have a house on Woodland Grove too...near College House School where he went ( they put a blue plaque up for him there not long ago. ( at the school )).
  4. Spanish Gold Trevor http://www.oldestsweetshop.co.uk/sweet-tobacco-spanish-gold
  5. My 2 elder brothers went to school with him at Alderman White in Chilwell.....Lived about 12 houses away from our house. ( next door to my mate Kev )
  6. The single fronted shop was called " Curios ".
  7. Now I hear on the Old Henry Mellish Site they want to build a School....DOH !!
  8. Maybe...... its possible....was basically the front room of one of those Big Bay Window houses. ( so may have been set back a bit )
  9. Was along Shakespeare St on your left as you walk away from Vic Center...toward the College end...I think where the Barnes Wallis Building is now.
  10. Melissa...there is no need to 'quote' if you are following straight after.
  11. T'would be nice to see a scan on here...thanks.
  12. Welcome to Nottstalgia, I look forward to reading your posts and sharing your memories.
  13. We had one of his arrows on our classroom wall at Mellish........wish Ide got it now.
  14. When was the Statue erected ??
  15. Yay...the 21st....the Spring Equinox is here at last.
  16. Fynger

    Chris Mee

    Welcome all to Nottstalgia...I'm glad you've all found the true depth of this site.....it can bring people and memories back together..... :-)
  17. could have at least drawn a clock face on it....it'de be right twice a day.
  18. OK...i'll wait for the explanation.....lol
  19. Bump up the old thread rather than start a new one