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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. I have one in my shed and use it on occasions still, mine does'nt have the "thruppenny bit rivetted on the pressure relief valve though Rog
  2. manage to watch the hunt a bit now where I live, also like to run with the beagles, smashing little chaps they are Rog
  3. Nowt wrong with Bulwell,used to visit there regularly in the 50's and 60's to see my grandparents who lived on Albert street, every Saturday down the market with me mam and gran who would leave us playing by the bogs or drop us off at the picture house, great pics there catfan,brought back some lovely memories, finished up living at Snapewood before moving out here to the land that god forgot Rog
  4. I used to look forward to going to the Isley Walton hunt on boxing day to watch the riders off but these days if you follow the hunt theres a chance you get into all sorts of crap with the anti's Rog
  5. Post #151, seems like a fair swap to me Rog
  6. At work we have signed up to a pedometer challenge where we wear one of these "stepometer" gadgets daily for a month starting May 4th to see how many steps we do each day, had a practice with mine this week and started Monday with 3104 steps although don't get out of the office much on a Monday, Tuesday managed 5614 with Wednesday achieving 8437 and yesterday Thursday managed 10679 steps, this is all at work doing my normal duties. the target is to get 10,000 steps per day Anyone else used one of these "stepometers" or if you have one post your daily steps on this site,a bit of fun and the
  7. you are right there Cliff Ton, I went with Highbank junior school early 60's Rog
  8. Having to run the gauntlet of fag smoke to get into a pub/cafe or place of work because smokers stand in the doorways to smoke,I am an ex smoker by the way Rog ps, it's against the law to smoke within 15 feet of any open window or doorway
  9. Got thousands of the little sods in our workshop at work, the workshop is half a converted barn trouble is the local farmer uses the other half to store his harvested oats and as a result the little darlings have food,shelter and a safe area away from predators Rog
  10. When someone starts a new topic asking "for example what you don't see anymore" and proceeds to answer the question themselves by making a bloody great list not leaving anything left for others to post, (my opinion) Rog
  11. No wind farm in the North sea on the Skeggy picture Rog
  12. Good job too, I hold him responsible for most of the drivers out here in wildest Lincolnshire cutting across the white lines when entering corners causing other motorist to swerve out of their way,they seem to think it ok to show that sort of behaviour on the tv when in reality it's against the law,childish prats Rog
  13. I hate to see Mrs Plantfit working hard in the garden on a hot summers day, so I just pull the curtains too and watch the telly instead Rog
  14. What you gonna do next weekend then Ayup? Rog
  15. Where did the vote take place Radfordred,,,,,,,Latvia? Rog
  16. I'm sure I saw somewhere on this site some copies of past local papers from Basford,(might have been 1940's/1950's) not sure where,maybe under Bulwell and Basford heading, was last year I think, not very helpful I know but someone on here will search it out for you Rog
  17. I've posted about this before but can't find it so will have to repeat it, a few years ago I was locking the main gate at work (the old RAF Woodhall site) the weather was cold and it was starting to get dark (17.00hrs) would be December time,anyroad,a few yards in front of me looking towards the main Woodhall road I could see what I can only describe as a column of steam maybe 5-6 feet tall and about 18-20 inches broad, it slowly disappeared as I got closer to it,I didn't feel worried or afraid by it just curious,bearing in mind the old airbase was the last airfield a lot of airmen took off fr
  18. Best place for these thing,look at the expression on her face,miserable sod,probable feel much better if she walked,get fitter too Rog
  19. Ban those bloody mobility scooters I say, whoever thought up the idea of them wants horse whipping Probably open up a tin of worms but so what, been a similar thread to this about them scooters in the past somewhere on here Rog
  20. I can't understand why most Audi and BMW cars have their indicator lights wired to the brake lights, I thought the indicator lights were suppose to come on before the brake light,around about 80-100mts before a junction or a lane change, or maybe I'm just old fashioned Rog
  21. Always thought it stood for "We intend making profit every year" Rog
  22. Sunrise at work in winter,just t'other side of Newark And sunset over the plant,same location Rog
  23. in response to Karlton's post number 2010 Rog