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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Yes commo' but keep it to yasen,.........nobody told Mr Walker.
  2. Thanks mick,i know you mean well but I just couldn't buy owt like that it bores me silly,and I know it would save money but my Brain just switches off if confronted with owt technical/mechanical......................guess I just have to keep working to pay others to do it for me, my car back this morning and the bloke who repaired it started showing me all the Gubbins he'd replaced,wanted to throttle him (bless him nice bloke) Just read back what I wrote............can't believe I put GUESS.....these Colonials from the good old USA on here must be rubbing off on me.
  3. YOU RIGHT NBL, car talks to me..............but i can't even check the sodding oil.,...........and whats all this Diagnostic's shite////////////////////////////////?
  4. Must be me RGR................BLEDDY OLD AGE.....INIT.....................
  5. Only had brand new car when it was a company car, my foolish youth i got one on HP......Never did it again,only got cars i could afford to buy cash, Bleddy Cars...............last one cost me £200,
  6. RGR and Jim..........................who's memory is playing tricks............i'm sure i used to go to see the ;Master Cutler' go thru Bulwell Common at 10pm in the 50s.?
  7. Did'nt have a School song as such,................but can still hear the whole school singing Jerusalem and 'all things bright and Beautiful'
  8. TOO TRUE Stu,...............nice pair of narrow black Chino's,pair of Dave's boots,to go with em,jobs a gud un'
  9. Love the Jacket Stu,................forgot about 'Steeples'
  10. Don't know wether Eastern Europeans understand 'double Entendre's' the way we do,but a Lithuanian lady cleaner really made me laugh this morning, Amid her telling me about her new male boss she said,........'you know Paul,he even Buffed my corridors'
  11. Never seen a Donkey dressed like that NBL...........
  12. First package holiday abroad...............Majorja 1970,....4 days,,£40.............wonderful time................mind you it was with a Ladies Darts Team from Arnold...plenty of Doubles and Trebles.....even a Bulls Eye........ ...........​the then Wife had to drop out at last minute..........I was gutted.
  13. Dad always said,...........after recieving a 'Volley' from Mam,..............'.alright alright its like being down Narra Marsh,'........can't recall Narra Marsh but I don't think it was Posh,
  14. I had a few uncles/aunts who used to live on Wicklow street just round the corner in the 50s,and i'm sure the 'Bleachers' was one of their locals or do i just remember them talking about it,anyone know when it closed ?
  15. 5# Lizzie,............that was about the year i went there (and only one)......Dinner Dance,..........i aint got your coat Lizzie....
  16. None there this morning Mick,............streets deserted,.......except for a few Mobility scooters outside the
  17. My MAM did annall lizzie,
  18. Nice one young Ian,...........don't mean not mentioning our 'Katy' lol................can't follow that,you've been a real performer this last to you and everyone on the site (inc.Katy) have an excellent 'New year'...............cheers. Benjamin.
  19. Dont worry Michael..................for carnie...........i'd be a
  20. Thanks Loppy, are right, wonder you do a bit of preaching,...............liked your voice by the way
  21. Next time you over Ian,would love to meet you,................bring Catfan as well if you
  22. I know i don't have to read all this,but it makes me feel sad,i joined to cheer me up when i was feeling low with an illness,and this just depresses me,obviously we all different and for those who feel different to me good luck. NOSTALGA can make you laugh and cry,nowadays i just want to laugh and try and see the funny side of life,i respect others views.and don't detract from them,but just wondering wether this is for me anymore,not knocking the forum in any way,like to think ive made some good 'cyber friends'. Probably just need to be more s
  23. Well,.........thats really warmed the 'Cockles of my heart' Cheered me up no end.
  24. It sure was Ian,.........only went in once and a real nasty fight broke out...............among two Ladies Darts teams,