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Everything posted by Karlton

  1. MargieH #40 Make some good pork pies in Melton too Margie
  2. Both my parents are buried in Carlton Cemetetery and used the chapel there. we lived in Kirks buildings which was rented from a Mrs Dunlevy and some of the old houses are standing today I remember some of the neighbours a Mr and mrs Newton, Harry Daykin, Sid Daykin, Mr anb Mrs Knight, Mrs Hawkins, Mrand Mrs King Mr and Mrs Foreman. Mr and Mrs Ludlow, Mr and Mrs Thorley. And Mr and Mrs Thraves. Mrs Ludlow had a son Billy and daughter Joyce Two more lads Paul an Michael.
  3. Sounds like a scene from only fools and horses Benj.
  4. What if there was no taxes or vat.
  5. What if we went back to hand signals in cars.
  6. # 6 Catfan Was it the dog that was Pi$$ed on the front seat?
  7. There used to be a chapel at the top of Carlton hill near the recreation ground, but not sure if its still there now. Me nand Mrs Karlton are going to a funeral tomorrow at bramcote so I might check it out for my own interest too, being down here in lincs. for fifteen years as you know there can be a lot of changes. I had an uncle in Hastings street who had a sermon there when he passed on many many years ago.
  8. I spend hours looking at pedestrian crossings they're black and white TeeeeeeHeeeeee
  9. Hi Stevie A big welcome to nostalgia, some great people on here.
  10. would I be correct in believing Roger Moore lived in Cow Lane Bramcote? i seemed to have heard it from someone.
  12. Can someone pick his dummy up and throw it back in the car please.
  13. I bet you've held a lot of balls in here madam? I beg your pardon. A line from the chandaliers sketch.
  14. ay yer gorra jemmy grandad? no i ed one for a come out Del
  15. #16 The chap on the left in the front row of the coloured photo is the same chap on the right at the end of the back row in the other picture, I can tell this because he's got the same shirt on. teeee heeee
  16. Anyone remember the petrol pump station at the bottom of Carlton hill about where the shell garage is now it doubled up as a blacksmits the old man used to shoe horses there, petrol then was a bout 3\9pence a gallon
  17. Enjoy Marg don't forget Eptons fish an chips down chip alley, highly reccomend em. lol.
  18. Thought about going "Boggit" hunting but not on Friday the 13th
  19. We used to have malt when we were kids. now much older we have ale.
  20. Marshalls on station road Carlton made them oblong as I said in in my previous post, perhaps he had Nelson's columb in mind if he had stuck to the dimension you'd need a bleddy big gob to digest it and a pocket full o' brass.
  21. Welcome to nostalgia Sandra yer in good company, enjoy. I used to go to the regal on Station road carlton. if it was an A film showing us kids being under age you'd have to ask somebody to take you in and then split up inside. OMG its a good job kids don't have to do that today. The cosy in Netherfield was another cinema we'd go to.