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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. I don’t mind Charles, but he just has too much ‘history.’ I know a lot of that is because of the ‘firm’s’ restrictions when he was younger and sometimes I do feel sorry for him because of that. However, I’ll be happier once Diana’s eldest is King. Don’t suppose I’ll live long enough to see that though…..
  2. @philmayfield what about cakes made with eggs - do you eat them?
  3. You really have had an unsettling couple of weeks Lizzie! I hope your niece’s daughter will soon feel able to share why she went off like that- what a worry! You are obviously feeling sad for your son, too. I hope he’ll feel a little better when he gets back to the UK. I’m sure you’ll feel better too…… (will there ever be a time when we don’t worry about our children I wonder)
  4. @The Engineer so sorry to read about your mum’s passing earlier in the year. Even though she lived to a good age, it’s still a big thing to lose your mum. It’s sad that she regretted not having the vaccine. Condolences to you and all your family x
  5. MargieH

    The Queen

    Perhaps the Queen was aware that her time was near and wanted to end her days at Balmoral?
  6. @IAN FINN You and your wife were obviously meant to be together …. Lovely x
  7. MargieH

    The Queen

    Yes, I like Anne too because she seems so uncomplicated and I also think she’s a strong woman.
  8. @The Pianomani suppose that’s right what you’ve said, except a knife is sometimes needed for cutting meat. I suppose playing tne piano can encourage a person to be ambidextrous as well ……?
  9. Had a great afternoon at Ely Cathedral which is not far from us. There was a very good brass band playing outside the huge west door of the Cathedral, along with a large group of some young air cadets who had obviously been practising very hard with their marching and drill. At 4pm the Proclamation was loudly read out and we all sang the National Anthem (had to concentrate with the new words!) The Palace Green outside the Cathedral was very crowded for the occasion but we were near the front. After this, many of us went into the Cathedral for choral Evensong - not really my cup of tea (
  10. @loppylugs thinking about you and praying too! You’re safe in His hands whatever, but I still hope you’ll get well soon x
  11. Catfan, Mrs C will be so pleased to have her dad nearby. Hope the move goes well x
  12. @radfordred I agree that 3 score + 10 is a good age and anything over that is a bonus, but you might find you’ll start moving the goalposts bit by bit as you get older. (but that’s OK!)
  13. MargieH

    The Queen

    I’m not a monarchist (although the alternative might well be worse) but I really admired the Queen - she was so dedicated to her job. I’m feeling very emotional but pleased she had a relatively quick passing. Wonder what the future holds for the monarchy now….
  14. @benjamin1945Sounds like you’re arranging a meet up - can any Nottstalgians come or is it private ? Maybe D should go with you to protect you (in your Cuban heels) from any female wannabe groupies….
  15. @philmayfield you probably have good skin - some people don’t become wrinkly even when they are in their 80s or even 90s.
  16. We’ll be 80 next year, too! I don’t worry about it, though, as I’ve had a mainly happy life and feel privileged to have lived this long. Getting older is just a part of life (until it isn’t lol)
  17. @Jill Sparrow sorry, your quote just disappeared…
  18. ‘In those days’ ? We still gather blackberries from the lanes round here. It’s free food and so delicious either in a crumble or reduced to a Couli to pour over ice cream. Paul has picked about £40 worth this year (going on Tesco prices- even more from Waitrose I expect). The freezer is getting quite full. We are very fortunate living here as people are always giving away apples (and sometimes other fruit too) at this time of year. Btw the blackberries are all big and juicy - not like the small hard gritty ones growing on the side of the roads.
  19. Congratulations BK and T. We got married 6 and a half months after you did - on the same day as Chulla, also someone else on here …. Can’t remember who. Hope you’re having a lovely day x
  20. @philmayfield I can remember maypole dancing at Arno Vale, but ‘stripping the willow ‘ is part of certain country dances (not round the maypole) One of the things we performed in maypole dancing was making braids/plaits in sets of 3 people.
  21. Hope you’ll have a great day, Lizzie x
  22. @benjamin1945 so you were working in Mansfield just after I left that area I think. I was at Harlow Wood hospital from 1960 until September 1962 and my friends and I often went into Mansfield when we weren't on duty....
  23. I expect the main PO closed because it wasn’t being used enough? As long as there is a small PO within a shop then that’s OK I suppose..:.: