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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. Compo, I remember that song from when we did 'country dancing ' at school, but having read the lyrics I think the teachers probably weren't aware of them!!
  2. Michael, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read your post. It's good that you can both find something to laugh at, but what a worrying time you've been through! I'm pleased that the pain and discomfort have eased and hope that things will get better from now on. Please pass my best wishes to your wife. Love and prayers to you both x
  3. Well, I don't know about 'recommend' but it seems fine for what we use it for. On a different subject.... The version of WORD which I'm now using is far too complicated, with stuff on it I never use. I much preferred the older, simpler versions.
  4. I like all the different pictures it keeps showing me (and asking me if I like them - very polite)
  5. We learnt Morse Code at Girl Guides - and I can still remember a lot of it
  6. About 25 years ago I started 'collecting' number plates. The rule was that I had to start with seeing a '1' on its own and I could only count the numbers as I saw them in order. (So if I saw a '10' before I'd seen a '9' it didn't count) Hope I'm making sense here... I got up to 150 by the end of 1999 but when the new numbering system came in, it became more difficult, so I don't do it anymore (although some days I remember and keep my eyes open for a '151'!! ). Anyone know where I can find one? ( I think I'm joking) All this sounds more than a bit OCD, but I'm not really....
  7. #61. tomlinson. Just re read some of this topic and noticed that you said you'd just read 'Dune'. I read the first 3 books a long time ago - before the film came out (which I didn't like at all btw as it didn't succeed in demonstrating the subtle parts in the life of other cultures and other planets, concentrating only on the obvious and 'in your face' stuff) Recently, I've just started rereading them, plus another 2 sequels and although I found them quite heavy-going at times, they are interesting. I do think, though, that the first one in the series is still the most enjoyable.
  8. Hello Morton40, hope you'll keep posting on Nottstalgia and enjoy reliving some of your memories
  9. Nothing to talk about unless there's a gale force wind blowing while you're there or you decide to do a few cartwheels.....
  10. FLY, but if you wore a kilt, you'd save a bit of space in your suitcase cos you wouldn't have to pack any underwear!!!
  11. My Mum said 'clarty' when referring to muddy soil on the fields - the sort of mud that sticks to your shoes/boots
  12. Melissa, hope your 'pastures new' will be exactly the right place for you. We'll almost certainly not be able to get to the April 6 meet up but hope you'll be able to see some Nottstalgians on your week off (as well as enjoying yourself with other younger friends!)
  13. Ian, I remember shampoo powder in a packet! It was in a green and white packet - ?Palmolive or was it Vosene - and you poured a bit of the powder into warm water in a cup and stirred it until it had dissolved. Paul says he only had soap to wash his hair when he was young. I suspect that some people still make trendy rag rugs (possibly the same people who knit their own muesli!). I think I saw an article in a magazine showing how to make them...
  14. Just after the war, when there was still rationing, my mum used to mix a ration of butter together with a little milk in a bowl, to make the butter go further for spreading. I thought that that was just what you did with butter! A few years later I asked her why she no longer did that and she told me there was no need to do it anymore.. Mum used to make all my dresses (and matching knickers!!) from some of her old dresses that she 'cut down'. She said lots of people used to say how nice they looked... I also remember mum buying a sheep's head for our little dog. She boiled it in a larg
  15. It WAS Gillian, not Dorothy, now you mention it, Chulla!! Now where did I get Dorothy from? She always wore make-up and as I said, she spoke very nicely and always dressed well. Fancy someone else remembering her.....
  16. There was a lady, probably in her thirties, who used to wander round Woodthorpe Park around 1959-60. I think she was called Dorothy, and was very well-spoken and attractive. I always remember her wearing a deep pink coloured coat. The group I used to hang around with always used to talk to her, although some of them weren't as kind as they should have been and would ask her inappropriate questions. Most of us, though, tried to be kind to her, but I always wondered where she lived and why she was the way she was.
  17. Bubblewrap, I was surprised to see that Ivor the Engine came out first in 1959, but I suppose that as I was 16 by then, I wouldn't have been watching children's TV - too busy going out enjoying myself!!
  18. Ivor the engine? But my children's childhood, not mine!
  19. My mum and I called Glade Hill the 'blob of jelly' - that's what I named it as a child when we used to view it from my bedroom window on the top third of Woodthorpe Drive! That's what it will always be to me (even though we drove round it a few months ago when we had a trip to the Nottingham area)
  20. Merthyr imp, you mentioned Sylvia Peters.... I remember her and Mary Malcolm being the 'announcers' on very early TV. They were very formal - not like the presenters nowadays.
  21. Chulla, my mum referred to really straight hair as like 'a yard of pump water'
  22. I remember the names Bengo the puppy and also Hank and Mexican Pete, but I can't remember any thing they did. I seem to remember a cactus being used as a background for Hank as he rode along on his horse. It was a 'rolling' background so the same cactus kept coming round again and again! Just seen the Donovan song a couple of posts back - not quite the same story as I remember it but beautiful nevertheless. Not a TV programme, but I remember I loved the original story of the little mermaid - not the Disney version! The end is "and she felt her body slowly but surely dissolving into foam
  23. WWF...... Wildlife or wrestling (quite similar actually!)
  24. Thunder - clouds bumping together