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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Just learnt that our French property is sold. Sold cheap but not lost anything. The buyers want us out in 2 months so looking for volunteers to help shift 3 1/2 barrels and 100 bottles of cidre. Just starting to panic......

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1 hour ago, PeverilPeril said:

Just learnt that our French property is sold. Sold cheap but not lost anything. The buyers want us out in 2 months so looking for volunteers to help shift 3 1/2 barrels and 100 bottles of cidre. Just starting to panic......

 Send for Dawson  !  smile2

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Only intend bringing empty barrels back. A large scratter that I rebuilt will also come back. I have started a cider making club so barrels and kit will be used in our village. Anyone looking for a rowing boat on trailer, or a pro AWD Husquvarna 18hp ride on mower?

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Stunningly beautiful day here in the Grand Duchy of Billinge yesterday ( Friday).  Stroll to the Doc's. (That's for another thread.)  Then on up the hill.  Amazing views across a 360 degree panorama.  It's quite a small area at the top of the hill,  ( Think Glastonbury Tor) and focused around 'Billinge Lump', which is an old stone building not a lot bigger than a decent sized garden shed.  It has lovely old graffitti dating back to around WW1, some of it beautifully carved. but sadly a lot of it ruined by daubed paint of much more recent and less literate origin.  It seems the building was originally a summer house for the local aristocracy, but now it is all closed off and used just as a windbreak by walkers.  Got chatting to what I assumed was a local couple.  A lovely lady of about 60 and what looked like an older chap of maybe 70+.  Turned out they'd just met up there.  He wandered off towards Wigan and I wandered back down to the village with my new friend Cath.  Cath went off to take her washing in before it froze and I headed for the shops.  This Pensioner life is so intense.. I don't know how I keep up.  :)


Heading down to Nottm. Saturday by train for a family gathering.  I'll be in the Arrow, Arnold for lunch if anyone else is about....



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On 31/01/2018 at 1:05 PM, Brew said:

DJ for the next three years you will be pestered by companies phoning you and 'assuring' you that the insurance have already set aside several thousand pounds for your personal injury claim - even if there was no injury they  will still try to badger you into making a claim.

I'm still getting them after someone bumped my car in a car park even though I wasn't even in the car at the time. One thing I don't inderstand, it's a different company every time so how did they get my phone number?

BTW I hope you are OK now and fighting fit!


Thanks Brew.  Yep .. still get the odd one from the last time, several years back. I can handle 'em.  :)


Not quite fighting fit.  Every time I drive I get aching arms and pain between my shoulder blades, plus tingling hands.. but I'm sure I'll get there..



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Bit of a nice one last night, I hosted a poker night and lost....but a couple of very old friends came an ex army buddy and his lady wife.


I know the lady has been learning to paint for a number of years what I did not know was that she is into steam locos. I was given a calendar made up of 12 of her paintings all of different steam locos and apparently all in their correct setting and factually correct. Having just lost to her trip aces I mentioned a back scene for my new 'n' gauge layout "not a problem" I was told. So I now have my own private artist ready to work for ......................nowt, almost worth the loosing.

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I went to another funeral today. (Friday) A former colleague who passed away suddenly at 56..  It makes you think and also realise how fortunate you are to make it this far.  It was in a huge Catholic Church in Liverpool and the place was packed.  I stood at the back throughout the whole 'Requiem Mass'.  To be frank..although I'm happy to allow people their faith.. I thought much of this was just 'OTT'.  Some chap messing about seemingly endlessly with assorted cups/chalices etc.  I was not one of those who queued to get a blessing, and I certainly would not degrade myself by standing with my arms crossed in front of the priest to declare my 'partial', or 'second class' faith.  Apart from a sort of very personal Spirituality, I don't believe any of it.  As I said quietly to another former colleague.  "I'm not here for this stuff.  I'm here to pay my respects to a colleague and friend".  He agreed.


After the proceedings, it was good to see old friends and colleagues not seen for years.  We all made the usual comments about the contrast of the sad circumstances and the pleasure of seeing old friends.   My former work partner, the beautiful XXXXXXX who I have been secretly in love with for years, came up to me and gave me a big hug. That was a bittersweet moment.  She never looks any older and is as beautiful as ever.  'Nuff said I think...


Got my car back today too.  They've done a lovely job of straightening it out and it looks as much like new as any 14 year old car can.  I'm very happy with it.

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Col, I don't know what you're more excited about. Meeting your fantasy woman again, or the return of your beloved car. 

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50 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

Col, I don't know what you're more excited about. Meeting your fantasy woman again, or the return of your beloved car. 


Close run thing Fly....  Though I can at least see my car every day.   

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XXXXXXX is about much more than bodywork.  Apart from her 'model' type build and always immaculate appearance, she is caring, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, self effacing and sadly.. married..  :(  ( As of course am I.. ) 

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Always the case Col...... Always the case ! :(:yowza:

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Saw this on Facebook this morning and thought of Chulla...  but possibly a good thought for everyone?



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So, on Friday I asked Mrs Col to contact our good friends to see if they would like to accompany us to a rather good Chinese Restaurant on Saturday evening..  My treat.. to celebrate my birthday.  Mrs Col said that she'd asked them but instead they had invited us to their place on Saturday afternoon as a couple of other friends we don't see often were coming over.  I agreed and we were all set to leave here about 1:30 pm, when Mrs Col told me that things had been put back to 3:00 pm.  So.. I went along with that too. Then.. about 2:50, my oldest and her hubby turned up, with the Grandkids.  They do sometimes drop in unannounced.  So there was I saying "Great to see you, but your timing is rubbish, we're just going out!"  At this point No. 2 daughter turned up in her car and just said.  "Get your coat on and get in!".  It was only then that it dawned on me I'd been 'set up'.  I was whisked off, along with Mrs Col.. to a rather nice family meal in a local country pub. Belated birthday treat from my girls.

Very nice surprise. :)



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P.S.  Woke up this morning with a cough, sore throat, headache and earache.  Seems like I've finally been 'got' by my first Bug of the winter.  Oh well..  musn't grumble.. some people seem to have had a recurrent Bug for months. :mellow:

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