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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Nice day at work today,, tinged with sadness,,said goodbye to some of my Arab speaking friends.....who insisted on Photos........they all love Nottingham,,especially the  youngsters,,when you consider the places they came from   Nottingham is almost paradise......,,the teenage lads have got Nottingham leary.......and the girls about the same,,but bless em why not,,......if people took the time to get to know people like this....reckon the world would be a better place......just saying..........

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Saw several old Rovers this afternoon, of the type my father owned when I was a child. They looked to be coming from the direction of  Crich Tramway museum. Perhaps Pianoman was driving one of them? Must have been an event on up there. Lovely vehicles. Brought back a lot of memories.

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For the first time in decades, the alternative to Eurovision was worse than actually sitting through this drivel.   Also, I have a soft spot for Portugal and Fado.  Mariza and Anna Moura in he opening set made it for me. It seems to me that Anna Moura has become more like the late  Fado Goddess Amalia Rodrigues since I bought her CD a decade or so back. As for the rest of it... Ye Gods!! Some appallling stuff, but all delivered with good humour.


FWIW, IMHO, the moron who interrupted the UK entry had a point, but had no right to make it that violently and in that way. Borderlne assault like that is unacceptable. He just delivered an open goal to those who he was attempting to criticise.


That said, the event security was hardly effective.


Bring back Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson!!!



As far as I can tell.. they are still with us, but that would make one of them 98.. Good on 'Em


I also recall this:




Altogether now!!! 'Diggy Loo Diggy Lay' ..or summat..

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I really loved that song. I learnt to speak 'Proper French ', Gedling style of course from listening very carefully.

All together now.......No Noyleh Tar?

Dunt sound right does it.:biggrin:


Only jesting. As with so many songs with foreign lyrics, I found a way of singing along.

Elvis Presley singing Wooden Heart was another one, .......


Lucy Den Lucy Den, Oowoo Shtate a lady now, Shtate a lady now, Ooh Doo my stut bline stin. I learnt 'Proper Gedling German' from that one.:biggrin: Don't get me started on  Charles Aznavour, Swoon.


Anyway, we are here in sunny Lytham St Annes, just starting our second day of a two week holiday. Sun Shining, already sampled the fish and chips yesterday so not sure what delights today holds for us. The cycles are awaiting as I type. Mustn't keep hubbs waiting, he has his foot on the peddle as we speak. Bye for now NS buddies.:biggrin:




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We used to sing''I don't have a wooden heart,, i have a wooden head''      lol   nice one carnie,,..have a nice holiday mi duck..........

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Oh what a beautiful morning!  The decorator’s here painting the outside of the house, it’s our 43rd Wedding Anniversary and we’re off to the Concert Hall tonight to see Jersey Boys for the second time.  It’s a pity we both feel like a couple of old crocks with bad backs!   

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At least you're still getting out and about and socialising. Keep mobile !

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59 minutes ago, carni said:

I really loved that song. I learnt to speak 'Proper French ', Gedling style of course from listening very carefully.

All together now.......No Noyleh Tar?

Dunt sound right does it.:biggrin:


Only jesting. As with so many songs with foreign lyrics, I found a way of singing along.

Elvis Presley singing Wooden Heart was another one, .......


Lucy Den Lucy Den, Oowoo Shtate a lady now, Shtate a lady now, Ooh Doo my stut bline stin. I learnt 'Proper Gedling German' from that one.:biggrin: Don't get me started on  Charles Aznavour, Swoon.


Anyway, we are here in sunny Lytham St Annes, just starting our second day of a two week holiday. Sun Shining, already sampled the fish and chips yesterday so not sure what delights today holds for us. The cycles are awaiting as I type. Mustn't keep hubbs waiting, he has his foot on the peddle as we speak. Bye for now NS buddies.:biggrin:


Well Carni, it takes a special kind of linguistic talent to learn French from an Italian song!  ;)


A couple of years ago, Picko brought a very nice old Box Set of German 78s up on one of his frequent trips to Liverpool.  They belonged to an elderly friend of his and he wanted me to 'rip' them to CD.

One of the songs was   "Muss i denn"   (Wooden Heart) and it sounded really weird to hear the whole song in German.. even though it's a German song.  According to Wikipaedia, some of Elvis' German was from the original 1827 song in German ' Swabian ' dialect, and the rest of his German is based on a translation from the dialect into English and then back from English to German.  Then Bobby Vinton did a version with the German bits translated into Polish!  Clear as mud!!  :laugh:


Have a lovely Hols Carni




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The Elvis song was a very loose/bad translation of the original German folk song but I liked it anyway!  

A song we sang at school in French was Alouette and it was all about plucking feathers from various parts of a lark!   I only found that out later...  

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Ahh yes.!! We sang that too Margie.  We sang 'Aloo etta jaunty aloo etta jetter ploomeray' 


I found out in secondary that it was :



Alouette, gentille alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai
Aloutette, gentille alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai
Je te plumerai la tete
Je te plumerai la tete
Et la tete
Et la tete
Alouette.... etc...


We were told that it was used as a 'marching song' by French Canadians when they were 'portaging' (carrying) their fur trapping canoes around waterfalls etc.


Change of subject.  Just 'watched' Thompson Flight 534 take off from Birmingham heading for Cancun.( On Flightradar24)  That's the flight I'm booked on next March.  Can't wait.  I've literally just watched it fly over just to the south of us heading out over Ireland and then via Greenland, Newfoundland and down the East of the USA to Mexico. I'll be tracking its progress through its 10 hour flight.  The route varies quite a bit.  Doesn't take much to amuse me...  :)




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I sacked our last window cleaner because he wouldn't stop leaning his ladder against my guttering despite several polite requests.  No need to do it and it breaks the clips, which are of a type no longer available....

So.. it's down to me to do them...  so they will just have to need doing for a bit longer.  I've other things lined up today.


Our previous window cleaner was a regular for about 20 years.  He and his lovely lady wife used to do a good job.  He was up the ladder and she did the ground floor.  Sadly a few years ago, he fell off his ladder just up the street, and apparently not for the first time.  We had the full emergency thing and the Medical Helicopter landed on the field 50 yards down the street.  Poor chap had multiple injuries, but he survived.  Sold the round to the present bloke and stuck to gardening and odd jobs instead.. only to get cancer and pass away very quickly. Very sad.

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Well that's the grass at the back cut.  I'll leave the bit at the front for another day or so to give the weedkiller more chance to work.

The flight to Cancun is now well west of Ireland.  It seems to be dodging Greenland this time and heading straight across to Newfoundland.


Lovely sunny day again and warming up nicely.  'Kit off' mode is in order again.  Mrs Col complaining as usual...


 She: " I wish you'd put some clothes on"

Me:  " I've got some clothes on."

She: "Barely!!"

Me: "That's the general idea.. No point sunbathing with yer overcoat on.."

She: " What about the neighbours?"

Me: "They can wear what they like"

She: " But what if they see you?"

Me: " I've got 6 foot fences and 12 foot trees all round this garden.  If they see me it's hardly accidental.... And if they've got nowt better to look at that's their problem!!"





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3 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Well Carni, it takes a special kind of linguistic talent to learn French from an Italian song!  ;)


Tricked Yer. Wondered if anyone would notice. Honestly.:biggrin:

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Carni the words to the song if you want to sing it.

Non ho l'eta ( I'm too young)

.             "

Non ho l'eta di amarti

( I'm too young to love you)


Non ho l'eta di uscire con te

( I'm too young to go out with you)


then .... I have nothing I can say to you etc


yes its a beautiful song and still popular today which brings it home of the heartaches teenagers felt at the time when parents used to say they were too young

. ¡ 

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The weather here is dreadful. It's cloudy and dull and not very warm. Not known it like this in May in all the time I've lived here.

It's supposed to be the Côte d'Azur more like Côte de Gris. Rain forecast for tomorrow. Spectacular thunderstorm last night, though.

I understand that  it's sunny and very warm in the UK

Hey Ho!

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Awoke by the beautiful aroma of Mrs Cs baking at 9am this morning ! Not for you Catfan I'm baking for my parents who we will see tomorrow !

the birds are singing & a beautiful warm sunny day here in the republic of Bulwell.

Took a gentle stroll to Bulwell with a few "Ayups" along the way then a mug of coffee in the Sally Army cafe with the Christians. Called & the bank & realised it's pension day, praise the lord.

Ten minutes after arriving home my lad turned up, thought I'd visit you & Sue dad for no other reason, but a nice social call. Bogger me shortly after he left my daughter turned up early for an appointment in Bulwell so she decided to pay us a visit too !

To complete the day I remembered Fulham beat Derby County last night !

God is good !

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3 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Just  for Carni

 Thank you nonna, I have just listened to it twice.....I have been sent by her lovely rendition. I still love the sound after all these years.

No Noyleh Tar....Bellissimo. slywink

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4 hours ago, jonab said:

The weather here is dreadful. It's cloudy and dull and not very warm. Not known it like this in May in all the time I've lived here.

It's supposed to be the Côte d'Azur more like Côte de Gris. Rain forecast for tomorrow. Spectacular thunderstorm last night, though.

I understand that  it's sunny and very warm in the UK

Hey Ho!

You're not the only one its affecting, its the same here so if youve got bad weather we can expect it tomorrow or the day after. We have one sunny hot day and 3 of rain. Yesterday there was snow on the mountains and in the villages nearby. Went a short walk with the dogs and saw the amont of snow atop the mountains. I can't remember seeing it like that even in January.

Our pool should be nearly usable now but its been delayed because of the weather. They keep bringing material but it stays there getting rusty. Meanwhile so are we instead of getting a tan.:hooked:Thinking of going deep pool diving if it continues.

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Awoke by the beautiful aroma of Mrs Cs baking at 9am this morning 

Sure it wasn't my baking you could smell . Made 3 dozen melting moments so with the wind here it would have taken the aroma to Bulwell. 

Hope you enjoy them ( Mrs C's I mean)


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