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9 hours ago, West Bridgfordian said:

Ashley Young maybe?



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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I must say I do like a bit of cheddar mesen. 


Spent almost an hour lying in an MRI scanner this morning getting the old ticker scanned.  As you do on a Snday morning....... "Breath in...breath out and hold ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and resume breathing"    :blink:


About 91 times I did that as far as I recall....  Still it's nice to know they care :)


Then home and it was lovely to see Daughter, Son in Law and Grandkids turn up.  My daughter had posted on Facebook that she wished everyone well for the Great Manchester run and was sorry she wasn't running this year.  What she had omitted to tell me was that she's had pleurisy..  She didn't want to worry me....  Kids eh?



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What a long morning for you, Col......  did they say when you'd get the results?

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Party finished now the clearing up. Don't think mum noticed very much.



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IMG_2526.jpgThey all went in a matter of seconds but there were only 9 of us.

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The NHS works 24/7 thankfully.  When I was in QMC last year they wheeled me down for an X-Ray at 2 in the morning, not as an emergency but because there was a slot.  

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Just read that the royal wedding fiasco yesterday cost the hard pressed British taxpayer £32 million ! How many council houses would that build or replacement hip joints ?

One word for it is OBSCENE.

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A brilliant sunny day  watched by thousands who obviously enjoyed it all,,to say nothing of the millions around the world, the country needs more feel good factors like that,, £32 million cheap at half the price, footballers earn more than that...........where i do agree catfan the country should be building council houses,never mind affordable homes where speculators rip the young off with exorbitant rents............

Thats OBSCENE...........

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6 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

I don't share my cheese with anyone...except the cats who do appreciate a taste now and then.


I have a nice ripe camembert which I shall sample with a good red wine later this evening after another day battling with the bathroom ceiling! Grrrrrr!


Hope your mum has a lovely birthday, Nonna.


I once read of a student whose buddies thought they would have some fun with him.  They rubbed some Camembert cheese under his nose while he was sleeping.


When he woke up he sniffed and said, "This room stinks."


He went outside to get away from it.  When he came back in he said. "The whole world stinks."


Many a true word spoken in jest.  :biggrin:

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6 hours ago, MargieH said:

What a long morning for you, Col......  did they say when you'd get the results?


Not really Marg. They asked if I had a planned appt. with the Cardiologist.. which I don't.. and I think they said it can take 3-4 weeks for their results to get to him.


Just wait and see.  I'm not having any special issues anyway, but I think Cardiologist was looking again at whether it's worth cleaning out the clogged artery in my right ventricle., which has previously just been seen as a lost cause. All depends on level of muscle viability I think.


Meanwhile 'keep taking the tablets'...  :)



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8 hours ago, DJ360 said:


 They asked if I had a planned appt. with the Cardiologist.. which I don't.. and I think they said it can take 3-4 weeks for their results to get to him.



Where does this cardiologist live? The Moon? Or do they use lame tortoises as messengers?

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44 minutes ago, West Bridgfordian said:

Never works if a quip has to be explained.


I don't like/watch football but I got it.... very clever!  


(Unless it was another sport which uses that terminology)

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I sort of figured out that it might a reference to a footie player yesterday..  But since I have zero interest in footie, it was lost on me.


Sorry WB!  :)

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9 hours ago, DJ360 said:


Not really Marg. They asked if I had a planned appt. with the Cardiologist.. which I don't.. and I think they said it can take 3-4 weeks for their results to get to him.


Just wait and see.  I'm not having any special issues anyway, but I think Cardiologist was looking again at whether it's worth cleaning out the clogged artery in my right ventricle., which has previously just been seen as a lost cause. All depends on level of muscle viability I think.


Meanwhile 'keep taking the tablets'...  :)



It seems we have the same problem with blocked arteries !

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46 minutes ago, jonab said:

Where does this cardiologist live? The Moon? Or do they use lame tortoises as messengers?


It's a fair point, but I dare say they can move a bit quicker for urgent cases.  Apart from the slow but relentless progress of left ventricular failure, I'm pretty stable.  I dare say that a consultant radiologist will look at and interpret the scan results and then pass this onto the Cardiologist, who will then decide whether or not any surgical intervention would be necessary/helpful and then arrange to see me to explain all and recommend a future plan. I'll put any further stuff about this in the 'Ailments' thread.  Don't want to put anyone off their brekkie.. :)




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16 hours ago, catfan said:

Just read that the royal wedding fiasco yesterday cost the hard pressed British taxpayer £32 million



Only £32 million! That's slightly less than a days membership of the EU Union. 

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Starving blood test this morning. No breakfast, no short, nowt!


Quick trip round Morrison's. Could have eaten every loaf in the bakery but, no, have to come back home and take my thyroxine...then wait 45 minutes before anything else passes my lips!


Ground coffee, yogurt, granary toast and honey coming up!

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I go next week Jill. Fortunately the nurse can almost do it blindfolded. But I'm glad I have them.

Blood tests are usually done on an empty stomach but I can eat beforehand, dont know why . 

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Jill only ever had to have one of those starving blood tests , of a morning I need three black coffees before I am human, that day I felt sorry for anybody who came near me. I have never been sent for one again I think they knew better. To deprive a person of their morning coffee is a form of torture.

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Too right, Trogg. I'm not exactly sweetness and light first thing in the morning at the best of times but deny me my coffee and I'd likely go for your jugular,


At least they got what they wanted first shot! I am needle phobic...not that I get any sympathy.


Better now. Breakfast scoffed! ;)

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Well, the Film Festival shenanigans is all but over for another year but the cursed car race starts on Thursday. As Cannes re-opens, Monte Carlo will be effectively closed to human life during that time.

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