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3 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I thought your generosity and hospitality were exceptional. They’ve probably never experienced anything like it before. People don’t seem to know how to behave these days. Perhaps I’m just too old fashioned. Rapidly becoming a misanthrope as well! :(

quite agree, Phil. Jonab, an evening like that would happily be my last one on this earth. The phrase gift horse in the mouth comes to mind 

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Today was Mums official birthday so we went to a hotel in Durham who do an authentic victorian high tea. It was something special with fruit cake covered with candied fruits huge fruit scones and lots of small cakes and sandwiches, a huge candelabra in the middle of the table with tea urn on the side. It was a ladies day only,  my youngest grandaughter was missing so a video was sent to her. Each year it seems to get harder to find something different maybe next year when she will be 102 she might just want to stay home.

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Fantastic age Gem, hope she enjoyed it and appreciates what you do to make her birthday special. Did she get a card from Queen Elizabeth when she was 100?  

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Another day.. another scorcher...    I could get used to this...:laugh:

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12 hours ago, LizzieM said:

Fantastic age Gem, hope she enjoyed it and appreciates what you do to make her birthday special. Did she get a card from Queen Elizabeth when she was 100?  

She did Lizze made a fuss over it had it in cupboard, thats Mum for you.

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Having to look up words in another language is normal. Today was talking to the men that have installed the new gate, saying how we were going to replace the wall or fence as at the moment everywhere is open. The wall was taken down to allow access to all and sundry who have been working here. The wall has to be replaced but as the posts were damaged they were put under for rubble. The builder said oh they sell them  at.........

they dont so if we have to replace the whole wall he will have to accept responsibility. 

As before whilst telling the men about this episode I couldnt for the life of me think what the italian was for upright posts.. Fortunately the son spoke english so my face was saved. Very annoying when a word you want isnt a word you use very often or youve never heard it.

Same at home , we speak english but then theres a word we dont use often then the italian word jumps in. Convenient:)

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As the only English speaker in the household, I have to give way, out of politeness, if nothing else. Even the dogs have problems understanding English.

One reason I joined Nottsalgia was to revive my knowledge of my native tongue and, particularly, my dialect. This has been done magnificently, so thanks, everyone!

Like nonnaB, I do have problems with certain words - quite a few, actually. I haven't a clue what the French for an upright post is, either. I know I can look it up but it ain't that urgent in the great scheme of things

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Jonab, your English is better than the majority of the British population. That’s a bit sad really isn’t it?  

Even though I studied French at school for 5 years and we’ve owned a property in France I struggled to speak French whilst over there, I know I should have made more effort when I was younger.  Our 5 year old granddaughter is bi-lingual ....... English and Czech. This will undoubtably help when she studies other languages at school.  

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In the doghouse today!   I went out shopping.  Mrs. L was out weeding a flower border.  I locked the doors and drove out of the garage.  Well, I always do that.  :biggrin:.  Got a frantic phone call half hour later while I was filling up the car.  "You've locked me out!!!"   I didn't do it on purpose, honest!  I'm just gerrin' ode.  I lost the car at Walmart.   Then I remembered I wasn't driving my car!  Feeling of panic when you think your car's  been pinched.   Oh well!  Just not my day.  Lol.

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On a family holiday in Brittany some years ago at a restaurant, I ordered in French four salads nicoise. The patron had the temerity to corrected my pronunciation. I told him we'd come for lunch, not a bloody French lesson. I marched the family out, much to their embarrassment. They hate dining out with me for fear of what I might say! smile2

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Loppy thats happened to me just lately to get locked out. The new door we have cannot be opened from outside without a key so we have to block it if we are out for a few more minutes. I risked it the other day as I sometimes do but this time there was a slight breeze! Fortunately my daughter was in ( her house) so I borrowed her key.

It also happened that I thought someone had pinched my car. Market day and I took my grandson ,at the time only 4. I had a few bags to carry plus holding his hand. Went to where I'd parked , no car. Thought I'd got the wrong lane , still no car so I trapsed little Matthew through all the lanes up and down still no car. Phoned my husband so as he came for me he called into the local police station. They wanted details of the car that hubby didnt know so we all piled into his car and as we were passing the top end of the carpark there was my little car waiting patiently for me. I 'd obviously forgotten that I'd parked in a different position than what I was used to. Embarrassment didnt come into it. I had to tell the carabinieri that I'd found it. Sure they thought " women".

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