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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Yesterday was a good day. Lots of time in the garden catching rays and repairing the damage wrought by high winds and heavy rain.

Today is forecast iffy I'm going to record some vinyl albums to digital.  It's a bit time consuming because it has to be done in real time, just like making up tapes used to be.  Results are generally better though as my record player makes better sounds than my CD player.. assuming a decent clean record.

On the other hand.. If the weather stays like it is now.. bright and sunny.. My plans may change..

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Adapt according to the weather Col. There'll be many rainy days later in the year.

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If anyone wants to see a walk report from my coastal trip 'Ousdale-Berriedale' before the photos mysteriously disappear once again then go to: 


Members Hobbies and Interests/Photography/Out and about with Compo

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Wahey! I wonder if I have been putting too many photos in one post and the server didn't like it?

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Another day rained off for the builders. Will the project get done in time? Will Mrs PP stick to her threat that I can't go to Scotland fishing in early Sept if it is not finished? Even when the builders have gone I have to install a floor, decorate and buy furniture....:rolleyes: Anyway, I'm going fishing tomorrow. Bogger the rain!

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9 minutes ago, PeverilPeril said:

Anyway, I'm going fishing tomorrow. Bogger the rain


Ooer the natives are revolting!



Did they fix your hearing doodah?..

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8 hours ago, FLY2 said:

Adapt according to the weather Col. There'll be many rainy days later in the year.


Did that.  Caught a few rays before it started raining.  Then set about remembering how to use the CD recorder...  I've copied a Shirley Horn album and the famous Getz Gilberto album from vinyl.  Just like the old cassette decks the machine doesn't always get the track gaps spot on, or will create an extra track gap when there's a silence. but it's possible to edit all of that after the fact.  It's a bit tedious because it's all done with buttons rather than just dragging things about like with a pc.  But the results are superb and don't rely on iffy PC soundcards..


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17 minutes ago, PeverilPeril said:

Another day rained off for the builders. Will the project get done in time? Will Mrs PP stick to her threat that I can't go to Scotland fishing in early Sept if it is not finished? Even when the builders have gone I have to install a floor, decorate and buy furniture....:rolleyes: Anyway, I'm going fishing tomorrow. Bogger the rain!


I like your style PP.   I'm the boss in my house too, and I have my wife's permission to say so...

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What system or programme do you use DJ., for transferring vinyl to digital. Alternately do you go from straight to CD recorder. I've only ever gone via PC so I can burn to CD or convert to mp4 to use with memory Stick. My bloody car no longer has CD player just USB slot or 3mm jack.

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48 minutes ago, DJ360 said:


I like your style PP.   I'm the boss in my house too, and I have my wife's permission to say so...

Ditto here. I wear the trousers, she just tells me what colour and style !

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Wonderful day! My old laptop was on its way out. Wi-fi stopped working, USBs stopped working, slow start up and showing its age. Windows 8.1. It had done me years of good service and I liked it when it was working well. Now I have a new one, Windows 10 and loving it! My Family Historian software loaded up, no problem then all the upgrades. All the data is in and I am back in business!

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7 hours ago, Beekay said:

What system or programme do you use DJ., for transferring vinyl to digital. Alternately do you go from straight to CD recorder. I've only ever gone via PC so I can burn to CD or convert to mp4 to use with memory Stick. My bloody car no longer has CD player just USB slot or 3mm jack.


Hi Beekay..  You've opened a can of worms now....  asking me about anything to do with audio or hi-fi could have me going on for weeks.... :)


I use a Yamaha CDR HD-1500 CD recorder.  Basically, it will accept any analogue input and convert it to digital, which it stores on an internal hard drive, and can then 'burn' to a disc.  I use it to transfer vinyl to CD, either for use in the car, or for passing to friends.  My  main thing is vinyl.  My record player is a bit 'posh'. and certainly cost many times more than my £300 (1993 prices) CD player.  Thig is.. to these ears it sounds much better too, so I start from vinyl.


I use the Yamaha  because my computer is a desktop.. in a different room to my hi-fi.  I'm also not convinced that plugging into the 'line in' on a PC and relying on 'yer average' sound card.. is the way to get good quality analogue to CD transfers.


Thing is.. the Yamaha will only work with CD-R 'for Audio' blank discs.  These are exactly the same as all other CD-R's, except they have a bit of code on them, without which the Yamaha won't accept them.  The 'for Audio' discs are more expensive than the bog standard CD-R.. but no better. It's all about recording levies, ionsisted on by the music industry.


So.. for a long time I had a 'workaround'.. where I recorded from the Yamaha, to a CD 'Audio' Re-Writeable'..  Then took this to the P.C. and used a programme called 'Exact Audio Copy' to copy it to a cheaper CD-R and then re-used the CD-RW.  However, 'Exact Audio Copy' has lately started playing up..  And CD-R 'Audio' discs have got cheaper.. So I've bought a load of them.  I should say I'm not impressed with Windows Media Player.  It will do alleged 'lossless' copying. but again, the sound card is the determining factor.


I've been playing about with the Yamaha machine all day.  It produces excellent audio results, but is not straightforward to use.  It has very 'deep' menus, in which mere mortals can get very lost. And because I don't use it daily.. I forget how to do stuff.


My present car (Honda Civic 2.0 Type S) is older than my last car ( Fiat Grande Punto Sporting) and has only a CD player with no USB inputs.  The Fiat on the other hand had USB inputs which basically made a USB 'stick' into a plug in MP3 player... which was handy..


Don't think I've used a USB stick for years.


It's all moving too fast!!




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I read that back in the day when recordable CDs first came out Yamaha made a recorder that did exact byte by byte copies, they even copied the  track some companies used as anti- copying devices. The problem with it was the speed, it only did 2x, probably CD only as well, not DVD.

Pressure from the music industry made them issue a firmware update and they then recognised a protected disc so no more illegal copying. Don't supposed vinyl have copy protection do they..

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Thank you DJ., much appreciated ( despite RRs comment), it gives me something to think about and have another look at my system. For now though, I'd better go and have a lie down in a dark room with a couple of Aspirin.

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8 hours ago, Brew said:

I read that back in the day when recordable CDs first came out Yamaha made a recorder that did exact byte by byte copies, they even copied the  track some companies used as anti- copying devices. The problem with it was the speed, it only did 2x, probably CD only as well, not DVD.

Pressure from the music industry made them issue a firmware update and they then recognised a protected disc so no more illegal copying. Don't supposed vinyl have copy protection do they..


Mine was purchased around 2008 from memory. Price was £500.


You can download the full manual from the above link if you feel very, very brave!!!





It will not burn anything, from any source, to anything other than 'protected', or 'CD-R 'Audio' discs.  This is a bit annoying, because it's easily possible to get stuff from the likes of Youtube and use a converter (loads online) to 'extract' the music. Usually limited to 128 MP3 though.  It's also easily possible to make copies of CDs and DVDs using a PC.  The issue is quality.  I have no interest in copying DVDs


I mainly wanted the machine as a way to make quality copies from vinyl.  To these ears, the music from my vinyl set up is much better than from my CD, and I mostly buy vinyl.  I only need copies for use in the car, or to share with friends.  Obviously also useful for stuff which is unobtainable on CD.


Of course you can buy 'digital turntables' for not much money, and if you are happy with that then fine.  However, they are mostly cheap nasty plastic TTs fitted with floppy arms and cheap cartridges and feeding the signal into a cheap Analogue to Digital converter.  It seems a pity to have a TT which, with my choice of tone arm, cartridge and phono stage, comes in at close to £6k current retail.. (I didn't pay quite that...   :) ) and not take advantage of its capabilities.


The Yamaha will 'duplicate' any CD.  It just copies it and then asks you to change discs whereupon it burns the copy to the new blank.


There's an option called 'Audio Master Quality Recording' (AMQR), which can be invoked when burning a disc.  Doing so however, uses a copy method called 'digital move', which erases the file from the hard drive once the disc is burned.


So.. it has a few ways of preventing what is called 'serial copying'.. but that doesn't bother me because I'm not interested in making large numbers of copies for piracy/profit purposes.


As I understand it, it is possible to connect to a PC and and use a monitor to aid the addition of titles etc., to the disc contents.. but it's a faff and I don't bother.  It's possible to do this manually via the machine's buttons, but is very tedious.


So long as I can get a pretty faithful copy of what my TT is extracting from the vinyl.. I'm happy.


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2 hours ago, Beekay said:

Thank you DJ., much appreciated ( despite RRs comment), it gives me something to think about and have another look at my system. For now though, I'd better go and have a lie down in a dark room with a couple of Aspirin.


Glad to be of assistance.... ;)


When you've recovered, of course it's also possible to do the whole thing more simply.  As with the plethora of 'Digital' or 'USB' turntables being sold.  But they are mostly pretty low fi solutions and  personally wouldn't bother.  See my reply to Brew above.


And of course you could abandon vinyl.. but that's sacrilege ...

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I've got stacks of vinyl, and when I started copying to CD, my missus asked if I " would be getting rid of the records after"? I replied not to be silly, they would be going back into the archives. Had bought a record deck for that sole purpose of transferring to CD.

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I don't know whether it's  to do with the last few days appalling, cold, dull, wet and depressing weather, but I've been so tired and lethargic this afternoon. Over 15 degrees lower than a week or so ago ! noblue

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Summer finally arrived in Caithness last Thursday, Fly.  Looks like it's over now though.

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I'm amazed that the appalling goings-on regarding child abuse in Nottingham children's homes hasn't evinced more reaction on these pages.


I linked to the BBC report yesterday


I thought it would be big news in the RU, it is here. It even made the local TMC news bulletins yesterday

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