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Very warm and sunny here. We came over on your side on Monday but as soon as we crossed the Pennines the gloom hung over Manchester. I was supposed to be a passenger in my son's light aircraft trial flight out of Blackpool but it was called off. We did get fish and chips though and the flight has been rescheduled for the week after next. How you lot put up with all that rain day after day I just don't know!

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Sitting in the sun, suppin' tea here in the West Migglunds. Might do a bit of 'Basking' in a bit, if this beautiful blue sky hangs around for a bit longer. Oh what a life. Just love this retirement thingy. Enjoy the day where ever you all are.:biggrin:

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I finished my tea and laid back in my recliner to drift off into oblivion. What a lovely day. Suddenly I felt a tickle on my arm and without looking, I  just brushed the insect off. Back to oblivion, aaaah. Felt another tickle on my face. This time I looked and saw a flying ant. That's OK, one or two ants don't scare me. Feeling quite itchy by now, particularly on my legs and a little thought popped into my thoughts..........OH NO, Flying Ant Day. I'm covered in them. The lawn is alive. The lawn is like a 'Silver coloured life force of its own'. That's the end of my 'Basking' before it even began. Oh Hum! Has any one else got them today?:faint:

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Over here they call them Termites and they will eat your house if they get to the woodwork.  New houses are sprayed before the sheetrock goes on.  You have bait stations around the yard to kill 'em off.  Have to keep all that current if you ever hope to sell your house.


In the 90s again here.  It's been that way for twenty days straight.  I did my shopping and filled my tank.  Now I'm staying in my air conditioned doghouse for the rest of the day.  Rain is forecast this weekend.  Sure hope so.  I've about given up on my garden.

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Oh LL, I'm a fair skinned Blondie. I don't think I would survive in that heat. 'English Rose' I like to think. Husband says he will agree with the English part. He will suffer. Hope you get your rain fall at the weekend and I your garden soon bounces back to life.

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If ya'all are fed up with the gloom Norf of the Migglunds I  can always use help Dahn Sarf, at Sheffield park & garden, over the bank holiday. Allus can use extra help wiv the tourists.

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Dave, ALL ants swarm from piss ants to carpenter ants and all in between. I think Carpenter Ants are far more destructive than termites, probably because the ants are adults and huge at side of termites, 3/8" average size to almost 1/2". Termites are just small "ants".


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I'm with you on that, John.  Just seems like everybody here makes the biggest noise about Termites.  From insurance companys to pest control companys seem to get really upset about them.

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DJ360..I am not a Hi-fi buff, but have often wondered about using two DAC's, one, is built into my amp, with optical input and unlikely to have true bypass 

,if such a thing exists at all, when it comes to Hi-Fi..thinking guitar pedals.


Amp was in the £300 price nothing special.

Using two DAC's does sound better to my ears but does, for me go against traditional principals!







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After a spiderless few weeks I came home tonight after a pleasant couple of hours at the local pub to find a humganeous (spelling?) monster on my living room wall. Thought it was Brock from my side store room but he has been sticking to the rules of his tenancy just coming out occasionally to say hello. This one was even bigger, perhaps his dad looking for him? With trepidation I went to get my trusty spider catching kit (minus the brush this time) and got back into the room and with horror saw it disappearing behind my sofa. No way was I going to sit on my sofa with that monster lurking behind me.

So I sat in my chair (back to the window) with my boys for protection at my feet. Waited for a while but it did not emerge. Then I came up with a plan. I would put a podcast on Alexa (she is starting to do as I ask recently) and do some knitting so it will think I have forgotten about it. After about an hour I saw it come out quite brazenly as if it owned the place. 

In one swift movement (that any ninja would have been proud of) I jumped over my boys and got my plastic container over it on the wall. So there we were eyeball to eyeball and it just sat there glaring at me, this isn’t supposed to happen it should be scared and obligingly fall into my container not just sit there. What is it with Nottingham spiders they certainly have attitude. 

So I gently moved the container and it just sat there clinging to the wall, so I jiggled it about a bit and then a bit more but the flipping thing was just being uncooperative and just sat there. It was almost saying do your worst I am up for it. So I juggled it aggressively and it finally conceded and fell into the container. I held it up and looked at it but then realised it was trying to climb out so I ran through the house, I had left the lid in the kitchen, and one very unhappy spider now resides in my neighbours garden.

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What is it with females and spiders? I was busy earlier defending the world from the forces of darkness and evil when a shriek told me my services as chief spider eviction agent was required downstairs. Open the door, gently cup you hand over him and he obligingly climbs on so you can let him out, simples!

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Brew, please don't generalise about 'females and spiders'.  I LIKE spiders and I'M the one in our house that gently puts them outside if necessary (which isn't always the case)....  I am also the only moth and daddy long legs catcher in this house!

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7 hours ago, Brew said:

 gently cup your hand over him 


Noooo the very thought makes me shudder. They can do their own thing just not in my house. There is a very pretty one that has woven a web on one of my kitchen windows and is sat in the middle of his very intricate web at the moment. He is quite welcome to stay there, opening the window doesn’t bother him and I can clean the window round him but don’t want him inside. 

Perhaps I should borrow a couple of Jonab’s  lizards.

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They aren't my lizards, they just come in from outside. The south facing wall on my house is almost all glass which, in warm weather, is opened to the outside. Lizards, birds, spiders, all sorts of small wildlife are free to come and go as they please.


I've noticed that your invaders are described as being 'he'. Well, most  that show themselves in webs and scurrying around are 'she'! Male spiders are usually samll, insignificant beings.

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Well it's been so hot here, I've struggled to cope. I had to carry the cushions up to the top of the garden, for the Bistro set, where I had my breakfast. I had to fetch a book to read, and extra coffee. It was cool there, and in shade.

Later, I had to get the cushions for the patio set, and eat a ham sandwich that Mrs Fly had made. It was hot by then, but I managed to put the umbrella up, and fetch my own chilled drinks.

Where was Mrs Fly you might add.... She was only weeding, potting three new plants, pruning, sweeping the top slabbing, and  preparing tea.

You just can't get the staff these days !

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On 8/24/2019 at 4:26 AM, HSR said:

DJ360..I am not a Hi-fi buff, but have often wondered about using two DAC's, one, is built into my amp, with optical input and unlikely to have true bypass 

,if such a thing exists at all, when it comes to Hi-Fi..thinking guitar pedals.


Amp was in the £300 price nothing special.

Using two DAC's does sound better to my ears but does, for me go against traditional principals!


I don't understand your reference to two DACS. ( Digital to Analogue Converters)  You can only convert a digital signal to analogue once.. so if you have more than one DAC available.. you need to decide which sounds best and use that.  I suppose you could convert digital to analogue, then use an ADC back to digital and convert again via a second DAC.. but why not just use the second DAC first..?


All 'one box' CD players have a DAC built in, so that they can read the digital datastream on the disc..., convert it to analogue and then output it as a line level analogue signal like any other.. to the amplifier.

My first CD Player was a Rotel RCD 965-BX  a fabulous 'bitstream' player which cost me £340 in 1993.  At the time it was regarded as a 'budget' player, compared to offerings from the likes of Linn, NAIM, Meridian and others which even then ran into £kmany.


To confuse the issue, even 'budget' CD players often had a 'digital out' socket, so that the digital datastream could be fed to a (hopefully better) 'offboard' DAC.


However, I first bought a separate, or 'offboard' DAC (Benchmark DAC1), because I acquired a TEAC P-30 Disc Transport.  I bought it second hand.  It was originally about £3k new, but I paid a fraction of that.  It was built like a 'brick shed'.. great thick slabs of aluminium and a TEAC 'VRDS' ( 'Vibration free Rigid Disc clamping System' )drive.  But, being just a 'transport', and despite being huge.. all it did was to read the disc and output a digital datastream.  So unless connected to a DAC... no music...


I eventually decided to downsize my system so the massive TEAC disc drive went.  I got the Rotel 965 out of the loft and decided that it was still a very fine player in its own right.  So the Benchmark DAC has sat about on my hi-fi rack, largely unused for a couple of years.  I've often thought about using it with the Rotel.. but that reduces the Rotel to a disc drive. and I think it's a great player 'as is'.


Now....  my new Innuos ZenMini 'music server'.. is basically a disc drive, coupled to a hard drive.. with a bit of software and a processor.  It 'rips' CDs, finds the 'metadata' (cover art, track info etc..) via an internet connection and saves it all to the hard drive. It then replays music through my hi fi.  All previous versions of the ZENMini had no built in DAC and therefore needed to be connected via a DAC, to an amplifier.  The MkIII ZenMini, has a built in DAC, but it's worth bearing in mind that a DAC is basically just a 'chip' and may only cost pennies.  The ZenMiniMkIII costs from about £800, depending on the size of hard drive fitted.  Mine is 2Tb and cost £995.


Now bear in mind that my Benchmark DAC1 cost around £900 in 2006.. so there's a fair chance that it will sound better than whatever DAC Innuos have managed to 'slot' into the Zen mini within the price.


I've nearly finished 'ripping' all my CDs to the ZENMini and they certainly sound decent via the Zen 's own DAC.  But, in the next day or so I'll conect up my DAC1 and try it.  Even there I can compare 'optical' v 'co-ax'.. though I doubt I'll hear a difference.

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Not many snakes here but quite a lot of lizards - all quite tiny things and not the least bit threatening.

We did have an adder's (Vipera berus) nest here a few years ago in a compost heap. We left it alone to 'do its thing' and it  disappeared without trace after a few months. I think those were the last snakes I saw in my garden. There are quite a few in the vineyards, apparently, but they keep out of the way and are only rarely seen.

There are very large areas of perfume plants here, especially lavender. I've been told that these are snake-free as the fragrance acts as a repellent.

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There are expensive'snake repellants'  sold over here to put around your property.  Smells like ground up mothballs and I don't think it's very effective, from what I  hear.  I always watch where I'm putting my feet.  Never reach underneath anything where I can't see.  I'm more fearful for my dogs than myself.

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Got up this morning and felt really down and to be honest a bit tearful. Had a cup of tea and messed about with Alexa. Then by chance I found a 60’s music app. Had a lovely morning singing (not very well) and dancing (even worse) round whilst doing my cleaning up. Did the Tempations dance, Diana Ross with the arms and the Four Tops as well. Played air guitar with Jimi Hendrix and cried to Roy Orbison and Elvis. Skipped Herman & The Hermits always him them annoying. Singing to The Kinks All Day & All Of The Night and now I am twisting with Chubby Checker (trying not to put my back out) Amazed how the words come back after all this time. Feel a lot better, all in all a good morning.

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Well done SG,,,,,,,I often do similar things to 'UP' my mood,,,,,this morning i dressed like a Frenchman'' for my bike ride,,,,Flat Cap,,that looked like a 'Beret' black waistcoat black shorts,,black and white socks ,finished off with 'Shiny black Docker shoes...just needed a string of Onions round me neck,,,might play a bit of Charles Aznavour now,,,,,,,lol

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Lizards, I now have 4 waiting escapes. I have found out how they are getting into the store room. Through a tiny hole that was left unfinished when a water pipe was replaced. Will be filled when time allows. They can go to someone else. I love to see them but lately I've caught 9-10 of them. I do let them go if anyone thinks I'm cruel.

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