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Just finished transferring  a VHS to DVD,  thought I'd  mention, it were Stir Crazy, true honest !

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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They are the closest to a cat that I have come across, Jill.  I truly believe they have a real sense of humour, though.  Jake will just stare at you then make a lunge at anything he can grab just to make you chase him while yelling, "Drop it, you rotten dog," while your BP goes off the charts.  When he's not doing that he likes to sit on the window seat and yell abuse at anybody who dares to walk by.

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We went up into Derbyshire not intending to go near anybody but decided to call into Chatsworth Farm shop hoping they would have some items in there but not a lot of people , pulled into the car park and quite a few cars there. Dubious about going in but saw sanitiser outside and instructions to use it before entering, also a row of sinks with liquid soap running water and paper towels for when you left. Also a lady sanitising all trollies and baskets after use. Went in and civilised people only in there, all kept their distance some with gloves on and no looting. As for goods loads of every thing, fruit veg, meat all types and varieties, my favourites sausages and beef and stilton pies.

Our day out very enjoyable travelled up to Curbar Edge , photo attached, had a walk along the edge , very cold wind but nice to get out, a few people  about but never came near anybody. Then a coffee from a van in the car park, paid by tapping the card they don't like cash. Finally back home via Matlock Bath, a great day and all precautions taken ready now for more isolation without going mad.



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I once had one of those bl***y dogs give the distinction of peeing up my leg, back in the eighties. My pal said "oh, he's just being friendly

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Only took the one photo as it was very windy and cold, wish we could have stayed longer but wife not too strong, but just to get out of the house was a great tonic.  Eldest son phoned and when told where we was I had a reet good B*****king , I reminded him I was the father and he was the son, it served no purpose. But I hope to go out again in a few weeks but not getting out of the car.

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Thought I only took one photo but I found another , I am not a fan of mobile phones ie don't know how to use them. Found this one its a wide angle of previous one. Nice countryside.



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Nice wide angle Trogg, had to use 2 tablets side by side to see it all.

Have I your permission to print it off please ?

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3 hours ago, trogg said:

Nice countryside.

Brilliant photo Trogg.

That brought back many memories of climbing on Curbar and Froggat Edge and finishing the day with several pints at the Devonshire Arms in Baslow before heading home.

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Was out walking in rather less dramatic but equally English countryside yesterday. Little lanes around Rainford Lancs a couple of miles from here. Marsh Marigolds, Daffodils etc., in flower and lots of Birds fossicking about in the Hedgerows.  Birdsong really strong.  A real sense of Spring to lift the spirits in these times

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Oooh you're too kind Cliff ton, here's a more up to date one from last year, I'd use it for my avotar if I knew how!


      and  Yes Margie it was hand coloured, I once compared notes with Chulla  over this as we both still have the Kodak tints in book form.                                             

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This photo of me and my brother in about 1945 was hand tinted but it has faded quite a bit (like me :()



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There is a hand tinted photo of my sister, taken in 1951. I believe there was a company known as Silver Mirror, based in Nottingham. They went from door to door and if you wanted a photo, they'd make an appointment and come to your home.


My mum booked an appointment to have my sister's photo taken and a date was duly booked. Julie was washed, brushed, beribboned and dressed in her best frock but...the photographer didn't turn up!  Didn't want to risk cracking the camera lens, maybe! :rolleyes:


Mum was annoyed but resigned herself to not getting the photo taken.


The following day, sis had been grubbing about in the garden, playing. Her favourite pastime was collecting worms which she kept in a shoebox. Knock at the door. Very apologetic photographer. Mum was not pleased and had to tidy sis up for the camera.  It's a very nice picture and even her eyelashes are drawn on and tinted!

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Yesterday I received from Amazon my two new wasgij puzzles and I'm looking forward to starting on them . It's got to be better than cleaning , washing and ironing and washing the dogs bottom. Sorry but she is a long haired chihuahua I won't go into details but I cut her pantaloons off:Shock:. She's so good she knows we are trying to make her more comfortable. She loves being dried with the hairdryer. 

Anyway didn't think Amazon would be delivering in view of the present situation. However the parcels were left as instructed on the wall. Pushed down and ripped open wearing gloves,  boxes and packing paper left out side and the boxes sprayed  with disinfectant and left to dry then the celophane wrapper taken off. One happy customer.

Will start on one tomorrow unless more tasks call.

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Don't quite know why it was any different, but Friday night I drank a little too much wine and managed to fall asleep at the PC. So I awoke at 5:00 a.m. and went to bed.  Next I knew it was 07:30 Saturday and No.2 daughter was on the phone.  She was shopping in Aldi and wanted to know what we needed. An hour later she drove over from Manchester with Flowers, Choccies and a Card for Mother's Day for Mrs Col. Also a bottle of bleach, some dishwasher tablets, a few handwipes and other things she's been assembling for the last couple of weeks.  No loo rolls ..we have enough and have purchased no extras. Also some fresh veg, drinking chocolate and a bottle of Brandy (Can't imagine who for.)


Above is not panic buying but prudence.  Neither me nor Mrs Col can risk shopping now.


She also got some Sensodyne toothpaste which I'm using to try to calm a 'grumbling' tooth.  I cancelled one dentists appointment last week because I wasn't reassured by the receptionist.  Tried to make an appt. with the other Dentist who did my root canal only to be told I  can't be seen because I'm too old.  Am OK at present and I have both Benzocaine Gel and strong pankillers in reserve, but I do hope some sort of system for emergencies can be sorted, keeping both Dentists and patients safe.


Daughter stayed outside and well away from us.  I so wanted to hug her both for what she's doing for us, but also because I know she is worried about her partner working on deliveries. And the poor soul takes after me so is anxious anyway.  But a hug would defeat the whole point of the exercise.


So..  I spent a happy half hour wiping everything.. and I mean every last thing she delivered.. with a bleachy cloth.  Including the cellophane on the flowers, the card and the choccy box.  She delivered everything in a black bin bag which went straight in the outside bin.


A bit later my lovely Grandkids  video called me on their Mum's phone for a bit of a natter.  Cheering to see their little smiley faces.. Their Mum.. No.1 Daughter, has had the foresight to purchase a swingball and a trampoline, so they are excited to have those once they're put together.  It was too windy today for completion.  The kids have never had a proper garden before so they are loving their new one.


Both their parents are now working from home so they will have a 'home school' routine to allow Mum and Dad to actually work.  School has provided all sorts of materials for them. 


So.. it seems we are 'in for the long haul'.  Let's all be careful out there.


Also, No. 1 daughter texted me saying she'd really enjoyed watching 'Aeronauts' via Amazon Prime. I'm on Prime but have never really invesatigated it properly.  A couple of minutes and I was able to link the Virgin Box to Amazon.. opening up a whole load of movies etc., streaming for free, plus lots more for a small fee. I all helps.


After all of that, I was completely shattered having had only 2.5 hours of proper sleep.  So... lazed about all day having the odd 'nod'.  Off to bed now for a proper kip.


Final point though..  We are really quite fortunate that we live in a quiet village surrounded by open country and have neighbours who mostly 'get it'.  Many don't have that luxury.  I feel for them.

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We had our first home food delivery yesterday. The cats brought in two fresh pigeon eggs. Had one last week but it was left outside. They taste just the same as hen eggs but one does not go far. Hmm... we have a lot of doves and pigeons here - may build a Dovecote.

They used to steal steaks from the pub kitchen but that source dried up. We never cooked one but the dog would have been happy.

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Dear old Dalai Chulla! I do miss pulling his leg.


The saffron-robed one will no doubt be observing the antics of Bulwellians and others, shaking his head, smiling and thinking how fortunate he is to be somewhere a bit more sensible.  Enjoy your Tibetan tonic water, Chulla. Don't forget to spin a few prayer wheels for those of us in this crazy plane of existence! ;)

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