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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Today started with everybody in our little close being out in the street at 11:30a.m. One of us was turning 70 so we secretly arranged to sing Happy Birthday to himĀ  (socially distanced obviously) since he clearly couldn't have a 'proper' party.Ā  His wife insisted to him that he needed to come outside to look at what the bin men had done to the bin.Ā  (They'd done nothing. but got blamed anyway..) He was suitably surprised and delighted.


5 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

As I've been more bored and not doing so much recently, I've definitely eaten more....just for summat to do.


I'm surprised that I seem to be eating more and walking less.. yet my weight has stayed well below 14 St.Ā  Just after lock down I went right down to almost 13 St.. but then I was very anxious about the whole thing.Ā  You can't stay that anxious forever.Ā  These days I'm more angry than anxious.


Thing is I am absolutely not bored.Ā  I've got loads to do in the garden and the house.Ā  I still have around a hundred new unplayed LPs and a lot of unread books. The garage is a mess.Ā  I have half the house to re-decorate.


I've spent today pottering.. planting up a few seeds.. potting plants on, generally buggering about.. but when I thought about it I was effectively on my feet for about 8 hours. I'm trying to organise bean plants and sunflowers for my Grandkids to grow on and enjoy through the Summer.


Lots to do...



We're busy doin' nothin'
Workin' the whole day through
Tryin' to find lots of things not to do
We're busy goin' nowhere
Isn't it just a crime
We'd like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time

I have to watch the river
To see that it doesn't stop
And stick around the rosebuds
So they'll know when to pop
And keep the crickets cheerful
They're really a solemn bunch
Hustle, bustle
And only an hour for lunch


We're busy doin' nothin'
Workin' the whole day through
Tryin' to find lots of things not to do
We're busy goin' nowhere
Isn't it just a crime
We'd like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time

I have to wake the Sun up
He's liable to sleep all day
And then inspect the rainbows
So they'll be bright and gay
I must rehearse the songbirds
To see that they sing in key
Hustle, bustle
And never a moment free

We're busy doin' nothin'
Workin' the whole day through
Tryin' to find lots of things not to do
We're busy going nowhere
Isn't it just a crime
We'd like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time

I have to meet a turtle
I'm teachin' him how to swim
Then I have to shine the dewdrops
You know they're looking rather dim
I told my friend, the robin
I'd buy him a brand new vest
Hustle, bustle
We never do have
We never do have
We never do, never do
Never do, never do, never do have the time
Never do have the time


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14 hours ago, denshaw said:

Lost 5lb since lockdown, can't eat between meals when your being watched.

Lucky you

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Excuses, excuses, we all have them. Some are lucky and have been able to avoid weight gain but for those who have put it on including me, admit we were just bored and greedy.

Today I have another excuse, I sprained my wrist a few days ago ( kneading pasta to make tagliatelle) it hasn't really bothered me but can't put any pressure on it, so I've had it strapped up.Last night I took the support off and one of the dogs took it into her bed. She's an adorable dog, very affectionate but possessive. I went to get the support and was just a little too close and she bit me on my hand. She knew when I shouted at her that she'd done wrong and I felt so sorry for her as she curled up andĀ wouldn't look at me.Ā 

Its quite a deep cut so now I have it taped up and I can't do anything. I'm going to be very bored. Good job I gave everywhere a thorough clean yesterday so I won't grumble if there's a bit of fluff on the floor. There are no more biscuits in the house so I can't nibble on them. I can't cook anything either. I can't spend all day watching tv or looking at NS or FB. Think I'll do a jigsaw, I have a few that I haven't done for a long time so won't remember where the pieces go. I have one it's only 500 pieces, it's of a baby hedgehog on a beige, white and fawn background. I've taken it out a couple of times but can't tell where the pieces go in spite of all of them being sorted into colours.

Different subject, my iron went caput last week. The water tube was split and thought it was just a case of pushing it back on but nooo. A cousin who's clever enough to repair things took it away but couldn't do it as the internal tube had snapped . He brought me another iron, one of many that he had at home, but when I came to use it I noticed the bottom of the iron was scratched. Just now he's brought me another one that was his wife's. I have loads of ironing to do but it will have to wait. I'm really upset about my iron as I've had for 26 years. It's a long time but it was a very good make and less tiring than having to fill it every 1/2 hr. Mine was a Polti 2LĀ this one is a Stirella

Oh well the breakfast dishes are in the dishwasher so I'll look out my jigsaw. Have a good day everyone.

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Sorry you're so incapacitated, nonna. Ā  I know youĀ like to be busy so it must be hard for you. Ā I'm quiteĀ shocked that your dog bit you, .... does it not knowĀ thatĀ you are the leader of the pack? The jigsaw may wellĀ be difficult as the background and the hedgehog are 'much of a muchness' (as my mum used to say!). Keep smiling xx

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Nonna ! Do you mean to say , you don't use a cast iron one? The sort that you put on the job and spit on it to see if it'sĀ  hot enough. Maybe IĀ  could scrape the paint off mine and send it over. Failing that, put your clothes under your mattress and press em overnight.

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Hope you get better soon Nonna. Personally I can't think of much worse than jigsaws.. but if you like themĀ  go for it!!Ā 


Dunno what it is about me and games (inc. jigsaws.)Ā  I've never much liked them.Ā  Suppose I'm just anti-social.... They always seemed to me to be quite literally a waste of time. Odd times as kids we were allowed into other kids houses during school holidays, to play Monopoly or Cluedo for hours on end if the weather was inclement.Ā  But I really wasn't ever that keen.Ā  Those days I think I'd sooner have read a book.


My day here has started cloudy and there's obviously been a bit of rain overnight.Ā  More to come I think, but I doubt there'll be enough to properly soak the parched borders, so after my walk I may get the sprinkler out.Ā  That way the garden will be set up to deal with the one day 25C heatwave we are promised for tomorrow.


I'd sooner have done the sprinkling tomorrow, but I'm still just over half way through a course of Doxycycline for an infected leg wound and have to take note of the dire warnings about 'photosensitivity' and severe sunburn it can lead to. :tanning:Ā  As it is I tan easily, I'm already tanned and I've never been sunburned in my life.. but it's not a risk I'm prepared to take even though I hate wasting what little decent Sunshine we get.Ā  Doxy also has about a 20 hour ''elimination half life'. It's usually quoted as 5.5 times the half life to fully eliminate a drug from your system. So 20 x 5.5 = 110 hoursĀ  more before it's really safe to go in the Sun. That's another 4.6 days!!! :Shock:


i'm going to have to spend tomorrow indoors, so I suppose it will be a bit of decorating work.. or playing with the hi-fi.

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On 5/18/2020 at 9:28 AM, PeverilPeril said:

a very embarrassing day is ThursdayĀ :rolleyes:Ā 


It's Monday here...;)


They suspended all re-cycling weeks ago and just suggested we put everything in the normal brown waste bin.Ā Ā  I don't participate in the Green Bin service as I think being charged 30 or 40 quid a year to recycle green waste which they then sell off to compost makers is a bit of a cheek.Ā Ā  I compost 95% of it anyway.Ā  My neighbour has a green bin and we co-operate.Ā  I compost his compostable waste and he takes my non compostable stuff in his green bin...Ā  Works for us.


Meanwhile, Mrs Col has absolutely refused to put any re-cycleable stuff in the normal waste. .. so I now have TWO bottle bins almost full... It's mostly jars and sauce bottles. honest....Ā  Also, about half a ton of cardboard in the garage and a bag full of tin cans... Ohhh... and the blue bag full of paper..

They've announced that re-cycling will resume in a week or so.. so hopefully I'll be able to get back in the garage...

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20 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Personally I can't think of much worse than jigsaws.. but if you like themĀ  go for it!!Ā 

I have just finished a jigsaw for the first time in years. It was not a "normal" one where each piece has 4 holes or rounded tabs but one with two holes or tabs on each side, Took me ages as for some reason I had difficulty easily recognising which piece was the logical fit to the other piece.

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9 hours ago, DJ360 said:

They've announced that re-cycling will resume in a week or so.. so hopefully I'll be able to get back in the garage...


They've just re-opened a number of sites around here. It's amazingĀ how much rubbish some people have accumulated. Reports of 4 hour queues yesterdayĀ  !Ā Ā 


So people were queueing hours to buy something and now they're queuing for hours to get rid of it.


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Today I'm in a really really bad mood... can't explain why, just am...ā€¦.. Ā  Ā :angry2:

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The shear craziness going on around us is enough to doĀ that to anybody, Brew. Ā Don't feel bad. Ā It tends to be my normal state of mind these days. Ā Some days I just have to laugh or I would cry.

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There, there Diddums,Ā  it can'tĀ  be all that bad. Just think of all the nice things you can't do, or nice places you can'tĀ  visit. They'll still be there when all this crap is over.:rolleyes:

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Brew don't worry about it. It'll pass. Just enjoy it while it lasts.Ā compusmash

Loppy I think everyone is feeling like it, it seems everyone can pick an argument for nothing .

Yesterday Italys bars and restaurants etc opened but we have to wait until 1st June no 25 th May no 23rd. That was the final date everyone's been waiting for the. they let you know at the last minute. Yesterday apparently in the rest of Italy shops were crowded out, everyone and his brother were having breakfasts and aperatifs in Milan. Also our large shopping centre was crowded and of course if the sun is shining it's all down to the coast. Don't they know we're still under restrictions and have to wear masks. Some of the things we have to do seem so absurd but it's what we have to do to stop infecting others . Just hope they realize and if they don't , wait another couple of weeks and wait for the bombshell. Me for the time being I think I've got so used to staying in that I think I can do it a little longer to avoid the crowds. Now back to my hedgeĀ hog puzzle.

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4 hours ago, MargieH said:

Sorry you're so incapacitated, nonna. Ā  I know youĀ like to be busy so it must be hard for you. Ā I'm quiteĀ shocked that your dog bit you, .... does it not knowĀ thatĀ you are the leader of the pack? The jigsaw may wellĀ be difficult as the background and the hedgehog are 'much of a muchness' (as my mum used to say!). Keep smiling xx


This post contains doggy things and it may be queezy to some.:wacko:


Margie Ā normally she doesn't biteĀ and she's so soft but if she has a dog chewing stickĀ along with the others she will take the other 3 and hoard them guardsĀ them too.Today she won't even look at me. I'm thinking that ....' scuse me for telling it like it is but it's true. She's a long haired chihuahua and although she has a lovely coat with the most gorgeous feathered tail when she does a poo it sometimes catches on her tail and I have to wash her. This has happened quite a few times lately and although she hates it she's thankful I'm making her clean. She's desparate for a clip but will have to wait a while yet as my niece who has a dog grooming service is fully booked for a while and in the meantime I have to clip her rear end. Thank goodness I'm not uncomfortable doing it. Now when she runs outside and has got her tail up,Ā I bend down to see if her bottom is clean she promptly puts her tail down. It's quite funny. We've a long way to go yet before she'll come to me and wants a cuddle.


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Waiting to hear from my mobile dog groomer she was hoping to start working again from this week. Kai is very scruffy especially his legs, he looks like he has dirty socks on at the moment. Strange when where we walk has been dry for a while but as long as he enjoys his walks donā€™t really care. I have tried to trim the fur that grows in between his pads on his feet but he doesnā€™t really co-operate. He puts all his weight on the leg I want to do and I canā€™t pick it up and we keep going round each leg until I give up. I have tried to creep up on him while he is asleep but he jumps up and we end up with the same result.Ā 

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Wow the dog bit you & you felt sorry for itĀ :Shock:Ā my mates adorable dog bit his 3 month old daughter on the cheek, she's now 8 years old, it's an horrible scar on such a sweet face, I'm afraid the mut would be going for his/her last ever walk today, I wish you well Nonna, but I do fear for you & anyone else in itā€™sĀ presence! Let's hope it's not a child next time?Ā 

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Have to say I totally agree. We had a young Jack Russel many moons ago that snapped, didn't bite, at one of the kids. within the hour it was in a RSPCA kennel.

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RR and Brew. I know what you are talking about but you don't know my dog. The reason she bit me was because she had taken something into her bed. It was an item that belonged to my daughter and I didn't want her to destroy it. I went to take it from her and she warned me ( she does this and she has never bitten me or any of the family.) however I took no notice of the warning and did what I normally do , just take the item from her with no bother.

I know how you feel about dogs biting and I agree with you that if they have a habit of biting or are unsure of their behaviour, something needs to be done. I would be the first to say something and have her put to sleep if she had bitten a child or anyone else for that matter. That's very unlikely to happen as she isn't let loose . Whenever we go out she's well,behaved and children just want to stroke her . I always ask the child to ask their parents and tell the children to hold their hand out palm up so that any of our dogs can judge for themselves if they want the attention or not. I've had dogs all my life and know the warning signs. All dogs are capable of biting whether their owners think they will or won't. I'm not defending my dog as she was punished and she knew it hence no contact with her today but tonight she is sitting next to me chewing a rubber bone with no inkling of her growling at me.

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Dog's all dogs want to knowĀ where in the pack they stand,Ā  you see or hear of people taking them to bed what signel is this given them. If they sleep in the same bed as you they are half way to becoming leader of the pack. Make sure you eat before they do show them you are leader of the pack. If you put out the dogs food but it on a table where he can see it, then you eat and give the dog his food after you are finished. You should also take the food away from them half way though eating but put a treat in the dish when given it back. Just remember you are leader of the pack.

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I really find it difficult to grasp how so many people are so desperate to get rid of stuff that they will queue for hours.Ā  It's not as if most people have been out buying new beds, furniture etc.Ā  I really don't get it. Ā 

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Meanwhile..Ā  I took my walk today alongside the small stream that runs in the fields at the bottom of the street.Ā  I spotted this small tree.Ā  I must have walked past it hundreds of times.. but never noticed before because it wasn't in flower.Ā  As far as I can tell Hawthorn and May are basically the same thing, but this little tree has pink flowers, whilst most of the local Hawthorn hedges have white.Ā  I love it when you first get a blast of scent from the Hawthorn.Ā  As kids we ate the young green shoots.Ā  Called them Bread and Cheese.








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It seems our local facility is so busy the are restricting cars according to the last number on the reg plate, odd one day even the next. Vehicles only no pedestrian traffic at all.Ā 

I'm told at one time the queue needed a patrol car to prevent it blocking the road.

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