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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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2 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Nice thing aout working for an airline was coming off nightshift, breakfast in the airline's cafe in Toronto.  Run upstairs and hop a flight to Calgary for lunch and a coffee in the Rockies.

Nice thing about working for the Corpo, ya got a free bus ride home for ya cuppa tea. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

Were you a pilot LL ?


I was an electrician at terminal two in Toronto.  The whole terminal was owned by Air Canada.  We looked after conveyor systems, lighting, and other electrics.  Also over at the hangars for electical equipment there.

Never touched the airplanes.  They were looked after by airplane mechanics.  We looked after the ground power generators that powered the airplane systems while they were parked.

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That’s a bit of a coincidence. My wife’s cousin’s husband works For Air Canada at Pearson, but on the aircraft.


When I was there ten years ago, he showed us the “quick” routes around the terminals to avoid the crowds.

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Enjoyed my night in the play tent (the serious guys call them Bivvies). The fishing was of secondary importance. Fading sun set and early sun rise with just 5 hours in between.Left the front of the tent open and enjoyed moonlight on the lake, bats, stars, country night sounds - made me wonder how many people experience these free treats? Until 2 years ago I stayed outside under the stars quite often. Have a few more nights planned :biggrin:

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When we had a couple of teenage foster children in the mid 1990s, we used to occasionally sleep 'under the stars' in our garden.  We put a couple of large tarpaulins on the grass and took sleeping bags and pillows outside.  This was only in summer of course.  It felt quite magical as we saw several shooting stars....   and picked out the constellations  - a  completely different experience from sleeping in a tent!  (Probably wouldn't be allowed these days ... child Safeguarding and all that)

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Rob L.  Small world.  Pearson was pretty big in the 70s when I worked there.  I think they even have a third terminal now.  Terminal one was where all the other airlines went  B.A or B, O.A.C as it was then, American airlines etc.  We didn't go in there much as it was Govt owned and we were Air Canada employees.  Govt had their own maintenance boys.   Terminal Two was known as Terrible two.  It was so long, half a mile.  We used to get our exercise walking up and down it.  Little security issues in those days.  we had an ID badge, but there was nowhere we couldn't go.  I really loved the job, but we just couldn't afford a house in Toronto.

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Here I am, sat outside drinking my coffee and as you can see, it's rather quiet here where I live. Yet we have a neighbour who wanders about the site with a mask permanently on, even when she's sitting in her car. It's like a western ghost town, almost with rolling tumbleweed. Who on Earth does she think is going to infect her?? It's like Charity flag Day in Aberdeen !


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Many years ago I picked up a couple of good quality deck chairs for ten bob each. This morning I went online to order some new fabric for them - it's £14 per bloody metre length and you need 1.5 m per chair! So, to cover two chairs I had to spend £46 for two lengths of fabric and enough upholstery tacks to do the job. Anyone would think that I've spent time in Scotland, moaning about the cost of things like wait...

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Personally I've never found deckchairs all that comfortable I'd much rather spend less and have a modern chair the one your fat ar,,, err the one that has broken..    smile2

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45 minutes ago, Brew said:

Personally I've never found deckchairs all that comfortable


As well as not being comfortable when you're in one, there's the ridiculous performance involved with getting in and out of it.

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Not today but yesterday. It was not a good day. My daughter is having a new bathroom fitted, this was arranged pre covid 19. Plumber and builder were due to start work, but obviously had to stop. They both came yesterday to start knocking tiles off etc. My husband went to collect the shower base which was needed by the builder to cut to size ( it's in resin) The tile shop should have delivered sanitarys etc last week but when he went to fetch the shower base and unwrapped it ,it was split in various places. This was delivered also with all the tiles, borders all pre covid so they've been saving them for her. He got in touch with the firm to report damage and they are replacing it but it'll take a week. Builder and plumber have to work side by side as one can't do something without the other one finishing. Complicated.

Then , as we had planted a bougainvillea next to the wall we started to smell gas. My daughter had dug down until she saw the gas pipe ( (we knew where it was) We checked and double checked to see if she had dug into it but she hadn't. We checked with washing up liquid and hand gel but there were no bubbles of any sort. Replanted the plant and again was this smell of gas. We rang the supplier and they said they would ring back. No phone call and today is bank holiday. This smell drifts and sometimes we can't smell it but then it seems that it's still around the plant. We've never smelt it before and now we're wondering if the smell stays in the soil if the meter has a valve that every now and again "breathes" 

Again yesterday I went to do a big shop , at checkout I handed over my debit card....sorry it's outdated. It expired on May 31 st 2020. Not having used it in 3 months I thought it was ok. I haven't received my new one so rang bank, they've been posted but as they come from central,office she couldn't say when they will arrive. Panicked because I had to use my cc and I thought " crikey I can't remember my PIN number"  no problem I just had to sign for it. Another panic , In Italy women keep their maiden names which means I now have two surnames. Told this to cashier and she said try one and if it doesn't work the other one will. Thank goodness it did. I didn't fancy having to put all that shopping back in place.

In the afternoon my daughter had to go back to tile shop to chose  her taps and shower cabin which is not a standard measurement. The taps she had difficulty with as she wants the same style but in different sizes. She chose them and then was asked about the wash bowl which will be free standing and the stretch of the tap might be too long or too short. Finally she got it sorted after 1 1/2 hrs. And various phone calls to firms. With that finished we went home and finall y took our masks off had a cuppa and relaxed. Don't want another day like that.

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Don't mention bathrooms, Nonna.  I'm still reeling from having mine done in November/December 2017.  Answered the door at 9pm one freezing, dark evening to find a very young plumber's mate standing outside in a blizzard, clutching a lavatory bowl!


I can laugh about it now!

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40 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

Don't want another day like that.


That was an amazing piece to read !        I can't put a 'Like' because it seems wrong, but I'm not sure if there's an alternative.

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That's not the end of the story. The gas smell still lingered this morning and it's practically outside my kitchen window. I kept on and on about it so my husband said he would ring again but wasn't hopeful. Soooo he dug up at the side of the bougainvillea about 20-30 cm away and found where the gas was coming from. A while ago as I had said before that we were altering the front of the house and putting grass down leaving a flower border either side of the path. We put some plastic shading sheets down to stop weeds coming through and eventually put gravel. The sheets were pegged down along the plastic border with large plastic nails. Quite a few broke but the very last one must have been forced down quite hard because it punctured the gas tube. Anyway we closed all the taps we could. We have a large underground tank so that was closed then my daughters meter was closed and finally ours was closed, gases lit to release the excess gas and we began to feel a sense of relief because we knew it wasn't our ( or my) imagination. We rang a plumber who said it would have to be soldered so now we acan wait tomorrow . Cold meals for us all or else microwave meals, good job it's summer. Part 3 of this saga will be posted tomorrow with a bit of luck.

Forgot to add that flies like the smell of gas. When I looked into this hole the bottom of it was absolutely covered in those flies that are green. I thought they were either dead, laying eggs or eating something they'd found tasty. Apparently they like the smell because it smells like rotten eggs.  Thought you all might be interested . Lol:mellow:

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Hope it all works out OK Nonna. 

For what  it's worth.. those flies seem to have taken a liking to me lately too.  I've been accused of being full of hot air but never gas.. :laugh:  Ordinary house fly type things have also been descending on me outside.  It's either a change in my shower gel, or something to do with the recent very dry weather..


Worse still.. the first Horse Fly (Clegg) attack of the year.. One was hoveringly silently and menacingly around me so I went indoors.  The little sod followed me in.. then I lost sight of it.  Next it was seen on Mrs Col's arm as she followed me out of the house, but she 'batted it off' before it bit her.  Finally, it landed on my leg and I splattered it before it bit.  I was left with a big splodge of blood on my thigh which I suppose means the thing was already pretty well 'engorged' with blood which may be why it was a bit slow to bite.  But. whatever.. I have an itchy red patch on my lower leg today.. so something got me yesterday.


I'd give the little sods a bit of my blood quite freely, if they'd just agree not to make me itch for days.  Their sales pitch really isn't great..

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Try some Tea Tree oil DJ, if you can get it.  Most likely at a natural food herbal type shop.

I believe it comes  from some Ozzie tree.  Strong smell but not unpleasant.  A bit rubbed on your neck, back of hands etc.  seems to keep the little parasites away.  Plus you are not putting any nasty chemicals on your skin.

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