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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I often do things like that.........reminds me of a shoplifter in Boston....nicked a Pork Pie ,,before i could get hold of him he ate it........even i thought it was funny,,.......caught him again a few months later with a 3lb 4oz Cooked Chicken.......grabbed him quick before he ate it...........

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19 hours ago, annswabey said:

Nonna. I do hope your Mum will be OK. Take care


Thanks to everyone that wished mum the best. We managed to get a waving meeting this afternoon. The nurses all 3 of them dressed in protective clothing and all sorts of masks , brought her bed up towards the window ( door) and brought her as near as they could to see us across the road. We waved like mad and then she managed to wave back. She also was wearing a mask. The nurses said if we wanted to do it again we were free to ask them again . I took my phone to take a photo , got it set up but it didn't " click" I was so mad. My phone has played up with taking photos lately so I really should have taken a camera. Next time though.

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1 hour ago, Jill Sparrow said:

I used to live next door to a bloke who went to buy a lawn mower and came back with two pork pies. Don't even ask! :wacko:

I once went out to buy a cheap car and went home with a pair of binoculars from Anderson's pawn shop. :blink:

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2 hours ago, Beekay said:

I once went out to buy a cheap car and went home with a pair of binoculars from Anderson's pawn shop


Must be a 'man' thing, I went for a haircut back in the late 70's.....went home  with a HiFi setup... and no I didn't  my hair cut. Second instance, went to deliver a birthday gift.... went home with a motor bike... I can resist anything except temptation...

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'Er indoors just said, " we're not going to drive very far on a pair of bloody binoculars "!

That was back in the late 60s, the thing is, I  never used them. At the moment I'm trying to decide on a new laptop, whether a windows or chromebook. Too much choice, absolute total bewilderment.

I know, not relevant. 

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Those prickly pears are a damned nuisance. There seemed to be a plague of them here a few years ago when some clever-clogs vine grower thought it would be a good idea to use them as hedging plants around his vineyards. The biggest problem with them was that almost any of the pads (leaves) - even bits of them - which became broken off would attempt to grow roots and establish a new (fast growing) cactus.

The prickly pears are supposed to be edible. Well, you can eat them but why would you want to? They are all but tasteless and resemble chewing a piece of wet rag. Even so, they are on sale  at the roadside to unsuspecting tourists.

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What you need are Cactoblastis cactorum moths they were one of the most successful biological controls ever used.

Ben would know where to get them from and how much they cost. 


Prickly pears were introduced into Australia in 1926 and pioneered by a laboratory (here comes the Nottinghamshire connection) in Sherwood, Brisbane.

At the time of their release NSW and Qld. had 60 million acres covered by this pest species making it unusable. By 1933 the little moths had done a brilliant job as Qld. had cleared 80% of their cacti and NSW around 55%.

A really successful application of a biological control unlike the introduction of the Cane Toad which was introduced to control the cane beetle and has become a pest in its own right.

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Some "clever clogs" thought they could use wild roses, "floribunda" for hedging around here, southern Missouri. Ever tried to clear wild rose bushes??? It's hell on earth, they grow into small shrubs in less than a season. I attack them with the front end loader on my tractor and rip them out by the roots.

There's a small plot of prickly pear on my land, the hard winters seem to keep them in check. the plots about the same size it was 20 year ago when we moved onto this land.

I've yet to see them flower, maybe the deer eat them before they get to flower stage??


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5 hours ago, jonab said:

Those prickly pears are a damned nuisance. There seemed to be a plague of them here a few years ago when some clever-clogs vine grower thought it would be a good idea to use them as hedging plants around his vineyards. The biggest problem with them was that almost any of the pads (leaves) - even bits of them - which became broken off would attempt to grow roots and establish a new (fast growing) cactus.

The prickly pears are supposed to be edible. Well, you can eat them but why would you want to? They are all but tasteless and resemble chewing a piece of wet rag. Even so, they are on sale  at the roadside to unsuspecting tourists.


You should try the ones sold here, they are so sweet. But the best ones are in Sicily, you can't beat them. Unfortunately it's a bit too cold here for them so no fruit. Pity.

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I've yet to see them flower, maybe the deer eat them before they get to flower stage??


Ours don't flower and don't think they do. They just keep reproducing " Pali"

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I just looked it up, yes prickly pear do flower, pretty yellow flowers.



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Those flowers are like the ones near here. They're strange as they change colour as they age, going from a deep crimson in bud fading to a pale yellow.

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Beautiful flowers , Strange but having seen cactus in their natural habitat in Sicily I've never seen them in flower. Maybe they are a different type of cactus. It would be nice if ours were producing flowers because at the moment we have the original one and at least 6-7 medium ones that have new shoots on them.

Just asked my husband who is Sicilian and he said they do flower so I stand corrected. The "pale" (leaves ) are edible too but we've yet to try them , imagine they are a bit like aloe vera but sweeter.

Today we went out for lunch to a Japanese restaurant which usually serves from a buffet but owing to the new restrictions  ordering was a bit different. we were given the menu and a form to fill in with our requirements. It's a huge restaurant and although there were quite a lot of people it seemed empty. We came away so podged after eating  sushi, crab, squid, algae and many more that I can't remember. We were supposed to go out also this evening but don't think either of us could face another meal so we went to a small town nearby to get an icecream. It was so good we came away with 11/2 kg of it in polystyrene containers. The 1 kg was half cannoli flavour and the other half pistachio the other 1/2 kg was Gorgonzola and mascarpone flavour. Must say I was to say the least skeptical but it was different  and delicious. We were offered a taste first as I don't think we'd have ordered 1/2 kg just on saying what it was. 

Thunder stormed this afternoon and evening so arrived home frozen, so a quick cup of hot coffee soon put us right.

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I am a stupid old man who has lost his memory. 

I must write that 100 times. 

I am a despicable and poor excuse for a husband.

I must write that 100 times.

My excuse is that I have had a lot on my mind and I havent been feeling too good for a while. Yes I forgot that 53 years ago today I married my dearest wife and unlike 53 years ago tonight I will be sleeping by myself.  I will remember to put a reminder in my laptop for next year and while I am at it I will also put a reminder about her Birthday, if I forget that my life is in danger.

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Oh dear Trogg!  
But don’t beat yourself up over this oversight ...... my husband never remembers our wedding anniversary.  He still works overseas occasionally (when airlines are permitted to fly) and invariably he’ll be away on significant dates, such as our birthdays and wedding anniversary but it doesn’t bother me at all, it’s not a big deal for us ........ But everybody’s different.  

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You are none of those things, young Trogg! Don't let anyone tell you you are.


We all forget things. Surely, a good marriage doesn't hinge on remembering the date it took place! I'm not married but if I had been, it certainly wouldn't have lasted 53 years! 53 minutes....maybe!:P

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Mum had the second tampone on 16 th , today we had the confirmation that she is once again NEGATIVE. So relieved and at 98 the way she's going she'll reach her destination of celebrating 100.

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