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Thank you very much for those kind words Benjamin 1945. And all good wishes to you too.

Thanks to all for your greetings. Took the wife to Skegness for our 25th and playfully buried her in the sand.....Better go back and dig her up.:rolleyes:

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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6 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Didn't you get married at St Peter's, Old Radford? Or was that your brother?

It was my older brother Jill, but how did you know?

Got married at St.Marthas, Broxtowe . Vicar was Reverend Porter.

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You posted a photo some time ago, during a discussion about that church. All the best folk got married there: my parents, CT's parents, letsavagoo...


Didn't the Rev Catchpole used to be vicar at St Martha's? He had a column in the NEP many moons ago. Very political, was he. Vicars seemed to start getting political around the 70s/80s.

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Almost forgot BK Happy Anniversary hope the weather is ok at Skeggy take care of her is there any good fish and chip shops there? Is the clock tower still there? my father used to service and maintain it in the 50s and 60s.

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DJ I have just read about your problem with your wall whatever you do take photos before and after  the work you do , without them knowing.  I had the same type of situation years ago , they had different recollections of what it was like after I finished my work, his attitude changed after I showed him the photos.

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Thank you Nonna. Why should it spoil my day? Nothing would spoil my day when I've been with my wife! We've now been in isolation for 174 days, with the exception of my visit to hospital. Given a choice, we would have liked to go on the Bluebell steam railway for a meal, but they're still closed.

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Your right Jill, Reverend Catchpole took over from Reverend Porter, but I cannot remember what year. Then another vicar took over from him and this one was a young radical. He lost quite a few diehard members of the congregation due to his offbeat ideas. Not been up that way since about 1978.

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I don’t wish to lower the tone and take the emphasis away from the joyous occasion of the Beekay anniversary but ......... for the past few hours I’ve been researching toilet seats!    Our cloakroom loo doesn’t have a manufacturers name on it and the issue is that the pan is round rather than oval.  Several years ago for some reason we needed a new seat and bought one in B & Q, it’s always really bugged me that it didn’t fit the rim properly.  Soon we’re getting new flooring throughout the house, including this little room.  I want to make sure we don’t need a complete new loo before we have the floor done.  I’ve finally just ordered a seat that will hopefully fit, now we’ve got to wait for our ailing dog to depart this Earth so we can get all the floor coverings sorted ........ decisions have been made but haven’t ordered anything yet.  Don’t tell Jack, he has good days and bad days and we know he can’t help it but we’re getting fed up with mopping the floor and dealing with pee on the carpets! 

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Lizzie we had this same problem with our loo in the main bathroom.( which now is my sons ) It was different to the normal ones but after many seats we eventually found the right one. Hope you are lucky.

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There you go, my day pales into insignificance. I couldn't hope to compete with niceties of bog seats and puppy pee. My thunder has been stolen, by a toilet seat! How much further can I sink?

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@LizzieM  I feel sad for the situation with little Jack.... and I’m sure you must feel sad too.  It’s not nice when a pet comes towards the end of their life.....  it must be difficult as you say he does have some good days.   Just keep loving him while he’s still around.  The carpets and floor coverings can wait!  Thinking of you all xx

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Margie, we love Jack to bits but this situation is getting so difficult and I’m afraid his days are numbered, his only saving grace is that he’s still eating well and as far as I’m aware the house isn’t smelly!  

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We had a problem with loo seats for years.  They kept breaking for no apparrent reason. Plastic and wood versions suffered equally. 

It wasn't until i realised that the pan itself was distorted.. that it dawned all seats were going to break until it was replaced. 

Another triumph of Construction Skills in the long history of Broseley Homes.

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3 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Lizzie we had this same problem with our loo in the main bathroom.( which now is my sons ) It was different to the normal ones but after many seats we eventually found the right one. Hope you are lucky.

My lasting memory of Italian loos is of one up a mountain, above Pietra Ligure.  I was on holiday there in 1970 and my friend and I went up to a restaurant in Ranzi and it was the first time we'd come across a 'hole in the ground' toilet!  Since then of course I've experienced similar public conveniences throughout France, particularly on the motorway 'Aires'.  

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Not now Ann. Everything well almost everything is automated, very clean and disinfected, at least the ones I visit. In the hospital where I was having chemo and other tests and exams I knew where every single loo was.:victory:

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9 hours ago, LizzieM said:

My lasting memory of Italian loos is of one up a mountain, above Pietra Ligure.  I was on holiday there in 1970 and my friend and I went up to a restaurant in Ranzi and it was the first time we'd come across a 'hole in the ground' toilet!  Since then of course I've experienced similar public conveniences throughout France, particularly on the motorway 'Aires'.  


Yes Lizzie I remember them well. Tough if you had to go in after a man. The floors were all wet through and they were smelly. They had never seemed to have heard of toilet cleaner.

In 1989 we bought a restaurant that did weddings etc. There was only one loo so guests ( most weddings were 200+ guests) either had to go elsewhere or cross their legs.:wacko:

I remember we had a cleaner to do the every day jobs but never ever did the toilet. We got rid of her and I set to cleaning it. The limescale wouldn't go away whatever I tried ( here the water is really hard) so I got all the chemicals together and tried them one by one. Unfortunately I put the wrong ones together and nearly knocked myself out with the fumes. Anyway whatever I mixed did the trick. We were only there about 6 months. The place was so big and we also bought the house to it. Beautiful properties but when we found some documents of the previous owners that didn't tally we took advice and came out a little bit poorer but safe in the knowledge that we didn't have the worry that the previous owners would have had. 

We came out poorer because we made them an offer ( that they were foolish not to take) we asked for the money back for the house and they could take the restaurant back free. Stupid thing to do in theory but in practice we didn't get the agro afterwards. 

I was upset about it at first as Alex did the bargaining without telling me but after it was the best thing he could have done. Now no regrets at all.

These hole in the ground loos are no longer. If I had to go and found out that's what is was I refused to go and waited til I got home or popped into a bar. Thinking about it I suppose they thought it more hygienic not to have seat there.

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When I first came to France I was warned never to go anywhere without plenty of toilet paper. My first experience ever of a French public toilet was at Nice airport. It was staffed by numerous Gorgonian women each with their tray of small change in which you were supposed to donate an appropriate amount of money in exchange for (like Italy) the two sheets (small size) of what they termed papier hygenique but which would be just as suitable as sandpaper (Izal had nothing on that). Suddenly, I didn't need to go any longer.


I should point out that it's not like that now and, apart from remote areas, all hygiene facilities are up to the best standards. Campsites can be a bit iffy (and whiffy) and a very useful bit of equipment to take camping is a small spade to dig your own latrine.


I was reading the other day, though, that the "crouch over the hole in the ground" type of wasted disposal is probably the best posture for easy passage of solid waste.

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