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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Indeed Lizzie.  I just put together the surname.. and the picture on the TV and I just knew.. even though I'd not known my colleague even had a son that age. I called another former colleague to check and he sounded devastated too. He confirmed it. I just cannot imagine what the family are going through.


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Such hideous things always have a greater impact when there is a connection, even a remote one. I can only sympathise with his family and selfishly be grateful it's not my child.

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To continue the unpleasantness of this week.  I have recently been in contact (out of the blue) with a couple of former High Pavement pupils of my vintage. 

This prompted me to look back over emails.

I found one from an old classmate who I'd last seen when we both attended the 'Last Rites' of the High Pavement site on Bestwood Estate.. before it was demolished.

Bob and I hadn't seen each other since 1965.. but we enjoyed walking the corridors of the old school.. standing out on the playing fields on a balmy evening and taking a last look at that tremendous view back over towards the city...  I found an old email address for him from 2006..and decided to see how he was doing...


His wife replied this morning... to tell me he passed away in 2018 from Pancreatic Cancer.  I was 'gutted'.


We are all in the firing line.. and should not waste a moment.


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A message to everyone....

Life is fragile... don’t waste time and energy on things that are relatively unimportant.

(But now, there is the problem of deciding on what is unimportant!   We’ll each have our own thoughts on this)

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As the Buddhists say, only three things matter:


How gently you lived.


How much you loved.


How gracefully you let go of those things which were not meant for you.


In addition: take care what you give out as it will come back to you!   :rolleyes:

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Live as if you will die tomorrow but learn as if you will live forever - Mahatma Ghandhi

Live Long and Prosper - Ishmael Spock of Star Trek

Last but not least DJ360's tag line "The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things"  - Lewis Carroll

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Enjoy every day the best way you can. Fill each waking moment. Then at the end of the day if you meet your maker, you can say "Well, had a bloody good day today !"

Enjoy every day as if it were your last. One day it will be.

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5 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

If you make a big enough pile you can hide behind it!

... but the grim reaper will still find you!

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49 YEARS AGO TODAY.................i was working for ABGibsons of about 5pm i got back to their office in Moxley West Midlands........where a note was on my desk,,,saying..............''Wife had 3 children in Ward one of Nottingham City Hospital'''

                            Not quite accurate but close,,,he was very premature and weighed in at 2lb 2oz,,,today he lives in Newcastle OZ and weighs considerably more,,,

            Also on this day in 2003 i suffered a Heart Attack  whilst hiking in the hills of Staffordshire,,,lucky for me they found me and took me to Hospital in Stoke-on - Trent,,where i stayed for a week................twas the same hospital where a few months afore Adam Faith died following his heart attack.... think i'll stop in today.....

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3 hours ago, jonab said:

You can't take it with you.


I certainly can't.... I haven't got it. :(

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Is there any good news at all? I've just got back from Lewes Victoria, where I went for a Echocardiogram. The very nice young lady found I have got a heart after all. Just about to tuck in to a salad lunch , so that's my day sorted!

Enjoy your day everybody. 

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On another tack...




The above is a pic of the very common 'Garden Cross Spider'. (Araneus Diadematus)  I remember as a kid I'd often come across these while out blackberrying in the fields. I didn't get too close to them.. which turns out to have been wise because I've since learned they can bite if you mess with them.

I recall one day seeing a huge Bumble Bee caught in a web and battling with a Garden Cross Spider.  It was fascinating to watch in a macabre sort of way, but my friends called me away so I don't know who won.


Fast forward to now.  There are two or three of these spiders camped out in some of our container grown plants.  One in particular is huge and it seems that every day I see it wrapping up some fly or somesuch that it has caught.  It's certainly not going hungry.


So.. this morning when I spotted it wrestling with a bee in its web.. I felt very sorry for the bee.  And we need all the bees we can get.  On closer inspection I could see that the bee was still very much alive and was pushing the spider away with its legs.

So.. time for an executive decision....  I took a cane and used it to pull both bee and spider out of the web. The bee managed to extricate itself and flew away..seemingly none the worse.  I shook the spider off the cane back in the general area of its now ruined web.  No worries.. it will doubtless have the web re-spun in an hour or so.


My good deed for the day.  :)


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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

My good deed for the day

It will remember you forever now Col. Just you beware when doing your gardening.

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@DJ360  well done for freeing the bee.  A friend of mine did the same recently but she managed it without completely breaking the web, then she started to feel so sorry for having deprived the spider of his lunch, she swatted a fly and put it in the web!

Is a bee’s life more important than a fly’s life?   How do we judge such things?  
I reckon the only reason for a fly’s existence is to provide food for spiders, or perhaps so they can lay eggs which hatch into maggots and in so doing eat dead things..... or perhaps provide bait for fishing.  Food webs get a bit complicated so I’ll  shut up now...

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You'll be choosing your own font size and colour next....


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