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No Phil, not anywhere near as much womanising. My wife wouldn't let me.

It used to be said that in Nottingham, there is 6 women to every one man. After 32 years, I'm still looking for my other five !


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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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It's a good job I'm not jealous. My husband tells me when he's been " flirting"   A customer couldn't choose what she wanted to eat so asked my husband " make me dream" His answer was " I wish I could" . He also said she was extremely attractive.  Both the lady in question and her husband took the joke very well and had a good laugh. 

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So what else is happening up in Nottingham? What's the latest gossip doing the rounds and am I missing owt? 

What's the latest with PPs chicken coop? Are the trams still running and is it true, Goose fair cancelled?

Is Catfan back from Skeggy? Etc,etc.

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It has become my habit to sit in my Man Coup after dinner with a coffee or something stronger to watch the chickens prepare for bed. They have a preening session for about 15 minutes scattered around my feet and we have a good old chat. The local geese fly over a few times near dusk; doing some training laps before their long flight. The chickens then enter their end of the coup to roost. Always the same routine. The three youngest birds first, then Netty the Forewerk, and last in is the Black Aruacana named Betty. There is then a big fight and the 3 young birds are thrown off of their roosting bars and driven into the nesting boxes. Nettie the Forewerk is next to be knocked off her perch. Queenie the 6th chicken flew off 5 days ago but makes occasional visits but not to roost. I suspect that she lost a fight with Betty and sleeps eleswhere. I stay on for a while and watch the bats, hoping that Queenie returns to roost. life is good.

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Nice post PP.

I moved a few housebricks yesterday. Result was my back went into spasm. Can't sit in P C chair. Ok..ish when standing or lying down. The bit between is agony. Never had this before. 

Oh well...

It's being so cheerful keeps me going..

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@PeverilPeril  I loved reading your post about your chickens.   Isn’t there any way you can put more perches in the coop so the younger chickens can have a proper roost at night?  How did Queenie escape originally!   Is wing clipping no longer considered an option because it’s cruel? (like docking puppy’s tails).  If the wings are clipped, can a chicken still jump on a low perch?  

@DJ360  sorry about your back - hope it will soon settle down.

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Queenie returned this morning and is now locked in with the others. They have a large coup with 3 x 1m roosting bars at different heights and plenty of room to run outside and underneath the coup house. Hoping to get my pal here later to help me clip their wings. There is no pain or disfigurement. Don't want to spoil the looks of these beautiful birds. 

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This is probably the wrong thread, but a well used one, so I'm hoping somebody can tell me what's happened to my postimage? I don't seem to be able to get any further than choosing an image. Instead of going on to click on 'hotlink, it just goes to a page full of adverts. If I go back a page it just shows 'choose image' again. Am I doing something wrong? It's frustrating not being able to post pictures. HELP, ANYONE.

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

I don't seem to be able to get any further than choosing an image. Instead of going on to click on 'hotlink, it just goes to a page full of adverts. If I go back a page it just shows 'choose image' again. Am I doing something wrong? It's frustrating not being able to post pictures. HELP, ANYONE.


You are not alone BK. I tried to post an image recently and again this morning, but to no avail. Exactly the same happening on my Post image. I just abandoned it in the end?

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Okay, Jill and Catfan, who can tell me what the alternatives are? I'm open to any ideas and bow to your longer experience.

Carni, re the puzzles, I've had exactly the same results, so not going to bother with rotating. Found loads of Nottingham images to do on there.

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First - I will take a look at imgur as well ;)


Second - the chickens wings were clipped this morning. The main offender; Queenie tried to fly off but went to hide in a corner. And guess what? There in that hidden corner she had built a nest and there were 19 eggs in it! So, she has redeemed herself :) 18 of the eggs passed the water test and you can guess what we had for lunch. Not all 18 of course. 

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