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Well I've just got back from Cv jab and still standing. Must say, I was very impressed with their system, including the two car park marshals who were sorting us out. My only disappointment was, I couldn't find where the tea and biscuits were. Back home now and going to have a lie down in a dark room.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I had mine at Newark showground this morning. I thought there would be a special VIP section but no, I had to queue with the rabble! What a load of doddery old farts. Am I really one of those? I had to stand in a cold barn before I was allowed into the inner sanctum. I was ordered to sit down for 15 minutes rest afterwards. There was no sign of coffee and biscuits or a gin and tonic. It took about 40 minutes all told but mainly because half the old fogies in front didn’t know what day of the week it was! :biggrin:

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Suppose I was lucky then Phil, my appointment was for 09.25, I arrived at 09.10. I went straight in and went through the formalities then all finished and in the waiting area by 09.16. My ticket said " do not leave before 09.30.Went back to me car and 'er indoors said" blimey, you've not been resting long enough". I was done and finished 9 minutes before my appointment, (excluding waiting time).

What amused me was, they asked me if I was a carer?  

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I felt like an old man this morning and uncharacteristicly reluctant to get out of bed. It is day 30 of the 31 day rowing challenge and yesterday I tried putting a bit of daylight between myself and nearest rival. Fatigue is setting in plus a bit of dehydration. Aching all over. Usually I do the first 12k row before breakfast, but decided to have breakfast and to rehydrate first today. Felt sluggish and stopped for a break at 35min. Restarted after 5min and felt much better and completed 14k before lunch. I should be rowing by the side of Loch Assynt this afternoon and hope to reach the final destination, Durness, tomorrow. 838km. :biggrin:

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Postman pat deliverd a letter this morning telling me to book for my covi jab

Postman pat deliverd a letter this morning telling me to book for my covi jab,

Postman pat deliverd a letter this moring telling me to book for my covi jab !!!!


your not seeing things, I have had 3 letters all 3 have all the same wording in. Is it me?  

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Had a virtual look round Nice. Had many visits there and walked many times along that road. It's one of the places that we went to for a day trip trip. Pre covid.

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Today was my best friend’s 70th Birthday.  She lives in the Lace Market so I drove into town and then we walked (socially-distanced of course) through town to Broad Marsh to Carrington Street, down onto the canal towpath, along to Sainsburys, had a coffee at that retail park and then back along Castle Boulevard and back to the Lace Market.  It was the most depressing walk imaginable.  Nobody about, all the shops closed and everywhere so quiet. Must admit this is getting to me a bit now.  
We got a new car today though, a bit of brightness I suppose! 

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Good one Dave.  
Hey did you have your Covid jab yesterday at the Forest? There was somebody who looked a lot like your profile pic in front of me in the hour-long queue.  

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Lizzie.. I think it's getting to us all now.. but Spring is around the corner.  I saw some tiny Snowdrops in the woods last week.

It won't be long before all of us old folk are a lot safer than we were..even if not totally immune.


Meanwhile. I'm quietly losing the plot. .A neighbour was organising flowers for another neighbour who turns 70 tomorrow.  I sked her what I needed to contribute and she told be."just a couple of quid Col.. any time"  I went indoors and rummaged thrugh a cupboard and found a couple of poun coins,..took them out and passed them to her with a health warning to wash them, even though they'd been in a cupboard for months..

Only this evening it dawned on me that they were 'old' pound coins which I was keeping as examples.  I'd totally forgotten about the new ones.. because I haven't used cash for a year...



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Today woke up to fog and freezing ice, took ages to scrape ice off windscreens. Must remember to get some spray. This morning I have to take Lily the long haired chihuahua to get clipped and Lulu to get her nails cut. My niece has the dog grooming shop so I'll be able to stay in the waiting lounge instead of having to go back out into the cold. 

Yesterday we started off in yellow zone . Free to go anywhere as long as it's in the region. We did a few errands ( bills that aren't paid by DD) and went to the bar for breakfast. What a treat! Only a couple of tables were occupied but still well distanced. A very warm welcome from the proprietress. Restaurants are open but only until 6 pm. New cases are still diminishing which is a good sign but let's wait until tomorrow's results.

Late this afternoon I have booked a bone density test at my local chemist. Every now and again they have these mobile tests of every sort , hearing, blood flow etc. 

Lets hope everything is ok. Boy oh boy what an exciting time I'm having.yada

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Well my day started with me self injecting for the first time, for my type 2 Diabetes. GP cannot give me any more tablets so suggested a once a week injection. Always been fearful of this since I was first diagnosed back 1986. Wasn't as bad as I thought. 

As anyone had any experience of "Trulicity " self injection pens. I'm not referring to Insulin jabs for type 1 Diabetics. This one you don't have to inform the DVLA.

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11 hours ago, LizzieM said:

Good one Dave.  
Hey did you have your Covid jab yesterday at the Forest? There was somebody who looked a lot like your profile pic in front of me in the hour-long queue.  

No not me Lizzie, I had my jab early last week at Kings Meadow. If he looked like me in my profile he wasn't old enough for a jab. My wife had her jab yesterday at Kings Meadow and I kept her company in the quite lengthy queue, I was amazed at the number of people who had to be issued with masks before entering the building.

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Even if you are wearing a mask they’ll insist you change it for one of theirs. I wore a brand new one at Newark, especially for the occasion, but I had to wear their NHS issue one which was identical. Can’t be too carful I suppose. I even wore clean underwear!

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

Even if you are wearing a mask they’ll insist you change it for one of theirs. I wore a brand new one at Newark, especially for the occasion, but I had to wear their NHS issue one which was identical. Can’t be too carful I suppose. I even wore clean underwear!

They had to be issued because they didn't have masks at all. I and several people people around me were wearing masks and were not required to change them. Just one person was asked to replace their mask as the one they had on did not meet NHS requirements.

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