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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

Morrison's deliver weekly but they usually manage to cock something up. We can never get a delivery slot at Waitrose.


You need to bite the bullet and go downmarket...  :laugh:  Tesco are pretty reliable here...

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Can't get a Tesco slot down here. As bad as Waitrose. Both say same thing, "not available".

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13 minutes ago, Beekay said:

Can't get a Tesco slot down here. As bad as Waitrose. Both say same thing, "not available".

I have a Waitrose delivery once or twice a week, got one this afternoon at 3.00pm. Surely being higher ranking than myself BK you are entitled.

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BK. can’t you try booking for the next week or even the week after?  I always book my Sainsbury’s slot a week in advance.  I tend to order the same things every fortnight anyway!  As the delivery time gets closer I can amend the order by adding other things I find I need or deleting other things.  When  I amend the order, the delivery slot stays the same.

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Hiya Margie, unfortunately I can't do much about it when it keeps coming as 'fully booked.

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4 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Wine deliveries both from Virgin and Laitwaites have been unreliable


Interesting....  I use Virgin Wines and have had very little delay.. even at the height of the first lockdown.  Not tried Laithwaites.  Also had some decent wine and nice Italian Deli stuff from Fattoria La Vialla:

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Laithwaites on a few occasions have said 'unable to find address' and Virgin have twice left the case at the end of the drive in view from the lane. I've given up with both of them. I can buy Laithwaite's wine from the local farm shop.

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BK It does take a bit of work but you can book Waitrose up to 10 days in advance, currently there are lots of slots 15th to 17th March in my area. To secure the slot I add a couple of bottles which takes me over the £40 and then amend the order the day before delivery. I've not been in a supermarket since March last year.

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I can really assure you Dave, it's not for the want of trying. Had a look earlier today and it only went to Wednesday. 

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I’ve never ever ordered a supermarket delivery, whilst I can toddle out to the local Lidl’s and Co-op or drive to a bigger supermarket I shall keep doing so.  As things are at the moment needing a bottle of milk or loaf of bread is a good reason for a walk.  
I’ve just ordered a treat for myself from House of Fraser though, ssshhhh!!!

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Alas, some of us don't have a store to walk to. That and the fact that a letter from HMG sitting on the table telling us not to travel, even to the pharmacy.

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Meanwhile.. the re-laying of the 'patio' continues.. Slowly.  The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. Big day yesterday.. I manouvered all 3'x2' concrete flags away from the area in question.  I'm going to have to break them up get them down to the local tip at some point.


Today I laid two more 2'x2' pavers.  Doesn't seem like much but by the time I've levelled and compacted a bit of ground, then mixed mortar and finally lifted the buggers into place I'm done for another day...  We'll get there..


Meanwhile.. my miserable neighbour over the back fence has erected additional trellises above fence height.  I think he thinks he's blocking my view.  He has no idea how glad I am.

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Good start to the day with a bit of rowing, shower and breakfast and ready for anything by 7.45 :biggrin:

At 9.20 precisely Donny and Dilly will fly in for breakfast and inspect Duckingham Palace for the 7th time. They have ben coming in for a fortnight now but don't stay overnight in spite of their magnificent new duck house, custom built using recycled 40 y/o fencing.

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@DJ360  About getting rid of your 3x2 slabs ....Don’t you belong to a free cycle group or similar?  Round here they would have been collected as soon as you’d posted details!

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Yes Margie. A number of local groups I can put them on..though whether anybody will want them is another matter. They could really do with laying to provide an extra 2' width on the drive at the front.. but I really couldn't face that now.. 3 by 2's ought to be banned... ridiculous things..


Meanwhile I've almost finished re-laying the old 2'x2' ones at the back. I'm fairly pleased with the result, though they are uneven thicknesses and pigs to lay level.


My daughter, whose house is barely 2 years old, is having a hundred + 2'x2' plain grey flags lifted and replaced with Porcelain.  Some are being used for a shed base too.. but I've scrounged a dozen or so... plus some cut one's to make a border around my re-laid pavers at the back. All I have to do now is get them from there to here... How many 2'x2' concrete pavers can you get in the back of a Civic without causing damage?

My thinking is to weigh one and then calculate the equivalent of two large passengers in the back and go from there... but that doesn't solve how to get the so and sos into and out of the car.. :(





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Can you not hire or buy a decent angle grinder or Stihl saw and cut them to a more manageable size?. If you lived closer you could borrow mine...

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Alas feeling sorry for Harry. Harold got shot in the eye around 1066 but that is that a rumour ? The tabloids would have a field day. Sorry I'll get me coat.

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