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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Trogg...prior to being Hospitalised in December i was on 20 Tablets per day......the Doc's in Hospital said they were causing most of the current problems..........some i had been on for nearly 20 years.......they cut my number down to 12 and i am now feeling the benefits........

                 I really believe now that they were having an adverse effect on my all round well being...........

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My intake consists of...13 tablets+ 1 injection before breakfast, 2 at lunchtime, 3 at teatime and 2 before bed.

Jill, I take two Levothyroxine, 1@100mg and 1@25 mg. It was increased about a fortnight ago, but they don't  make them in 125mg size.

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I was on 100mg but it was increased to 125mg. I have another blood test on 26th April to check on any change ( I think). It was described as borderline under active.

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

I take two Levothyroxine, 1@100mg and 1@25 mg

When they diagnosed the underactivity, they built me up to 200. That proved to be too effective, so I dropped to 125.

It's been stable for a couple of years now (fingers crossed) 

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On a lighter note.. or is it heavier....?


Yesterday I took my compost bin off of its contents.  As usual.. after a year, the thing is a bit more than 1/2 full of reasonably well rotted compost, with a part rotted layer on top. 


Thing is, being just a bin and not a proper 'heap', it rarely gets hot enough to really kill weed seeds etc... so I don't put nuisance weeds in. They go in the green bin for recycling by the council.


I usually bag up the compost and put it out of the way for a further year.. but this year the bin is absolutely heaving with big fat red worms.. and I'm thinking that trapping them in bags might not be the best plan.  So.. I cleared about 1/4 of my borders of weeds and moss.  I'm going to use the new compost directly on the borders as a mulch.  With luck, the worms will pull it down into the soil improving both structure and nutrient value.

Also yesterday.. I moved my compost bin to a new spot.  Then I gathered up all of the old dry stems from last years border perennials etc, and used a small hatchet to chop them. (Bit of wood underneath to protect the hatchet blade) Important to keep fingers well clear too!! All of the resulting material went in the bottom of the bin, with the part-rotted layer of compost on top, to start this year's bin.

Task today is to spread the compost on the cleared borders.  I reckon I can do maybe 1/3 of my borders per year this way.


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1 hour ago, Jill Sparrow said:

On a dose of 125mcg, you're not borderline underactive, Beekay!

That was the diagnosis at the start. Heaven only where I am now. Maybe my bloodiest in April may throw some light. I'm supposed to be lacking in iron too. What do they think I am, a bloody anvil !!

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col, I expect the birds will be watching closely to see if they can gobble up those big red worms before they get a chance to burrow into your borders!

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Probably right Margie.  I'll put it down to acceptable losses.  ;)

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I am classed as borderline overactive and only take 5mg tablets every day. They were cut down to every other day last year as I had stabilised but then after a few months had a “wobble” so back to one a day. (I was really stressed about a relative and their working conditions with the virus, don’t know if that caused it or not. Although it was mentioned at the time I was diagnosed about the stress of my husbands final illness and then his death two weeks after my mum died possibly being an original trigger.) 
When I have my telephone appointments with the hospital they do keep mentioning the radioactive treatment but I don’t want to go there If at all possible. Got another appointment next month with the consultant so as I have been stable for a while (readings within ranges) I am hoping to try and cut the tablets down again. The consultant did say they would try to get me off the tablets and that my thyroid could right itself. 

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Fortunately I don't have a need except for the occasional headache and that doesn't happen often. When my mum came to live with us from Scotland she brought her prescription with her. We took it to a dr friend who eventually examined her and cut her tablets down by half. Mum was horrified she said she couldn't do without them. Levothyroxine was left but eventually came down to a lower dose , co codemol was also reduced to 2/3 rds and the rest were gradually reduced too. If I remember right she took about 14/15 every day but then got them down to 8. I hate taking tablets, but if I have to I take them til I feel better and then forget which is not good especially if they are a course. Mum said she felt better not having to take so many. I'm sure some Drs are on commission issuing tablets maybe that aren't really necessary just to satisfy the patient that he or she is doing something.

I also hate going to the doctors.:angry:

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8 hours ago, MargieH said:

... or as very acceptable gains for our little feathered friends .

I didn't see the expected influx of Blackbirds, but there was a very interested Robin hopping about last I looked.


I spread all of the compost on the borders.  It covered maybe 1/4.. but the most needy section.


Unfortunately, by the time that was done I was struggling to walk.  My knees have both been getting progressively worse for the last few days.  The pain is different to what I'm used to with my worn out right knee.  It's in both and seems to be right in the centre of the joint or a bit towards the back of the knee on the right, while the left seems to be central and towards the front.  All I can do is try to find the excercises I was given a year or so back and try them for a few days.  If no help I'll have to self refer to physio again.  I need to walk. It's my main form of exercise.

I'm also really missing being able to go for a swim.


It's being so cheerful as keeps me going...;)

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You take care Col. Don't overdo any exercise and make sure you get some rest. Thinking of you. B.

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Thanks BK, you are a true Gent.

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Talking of medical symptoms my son shocked us this morning on his Skype call .

Said he ended up last night in hospital after brushing his teeth !


They don't normally use it but his wife bought some Oral B Whitening toothpaste that he used before going to bed . Lying in bed his mouth started to tingle and his tongue began to swell up . So much so , panic set in and his wife rang paramedics . They advised he see a doctor but there would be a charge of 100s of euros if he went to hospital in an ambulance ! 
(he lives in Holland) so a neighbour took him .


Luckily , whilst waiting to see a doc , his symptoms gradually diminished and he was sent home with no medication . Oral B binned .


Apparently it's not unknown with this type of toothpaste

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22 hours ago, DJ360 said:

mostly if I've been silly with the fry ups.

Talking of fry ups I was preparing my weekend bacon, eggs tomatoes, hash browns and baked beans to be eaten outside on the patio on a beautiful Autumn morning. I looked at the label printed on the wrapping of the bacon "Made from 94% Australian Content". This is good as we like to use local produce but it did make me wonder what could make up the other 6% and where did it come from?

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13 minutes ago, DAVIDW said:

Talking of medical symptoms my son shocked us this morning on his Skype call .

Said he ended up last night in hospital after brushing his teeth !


Interesting!  I use an Oral B toothbrush.. but my toothpaste is always Sensodyne.  It has kept me pain free since my Dentist refused to see me at the beginning of lockdown .. because I was over 70.

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DAVIDW     it sounds like your son had a allergic reaction to this toothpaste, you can get a  allergic reaction to lots of things even if you have been useing it for a long time.   Gertie my mother in law lost her sense of smell, and while cleaning her oven with spray inhaled some of the cleaning product, well what a mess her face was in, you could not see her eyes her face was that swollen, 999 was called and straight to hospltal.    In hairdressing a lot of people have there hair tinted (dye)  in a permanent colour it will normaly contain Para  some people are allergic to this and you should do a patch/skin test before  any colour hias been put on the scalp. This is not just a new cutomer as even if you have had your hair tinted in the past, you can still get an allergy reaction.   Belive or not this allergic reaction can be life threatening.    

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Thanks Mary , yes it would appear it was an allergic reaction but it upset his 10 year old daughter seeing her dad unable to speak properly and in a panicky state.

Don't they use peroxide in these whitening toothpastes ?


The one he used was called Oral B 3D Whitening Toothpaste

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