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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Aaahh. At first I thought you meant mine.. which were certainly the result of a very different motivation to Payot...


Then I realised you mean the curly thing on the right alongside Kev's face.  Thats the coiled cord of the 'rise and fall' lamp, just below shot.. which I finally realised was the source of the Caravaggio lighting..

As I recall those rise and fall things were quite fab and trendy in the 1970s....:victory:

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What a day. Trying to put up some screen fencing between us and next door. They have a 3 legged alsation and we have 4 small dogs including my daughters dog we look after when shes working. When all dogs are out usually they dont pay much attention to each other and at other times one starts barking and comes up close to the wall, then the others this side dont like it and start barking. One in particular goes hysterical and she carries on for a while then suddenley stops. So this screen is ideal so we'll see if it works. Its been hard because its so windy, anyway half is up and now we're waiting for the other pack to arrive. Dont think it will be enough though. This side is 17 metres long, hope the next lot is easier to do.

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'Er indoors and meself have just got back from getting our 2nd jabs of Appletizer. Not one cuppa tea anywhere. Bloody staff got one from some trolley dolly with a tray. Never even stopped at me.

All as efficient as ever. Doc said which arm? I said, that nurses right arm. Didn't work. All my sincere thanks to NHS.

They did say, "see you in september" ?

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It’s people over 70  who will be getting a booster in the autumn. I had the Pfizer jab, presume it will be a Pfizer booster then? Don’t really like the idea of mixing jabs from different manufacturers so close together. 

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7 hours ago, Stavertongirl said:

It’s people over 70  who will be getting a booster in the autumn. I had the Pfizer jab, presume it will be a Pfizer booster then? Don’t really like the idea of mixing jabs from different manufacturers so close together. 


As I understand it.. the various jab manufacturers are looking at how mixing vaccines might work.. and also looking at the need for 'booster' jabs.

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Today was good.. and a learning experience.


I went over to my older daughter's to pick up some redundant paving slabs and my younger daughter who lives close by had insisted on fielding her partner to help me. 

As I arrived at older daughter's.. I saw younger daughter's partner just casually pick up a 2'x2' paving slab and chuck it in the back of his car.. He's a strong young lad whose Dad runs construction work in St Vincent. (Caribbean) Also ex British Army (Afghanistan)  He filled his car. then mine..


When we both arrived at my house.... I produced a sack barrow.. but Nash just picked up each paving flag in turn from both cars and put them neatly in my garden.  I just know I could have moved them.. but I'd have had to 'walk' them... slowly.

I think I finally realised that my days of being 'macho' are over.

Nash.. who is  brought up very Caribbean Christian just said.  'Col..all things move in seasons...  This is your season to rest." I churned inside and barely avoided 'cracking up'. 

I'll take him as the father of my next Grandchild.

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Col, Nash sounds a lovely man.   I know it’s difficult to accept that our bodies aren’t as strong as they used to be, but I think his words ring true..... although you shouldn’t just rest in your armchair all day (I’m sure there’s no chance of that happening!).   
Not to do with strength necessarily, but we have ‘bitten the bullet’ and appointed our two sons as Powers of Attorney for us.  It’s made me feel safe - don’t know why I chose that word - but it does.  Meanwhile we just carry on as usual....

(of course, we are older than most people on here)

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I was fretting today about exercise.  Walking is not fun at the moment due to my knees semingly having decided to give up. They are painful at rest...never mind walking.


 I posted this a few years ago. I'm afraid I don't look anything like this young probably not suitable for filming.. but ..since I can't walk very well at the moment, and local swimming pools are still closed.. I have been seriously wondering if I should try wild swimming. I'd obviously need to get acclimatised.. and with ticker trouble I suppose I'd need some advice first and probably a new wetsuit.. at least to start... There are some decent stretches of water locally.

I still recall swimming across an underground lake in Aygill Caverns, Yorks. I was wearing a wetsuit.. boots, belt, helmet, miner's type lamp with battery pack, etc.. I'm not a particularly strong swimmer, but I was reassured by the bouyancy of my wetsuit. Swimming in near darkness in that almost totally alien environment was an experience I'll never forget. Very different.. but I can totally understand what Natasha gets out of being in the water.



Just click on Watch on Youtube.

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Can't watch DJ, not without verifying my age, either with credit card details or ID. So I'll have to rely on your description. Ain't no way José am I giving YT my details.

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@BeekayI just clicked on ‘watch on YouTube’ and didn’t have to put any of my details in!


@Jill Sparrow Re our second jabs ... all we got this time was a headache for a few hours and not even a sore arm.  
Our 53 year old son had his first AZ jab on Sunday morning and felt nothing until he went to bed.  Apparently he then had a horrible night with a bad headache and sweating and felt very rough in the morning.  He dosed up with painkillers, went to work and felt better by lunchtime.


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11 minutes ago, MargieH said:

@BeekayI just clicked on ‘watch on YouTube’ and didn’t have to put any of my details in!


I wonder why Youtube is different for you Margie !     I also clicked on  'Watch on Youtube' and it asked me to provide ID. That surprised me because I'm permanently logged in to Youtube via Google.

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If I recall, I had to sign in to YouTube to view it and copy the link.  That's just my email address and my Google password.  Definitely no need to provide anything more sensitive than that.

For those who can't view it.  It is a short award winning film from 2015, called bluehue.

The maker.. a young lady artist called Natasha Brooks explains that she loves wild swimming in Welsh mountain lakes and has done so, all year round, since she was a child and always will. She explains the appeal of being in the water and the positives she gets from it.  She swims naked. But for those of a sensitive disposition.. it is very tastefully filmed.

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But Margie, apart from your very astute observation about her lack of a wetsuit.. what did you think of the film?

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