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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I can beat that ! When travelling through Switzerland about 4 years ago, we stopped in a service area and to use the conveniences cost the equivalent of a quid. Mind you, your are issued with a pass card that you can use anytime. I made do with the bus toilet.

Hey Arnold, keep those kids away from my candy floss !

And tell RadfordDee, "where's me WhatsApp postcard?

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My days recently have not been to good , my shoulder is still giving me grief . Yesterday shakes from my shoulder and spilt my coffee , besides being rather hot on a delicate part of my body it covered my sound bar remote control. I have tried all ways to dry it out , the remote control, with no luck, so I have just ordered a new one £25 ,well thats sorted but the other injury is still trouble some.  I keep telling myself tomorrow will be better, I hope.

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Sorry to hear that Trogg and hope things improve soon.


I'm glad to report that my new knee is generally less painful and I'm managing to get it to bend better, but there is still a tendon catching when I walk which is limiting my progress and I'm losing patience with all of the 'practitioners' who don't seem to want to acknowledge the fact.


More of a downer at present is that both me and Mrs Col have this bug. It's not testing as Covid. I might be over the worse after six days of nose and chest congestion and feeling pretty dire  but Mrs Col just isn't getting better after two weeks. She can't get a Doc's appointment because she's still registered with the local practice which had gone rubbish way before the pandemic and is now basically a basket case.

May have to take her to the Walk In Centre for a ten hour wait if things get any worse.

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1 hour ago, trogg said:

 I keep telling myself tomorrow will be better, I hope.


I've spent a large part of my life working on that principle, and so far it's turned out ok.


Don't let the world get you down, even when it seems to be picking on you.  Look on the bright side and remind yourself you're still able to post on here and get reactions.

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Clff Ton I always worked on that principle myself but the last year has not been too good. One thing after another breaking and other silly things going wrong, besides my health , but life seems to be testing me lately.  As a friend said to me if I did not have bad luck I would not have any luck at all. But today is sunny and I am just about to go for a coffee in Hucknall and sit outside and watch the world go by and people watch, life is great, I think.

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Well done Trogg...ive just done the same in Bulwell.....there are times when you go thru a dark worst was 4 years ago this week....

Voice gone...speak with an Aid..

Silent sneezes

Silent laughter

Difficulty swallowing

now a neck breather...

Cant Blow...

Cant sing...

Cant whisper...sweet nothings.

And lots of other little niggles...............but ey..i'm still here and have a laugh and a dance most

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I spent yesterday doing my buggy driving up at Sheffield Park and it was total bedlam, with wall to wall cars and customers. The sun was shining and people were out with their families and cameras in pockets. Was busy all day doing my shuttle service to wherever folks wanted to go and back again if needed. Met lots of folks, who were appreciative of what we were trying to do. Nobody complained about having to queue to get in. We got to the stage of one out, one in, Carried lots of 'less abled' and said to them, if they needed a lift anywhere, just ask any staff member with a radio to give a call for Barrie' and I'd come and pick them up. Kids love to ride on the buggy with parents, so there plenty of banter. Took 'er indoors with me as she panics a bit if left on her own, so I told my passengers that she was the courier. When we got home, we were both knackered, but agreed, we'd had a bloody good day ! To echo what Trogg said, "Life ain't so bad after all".

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I’m joining the ranks of pains today. Woke up with a very creaky neck. I do have problems like that but after a while it passes but not today. I’ve already had 2 doses of paracetamol. Think it might be the weather ,after all the hot humid weather it is now raining, very very slowly. Why doesn’t it get a kick up the backside and really do what it should do.

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56 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

4 years ago this week..

Wow has the time flown, I can remember having a coffee ( and a cigarette or two) with you just before your op. With your character you do not let any body know you are feeling down, after all we are Bestwood boys. I still owe you for that coffee we will have to meet up some time, keep chatting with the ladies.

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13 minutes ago, RadFordee said:

@Beekaybig thumbs up to you bk,

if there were more folk as kind & selfless as you are the world would be a much nicer place to live insmile2.

Aww, thank you kindly fair Maiden. You're only saying that cos I know your dad ! Very best wishes to you and yours.

(I'll  let you into a secret. I only do it because it's the nearest thing to being on the buses :rolleyes:).

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I've just put another couple of punnets of cherry toms on the front step for the neighbours to collect. They seem to like them.

Took a stroll to the little stream at the bottom of the street.  It is as low as I've ever seen..... barely a trickle.

And we don't have a hosepipe ban here.

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My 18 y/o 'fishing waggon' goes in for repairs today. Suspension and exhaust. The exhaust had split in half and it transpires that everyone in the village knew about it but me :rolleyes: 

Can't see the point in getting a newer car - this old Xtrail does everything I need. 

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Nowt wrong with keeping an older car running for years, as long as it's well maintained.  I place emphasis on tyres, brakes, steering and lights.

I change my tyres well before they get to the unusable stage, I do like to be able to control the truck in foul weather. Brakes? I do my own, always have done. I keep an eye on all the  rubber boots, cheaper to replace one thats getting hard, than a CV joint failing, shocks are important too, weak ones can cause handling problems.

Most things on cars and pickups are easy to do, like taking up wear on front wheel bearings, it's not hard to replace ball joints either.  Mines a 2011 full sized pickup and I'm almost ready for an oil change and grease job.

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Sixes and sevens this morning. Seven days in Sorrento only enough to catch Pompeii and Capri. Notice that they do Vesuvius e-bike tours. Under serious consideration.

Nonna, I now know why you enthuse about the lifestyle! Small hotel in a sidestreet in St.Agnello. First thing in the morning a guy in a tiny three wheeler delivering fresh stuff to the hotel and residents. They don't put up with the rubbish our supermarkets fob us off with (with a few exceptions)

came back with a 1.2 kg bag of coffee beens, so time to try some and get back on the bike.

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Thats the way of life here, its much different.Home deliveries like that are more common in the south when people on the top floor of apartments lower down a basket on the end of a rope to collect their food. Quaint. Italians are very passionate about their food and you'll hear even a group of men talking about it and even argue about how it should be cooked.

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Sat,,1st September 1973...City Hospital......I.30 PM..

You can't go now..your wife is having a baby..

But ive got all the Kit and balls...and we kick off in an hour...ta ra duck see you about 5....

Went to Bagnall road football ground played (i think) Awsworth United...we won 2-0.....and i scored...

5 ish back at City Hospital...and within 10 minutes the wife gave birth to my beautiful boy..

So ive just text him happy 49th birthday... he's in York today....certainly a day to remember.....:)


Edit......well i didnt score that often........

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Have to honestly say my day is not great. Mrs Col is still no better since she caught what seems to be a 'Supercold' at least 2 weeks ago. Youngest daughter and her baby had it over three weeks ago and daughter still has lingering symptoms. I've had it about 8 days and though it isn't wiping me out quite so badly  it's showing no signs of letting up. It seems to go away for a few hours and then comes back with a vengeance. Blocked/ runny nose, aches, fluish feelings, exhaustion, chesty cough and more green phlegm from chest and nose than you would believe.

At least Mrs Col has an appt. with a nurse practitioner tomorrow.

There's a lot about this online and it looks like 3 weeks is a minimum to  shift it. :(

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