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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Had a lovely day on the coast.  It was the first of 4 days of the Bournemouth Air Festival, the first time we’ve been here for the annual event.  We didn’t go into Bournemouth but watched as much as we could from our terrace a couple of miles away.   The Battle of Britain Memorial flight of Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire flew right over us on the way to Bournemouth, there was a Typhoon hairing around the skies and the Red Arrows spent about half an hour here. I kept thinking they’d finished their display and then they appeared again.  One of the Red Arrows planes went missing after a few minutes and I’ve read this evening that he had engine problems so went back into Bournemouth Airport.  They’re here for the remaining 3 days of the Festival, a shame the weather is not so good after tomorrow but it won’t worry us, we’re heading back to Nottingham tomorrow.  

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Ben - when our son was being born in Peel St., I was in the Eye Infirmary, where I had been for several weeks. Mrs PP brought our newborn son to show me. A nurse lifted the eye pad from the eye that had partial vision (the other one had gone) and I was able to make out my son's nose when he was held close to me. I was planning on how to qualify as a physio - the visiting physio was blind, so I knew that it could be done. I had been made redundant the day after hospital admission, so needed a new job anyway.

How things changed for the better is nothing short of a miracle.  Our son is now a 57 y/o science teacher and we are very proud of him.

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PP's story reminded me of my mother's cousin, Donald Baker, who retrained as a physio after he was blinded during army service during WW2. He spent some time at St Dunstan's,where he learned to cope with total blindness and, eventually, had a private physiotherapy practice in Rhyll.  Sadly,I  never met him but my mother recalled meeting with him and his parents for a meal at the Elizabethan Rooms (Greater Nottingham Co-op) and watching in amazement as he ate his meal and located everything on the table as easily as a sighted person. St Dunstan's clearly did a wonderful job!

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1 hour ago, PeverilPeril said:

Just logging off for a week. Leave for the Assynt region in the Highlands at 05.30 tomorrow. No reception or wifi in our remote location. The trout love remote places :)

Never been there but apparently a good caving region. Given your penchant for adventure and physical challenge...:)

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Thank you Nonna and all for the birthday messages!  Had a fairly quiet day but went out for dinner this evening with friends.  Took things steady because tomorrow we’re off to a Charity ‘do’ at Edingly, which is an annual event raising money for injured military veterans. At 12.38 the last surviving UK Lancaster bomber will be flying over the event, the Nottstalgians residing in the Trent Valley may get a glimpse  It will be 8 hours of food, drink and entertainment so decided to get a driver to take us there and back so as not to risk the driving licence!! 

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