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The quietest Christmas Day we’ve had for thirty years. No family visiting, and our daughter and her boyfriend spent the day at his parents.


Just me and the wife at the table for lunch, so instead of hours of preparing a big meal, it was just ribeye steak, chips and peas, with pepper sauce. Excellent! No leftovers, no waste, minimal washing up.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Went to church today. Joined my wife for a walk as she went to lock up the building. First time I’ve been in since we got married. Stood in the pulpit and tried to read a lesson but was told to stop messing about! She wouldn’t let me sign the visitors book for fear of what I might write. That’s my religious bit done for this Christmas.

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It’s a small craft brewery just off the A1 at Cromwell, Notts. They do have a bar so you can drink the draft and a different food van rolls up most evenings. Our daughter lives in a nearby village so we often drop by. They produce a wide range of beers, although I prefer the old days when it was only mild or bitter. There’s so many small craft breweries now, I don’t know how they manage to survive. There’s no romance in the brewing of beer nowadays. It’s all done in stainless steel vessels so breweries are more like chemical factories. I remember the old days when they used wooden vats and burly men in leather aprons stirred the mixture with wooden paddles. My old accountancy firm did the audits at both Shipstone’s and Home Brewery so I’ve seen traditional beer making close up. At 11 o’clock every morning a case of ale was brought in for the accountants to sample. 
Those were the days!

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On 12/25/2022 at 6:04 PM, plantfit said:

doubt it mate, they've taken over the place, one couple walking towards us with the sweetest and smallest dog I have ever seen, I bent down to stroke the little chap and was told very abruptly (in an eastern european accent) do not touch my dog, not to worry eh



There have been dogs being forcibly taken from owners since prices rocketed during covoid. Although prices have dropped and it is no longer in the news I must admit I would have the same reaction to a stranger approaching my dog and you would get the same reaction (but in a Nottingham accent). 

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I reckon it will be OK to get back to a bit of spannering today. Nice to have a break and see friends and family but I miss my  garage with its smells and lack of comforts. I also miss not being able to bawl at the nonsense transmitted by some radio stations.


Not sure about the DJ posting and would agree with RR that as intersting as it may be I am not downloading stuff without some secure understanding of what it is and what it might do.

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Red and Siddha. It's a harmless link to a picture.  Where's your sense of adventure!!??:laugh:

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37 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Red and Siddha. It's a harmless link to a picture.  Where's your sense of adventure!!??:laugh:

Well DJ the adventurous spirit I have left tends to be exercised in tangible areas where I am making the judgements about risk.

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What a wonderful day ! The sun is shining and clear blue skies. Still feeling like crap, but hey oh ! God's in his heaven and we're here watching Robin Hood nearly get hanged in Nottingham Square.

(Errol Flynn1939). Think I might nip into lewes to watch the traffic lights change.

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There's another one underneath BK.

I think they are hilarious.

Hope you feel better soon.

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15 hours ago, Stavertongirl said:

There have been dogs being forcibly taken from owners since prices rocketed during covoid. Although prices have dropped and it is no longer in the news I must admit I would have the same reaction to a stranger approaching my dog and you would get the same reaction (but in a Nottingham accent). 

Of course I never thought of that, a young couple with a dog no bigger than a rat being approached by an elderly couple with the intent of saying hello to the little fella, what a strange world we are living in

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