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Sorry to read this about your husband Lizzie and I wish him well but I can't help wondering why you seem to have no faith in "The GUY" at the QMC but you do in" The CARDIOLOGIST" in Harley street who probably received the same training as each other at medical school and for all intents and purposes share the same medical notes on your husband via a computer,



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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Oh Dear Lizzie.........sad to hear about your 'Hubby's'' problems.....will be thinking about you...and wish him a quick recovery........x

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Lizzie I feel for you !!! but you are strong so he will have a lot of help. I do hope your hubbie is OK  Please keep us posted as when we all are at the meetups we are just like a large family your problem /Illness/anything  is our problem  we are all thinking about you.

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Lizzie I’ve just opened NS and saw about your husband. It’s very worrying and I hope that everything is going to work out. Strange how things work out . You decided to go home so it’s probably the best thing you could have done to be in a place you knew well and didn’t have to start looking where and how to go. But I’m thinking of you and hope things go well. I’ll try and ring you later. ❤️

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@LizzieMSorry to read about all the worry you’ve been going through.  I hope all the problems will soon be completely resolved.  As nonna said, it’s good that you are now home in  Nottingham.  We will be thinking of you both x

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I've only met Mr Lizzie once, a few weeks ago, but I'm sending him my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Something similar happened to a cousin of mine some years back. It was very frightening at the time but she's fine now. Try not to worry, Lizzie.  Thinking of you both.

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Sorry to hear of your Problems Lizzie hope the situation is resolved soon . I have only had the pleasure to meet your hubby once and he was a great guy and very interesting to talk to. I will be thinking of you both in this troubling time. 


I know what you mean about the A and E department so over crowded, busy and noisy you feel better when you leave the place. Love and chips to you both.

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Dear Lizzie, so sorry to hear about your hubby who we all met at the last reunion. Hope the medics can come up with a solution. Scary times for you both though. Take care petal.

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Pleased I got the strimmer work done first thing because it's been raining non stop now for two hours, the front and side gardens have flooded




should do the plantlife  good though, it was needed as all the gardeners are saying



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9 minutes ago, Beekay said:

That must be a good strimmer Rog., if it can turn your grass to gravel.   slywink

Kawasaki engine, don't take no prisoners mate, really good strimmer I think it was sold under the Ryobi banner but the engine is Kawasaki, very high revving, the strimmer line I use has a pentagon profile end on in effect giving five cutting edges, always wear eye protection and wellies and to support it I wear the harness, 



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We had our 'gardeners' in yesterday and one of em came round to our back to strim the grass bank. Fag hanging out his mouth, no gloves, no visor or goggles and to top it all he had open toed sandals without socks. And they call themselves professionals. 

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I'm not a professional but I'm safety aware, I wore my wellies this morning but with I had changed the shorts for trousers because after strimming the field edge all the nettle bits thrown up by the strimmer have nettled the backs of my legs (so not that safety aware then, note to self, cover your legs next time)



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Off to Louth in a bit, taking Mrs P for some eye examinations prior to her cataract removal next week, we spent just over three hours at the Lincoln County Hospital last Tuesday having checks then a phone consultation yesterday for an hour, hopefully she can have them sorted now



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Trouble here is when Mrs P's eyes are all sorted and she can see much better she will be able to see all the cycles in me sheds



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Thanks all for your good wishes, it means a lot to me that this group of friends are so thoughtful and caring.

In response to the comment made by @plantfit my husband had a TIA about 20 years ago, brought on by AF.  His Cardiologist where we lived at the time referred him to Dr WYN Davies at the Harley Street Clinic, a very well-respected Cardiologist whose list of patients reads like a Who’s Who of politics, sport and entertainment.  It took 4 ablation procedures, spread over a year or two I seem to recall, to cure the AF but he was eventually mended.  But a few weeks ago AF was again picked up at his Annual Health check at our surgery.  It was because of this observation that the GP booked an echo-cardio gram, which was finally carried out last Saturday, a few days after the first signs of this stroke episode.  Believe me @Plantfit, I didn’t intend to sound disrespectful to THE GUY at QMC as you obviously think!!! 

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

A friend of mine, aged 90, had a cataract treated a couple of weeks ago and his vision in that eye is now perfect. He’s having the other done shortly. He’s just bought an MX5 sports car!

I've been advised  by my optician that my right eye needs a cataract removal, but to be honest, I'm terrified at the thought of it so I said I would think about it. But I have to admit I'm no further.

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Beekay, my mother-in-law would admit she was the biggest coward when it came to anything medical. She was told she needed cataracts removed. She actually went private as the thought of thinking about the procedure for 6 months was too much. She had them done and said afterwards, piece of cake! 

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Barrie, mrs P is also terrified, Boots opticians sent her to Newark earlier this year to get them sorted and after spending a few hours in the clinic having various eye tests and being taken to the operating theatre so she could have a look at the place she decided she didn't want to go through with the procedure, now she has to have her eyes done because they are getting worse, I know she should have had them sorted when she was at Newark but fear is a powerful thing, anyway hopefully all will be sorted soon, don't delay Barrie and put your fears behind you




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My sister, who lives in Staffordshire, had cataracts removed from both eyes over a period of ten weeks (December/February 2022/3) via Spamedica: apparently, a clinic chain to whom opticians refer patients without their need to see a GP or a hospital ophthalmologist.  She was found to have Fuch's Disease (a corneal degenerative condition) in one eye but they went ahead with the cataract surgery anyway. Initially, her sight was brilliant but, within weeks, something was clearly wrong. Years ago, my mother underwent cataract surgery over a period of two years and, as with my sister, her sight was brilliant for around a year but then began to decline due to the development of a film over both eyes which was removed by laser. I'm not sure whether this is what has happened to my sister but, if so, it has occurred very rapidly which makes me suspicious.


Spamedica has some rave reviews on the net but, cynic that I am, I don't believe all I read. I do wonder whether they have done the job properly and whether they should have touched the Fuch's affected eye at all.  I would much rather be dealt with in a proper hospital ophthalmology department it's me and I'm the world's worst coward, I'd rather have a guide dog!


My sincere hopes that Mrs Plantfit will sail through the op with all the benefits it should bring. Beekay, if you're vying to be the biggest medical coward on Nottstalgia...the position is already taken :rolleyes:

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Tina had her right eye cataract removed by Spamedica and we have nothing but high praise for them. At the last eye test she was advised to think about having the left eye done. She said only if she could go back to the same place. They are a specialised opthalmic clinic. The service was brilliant and in each room we went in there was a tea/coffee machine as well as biscuits, we were told to help ourselves as and when we wanted them.

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