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At midday more or less we in Piemonte received an alert message . Only a notice about an early warning system that is now in use. Our phones rang a strange sound and this notice appeared. In view of all the disasters in the world in case we have any imminent dangers all phones will be alerted as long as info has been given by going online to compile a questionnaire. In view of  everything that is happening I think it’s a good thing. 
We are getting concerned about all the immigration boats coming in to Lampedusa. It’s only a small island and up to now immigrants have been welcomed with open arms but now it’s getting too much. The other day there were 6000 immigrants plus odd small boats with 100 Persons  on board. Yesterday the new immigrants and the ones that have been there a while were fighting. There is only a certain amount of things that the island can do but those people coming in expect to be housed immediately.  France and Germany won’t accept anyone so where do they all go? It’s heartbreaking to see them getting off the boats. They are overcrowded with men, woman and children including pregnant women and small babies. One of which fell into the water and drowned. It takes a whole lot of courage to set out on a voyage such as this but when they arrive they expect to be fed and housed. How can a small island do all this. The Italian govt is trying to stop this or at least find a solution.  One immigrant gave an interview and told of his experience. He wasn’t allowed to take anything with him and was forbidden to board if had eaten in the last 24 hours. They are packed like sardines into boats that aren’t really sea worthy and many have lost their lives. The boat owners come and go and the poor people who are expecting a better life paying up to 3000$ + come to be joined by others who all expect better things but unfortunately it’s not all roses when the land.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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3 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

Another universal law of junk concerns items which you have lying around for many years and never use.


Eventually you admit it's useless rubbish and you finally get rid of it.


Within a week, you'll have found a use for it and wish you'd kept it.


Which is the third universal  law.


The fourth law states : That which is disposed of  and subject the the third law will be manufactured from unobtainium and therefore irreplaceable.

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I was always impressed by the effectiveness of the screen wash pump on one of many Simca 1100s I had in the 70s. I kept one on a shelf and last year, it finally came in useful for pumping out excess oil from my daughter's car. I keep forgetting to flush it clean with some solvent or other, then just detergent, so it can go back on the shelf for another 40+ years...

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Presently sitting in 'pre- op assessment' at Wrightington Hospital..again..waiting to see an Anaesthetist..


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Not really Marg. 


First time round I was quite happy with being 'zonked out' on some heavy duty Benzodiazepines.  First my own supply of Diazepam to get me through the door, then the Midazolam kindly administered by the Anaesthetist, which kept me blissfully unaware for most of the procedure and pretty indifferent to the bits I did wake up for.


Anaesthetist I saw today was of the opinion that we should 'keep it simple' again.


Incidentally, he was of the opinion that 'We don't have you down as in Heart Failure'. I told him I have few symptoms, but that my own Cardiologist thinks that an EF of 35-40% along with the rest of the damage, warrants close monitoring by his HF Team.  And who am I to argue?


I mean... when do I ever argue? :rolleyes:

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On 9/14/2023 at 12:34 PM, nonnaB said:

We are getting concerned about all the immigration boats coming in to Lampedusa. It’s only a small island and up to now immigrants have been welcomed with open arms but now it’s getting too much. The other day there were 6000 immigrants plus odd small boats with 100 Persons  on board.


I thought that name rang a bell. The story featured on BBC News website.

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On 9/10/2023 at 9:14 AM, DJ360 said:

Regarding the Emett Clock.. Did the relevant 'authorities' ever provide an explanation as to why it was moved from its popular 'Prime' position?


Whenever I do my 'illustrated talk' about the clock and my interventions ending with "any questions?", the "Why was it moved?" usually features.  I agree with the sentiment that it should have been left where it was, adding that I don't know why it was moved (and was not party to the decision) but suspect it was commercially driven to increase footfall at the upper north end to get kids to notice shops like 'Build a Bear' and the Disney store.

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Back from just over a week in Edinburgh so had the grass to cut and the bit of the field I strimmer, shopping done early this morning time for a sit down, catch up on emails and websites and just chill out, I notice quite a few words in that statement that either wasn't around when I was younger (chill out, emails, websites, strimmer) another sign of getting old



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Never mind, Old Father Time. Just sit back in yer rocking chair on t'owd front porch and chew the fat and think on times past. "It were never like that, when I were a lad".

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50 minutes ago, plantfit said:

notice quite a few words in that statement that either wasn't around when I was younger (chill out, emails, websites, strimmer) another sign of getting old

That's ok. Beekay was around so you're not all that old! :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, plantfit said:

 I notice quite a few words in that statement that either wasn't around when I was younger (chill out, emails, websites, strimmer) another sign of getting old


At least you know what those words mean, and you can use them in a sentence.


The time to be worried is when you think you're reading a foreign language.

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On a similar vain, I nipped into town today, not something I’d normally do on a Saturday afternoon but I was astounded to just look around at other shoppers.  It was like being in Beijing or Tokyo.  Ok we’ve got 73,000 students in Nottingham now (so I’ve been told) but it strikes me that many thousands of those are from the Far East.  Pretty obvious where the money is!  

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14 hours ago, LizzieM said:

Pretty obvious where the money is!  

Fees for a foreign student at Nottingham Trent for a three year degree is £50,000 plus materials, living expenses and accommodation.

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My near neighbour, across the road, is Chinese.

He came to Nottingham Uni 30 years ago and stayed.

His Mother came over to visit for the first time a few years ago (pre Covid) and after she'd been around the City for the first time on her own while he was at work, she came back and said,, Where have  all the locals gone.
He laughed and so did I when he told me.

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Same here . We live in a village of 3700 inhabitants some of which are Macedonian, Albanian, Chinese ,Tunisian , Maroccan, a few Russian, Us, in addition Norwegian, French,American,  German and other Europeans that have bought summer residencies in and around the village. How they found us is a mystery. It is a very pretty village though and we have the honour of having vineyards producing D.O.C wines, Hazelnuts that are used to make chocolates for Ferrero in Alba. There, could be the reason, but considering the unrest in the world it could be the nearest port in a storm. They have all integrated well into village life.

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@nonnaBIn our similar size village, we too have several families from other countries who all are well integrated into village life.  There are Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Lithuanian and Romanian families that I know of and there may be several more that I haven’t come across yet.  There are also lots of South African families in this and surrounding villages.

People are just people, with the same worries and joys as everyone else…..

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'Hows my day'.? Well, a bit embarrassing really. Been working up at Sheffield park and been pretty busy, shunting the lovely visitors around when about 12.15, Oh Calamity ! A wheel fell off my buggy. Fortunately no passengers aboard at the time. But alas, when I radioed into reception entrance to report the mishap, unknown to me it was full of punters. To my eternal shame, when I walked in some 'erbert started singing, 'Three wheels on my wagon' plus a round of applause. Still at least I had an early dinner.

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

People seem to turn up here and hook into our welfare systems without having made any contribution. I doubt we’d receive the same hospitality if we moved to their countries.

The people on our village from other countries whom  I know include a lawyer, an electrician, a university lecturer, a couple of dentists, several NHS occupation therapists and physiotherapists, an office administrator and a painter and decorator.  I think they a certainly contributing now.  Ooh, I forgot the Chinese  chip shop owner, an Indian couple (both working - one for the NHS, and two Hungarian families, both in full time work.

As I said, people are people and it doesn’t matter to me where they were born.  It makes for a richer culture than just having a white British population.

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9 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

People seem to turn up here and hook into our welfare systems without having made any contribution. I doubt we’d receive the same hospitality if we moved to their countries.

That fine. As long as they are making a contribution to our society and not taking jobs from the indigenous population I have no problem with that. 


Statements sailing very close to the shores of bigotry. All you need now is to mention gays, trans, black, brown and you'll have a full set!

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