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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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@mary1947.......Have lovely evening mi Duck......

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Very happy birthday to you Mary, hope you’ve treated yourself to some winning lottery tickets today!

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The last few weeks of foul weather as prohibited me from venturing out on me bike....

However that clear blue sky this morning tempted into a quick spurt....but for only a mile or so........but it was hard work due to the cold and the effect it has on my condition.......anyway i managed what i set out to do...and now feel so much better for it........roll on Spring.........

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Thanks for all Birthday wishers     been out for a meal with family, had a good day.

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Just been looking at some Youtube footage of the flooding in and around Notts. Did,nt realise it was so bad. The footage was around Dunham bridge and Girton and it looks absolutely terrible. Don,t know how close some of you guys are to that area but if you are, then my thoughts are with you and hope you are safe. One section showed the A57 head towards Dunham toll bridge and apparently 3 lads decided to ignore all the police stop signs and road closed etc and drove on. The roof of their car can just be seen above the water. The lads were all rescued, the silly buggers must have thought they were invincible. Any road take care all of you in that neck of the woods.

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That part of the Trent, below Cromwell Lock, is tidal so the natural flow is restricted due to the state of the tide and the waters spill over the fields. It’s pretty bad around Torksey where the Fossdyke Canal from Lincoln runs into the Trent. Around here the waters have subsided overnight and the roads are now passable. Gunthorpe bridge road is open but, according to AA Roadwatch, the A617 Kelham/Newark Rd. Is still closed. 

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Beekay. Here, if you drive around a barrier at a flooded wash, and you have to be rescued. You have to pay for that rescue. It's called The Stupid Motorist Law.  There is talk of also having a Stupid Hiker Law, lots of folks hike mountains in the height of summer, with little water, and have to be rescued by emergency services.

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Went over Gunthorpe bridge yesterday. Traffic lights as one lane is closed where they’re pumping out some flooded houses. Long queues but Kelham is closed so it’s back to Trent bridge to avoid Gunthorpe.

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Saddened to hear Raleigh are closing their site at Eastwood. No manufacturing there and mainly used for the assembly of bikes made in the far east and warehousing but it marks the end of well over 100 years of  Raleigh’s presence in the city. Major employers over the years with as many as 8000 local workers in their heyday and known throughout the world. My first job was in the design office where I spent 3 1/2 wonderful years working with some lovely people. The parent company say they are relocating but will retain an office in the city.

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Poor management yet again letsavagoo just like it was in the late 90's early 2000's, buying frames and forks in from the far east at stupid cheap prices but never passed the savings onto the customer, just pure greed and poor management



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I feel for those who have been affected by the floods and hope that the levels drop quickly. It’s frightening where excess water is. Here when it rains heavily it frightens me as the drains block straightaway as there is nowhere else to go. This happened in the summer and there were floods in the centre of the village. In London last week we saw the start of the floods in the underground. The newscaster gave his report saying each station in turn that was closed and find an alternative route then he grinned and wished everyone a very happy new year. Just a bit of fun in a very serious situation . At one point we did see water dripping through the ceiling and bags of sand  everywhere mopping up water. Worrying to say the least considering how deep we were.

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Maybe our island is starting to sink, due to the excess baggage we seem to be accumulating. Just saying. :rolleyes:

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Been accumulating it since the 1950's mate




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The councils used to regularly clean the gulleys but I've not seen them doing that for years. Mind you they used to maintain the roads and fill the potholes. Even the A roads round here are in a serious state. Never mind, when Sir Starmer's in charge it'll all be sorted!

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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

The councils used to regularly clean the gulleys but I've not seen them doing that for years. Mind you they used to maintain the roads and fill the potholes. Even the A roads round here are in a serious state. Never mind, when Sir Starmer's in charge it'll all be sorted!

I think it's fair to say it won't  be any worse.

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Today I reached the summit of mighty Billinge Hill for the first time since my second knee op. It wasn't  without challenge, but the main thing.... no significant knee pain when I'd finished.

Hope this means I can get back to walking decent distances again soon.

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Keep that up Col., and you'll soon be walking to NS meet ups.

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Been away for a few days, down to Poole for 3 nights to check on the place following the storms, thankfully all was fine. Then yesterday we travelled to Hartwell House near Aylesbury for our annual Investment Club Dinner get-together.  This year marks the 25th anniversary of a once a month lunchtime meeting, that my husband has only rarely attended since we moved to Nottingham 19 years ago.  It’s a long way to drive for a lunch and chat and the drive home on the M1 on a Friday afternoon is something he can’t be bothered with these days. We always enjoy getting together with our old friends from down there and last night didn’t disappoint, we were all dressed up, men in dinner jackets and us gals in posh frocks. Age is taking its toll on the men now though, bearing in mind they were all in their 50s when the Club began.  One walked in using a walking stick, another on crutches following a 2nd knee replacement, one is going in hospital this week for a serious back operation and a couple have got the onset of dementia!!  Four members have passed away over the years, and been replaced by slightly younger models.  
This morning we visited a couple we were really close to when we lived down that way.  Surprisingly we haven’t seen them for nearly 20 years and we spent  a lovely couple of hours with them, promising not to leave it so long again, seeing as we’ll all be approaching 100 by then, in fact our kids will be collecting their state pensions in 20 years!! 
I’ve driven 500 miles in the past few days, which is a lot for me now but I’m not tired, I feel like partying some more, where’s Ben?

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That's something which I increasingly find as well. People you know are getting more frail and fragile. Even if you think you're still relatively active and mobile, other people seem to be getting older and slower.

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And another thing CT., the floor seems to be getting further away, the older you get. When I fell out of bed a few weeks ago, it was the Devils own job to get back up onto the bed. My poor old legs simply could not push me up.

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Flooding pretty bad in Leics too, several roads impassable still. 

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Barrie, why did you fall out of bed in the first place ? 

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